can you add honey to chocolate milk

Combine 4 simple ingredients to make lower-sugar homemade Chocolate Milk that’s creamy and so super delicious. Plus: You don’t need any fancy tools to make it!

There’s something so satisfying about a glass of chocolate milk, and while I admit that I totally balked at the idea of giving kids flavored milk when I was a new mom, I’ve since come to realize a few things. Like the fact that some kids like more flavor and dislike plain milk.

And while kids don’t necessarily need to drink milk, it’s a nice option to have since it’s rich in protein, calcium, and Vitamin D. Also, once kids go to school, they will very likely have the option to choose chocolate milk, so I prefer to continue to normalize it (instead of fully restricting it, which can make it more appealing).

I don’t make this type of flavored milk often, but I do it sometimes because my middle kiddo adores it and it’s a fun snack.

Any sweetener is acceptable: honey, sugar, agave syrup, even maple syrup can work. Just remember that each has a different sweetness level. If you like, you can microwave and mix in the same mug—just know that it won’t be very cold when you mix it.
can you add honey to chocolate milk

Best Tips for Success

  • Use honey or agave syrup instead of maple syrup.
  • You can try using less sweetener. I find that this amount works best to balance the cocoa powder, but you may feel differently, so taste and adjust.
  • You can also make this in a blender if you prefer.
  • Make more or less according to your preference.
  • Find more on the Best Milk for Toddlers for help choosing a type.
  • Try my other Flavored Milks, too.

I’d love to hear your feedback if you try this recipe, so please rate and comment below.

can you add honey to chocolate milk

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To make this flavored milk you’ll need the following ingredients.

can you add honey to chocolate milk

  • Milk: You can really use any type you prefer. I usually use whole milk or unsweetened plain nondairy milk such as soy milk, almond milk, or any other plant milk.
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder: Brands such as Hershey’s Special Dark, SACO, or Trader Joe’s store brand have nice flavor.
  • Pure vanilla extract: This adds another flavor element for deliciousness.
  • Maple syrup: Maple syrup blends in easily with the rest of the ingredients. You can also use honey for kids over age 1. Feel free to adjust the sweetness as you like.
  • Dairy-free: Use a favorite nondairy milk.
  • You can use cacao powder if you prefer.
  • Use alcohol-free vanilla if desired.
  • Trade in honey for the maple syrup.

This recipe is so super quick and easy. Here’s the basic method. Scroll down to the recipe to find the full information.

can you add honey to chocolate milk

  • Place the ingredients into a mason jar.
  • Shake well to incorporate the ingredients and remove any lumps from the cocoa powder.
  • Serve. If there are little undissolved bits of cocoa powder, you can strain it through a little fine-mesh strainer.

Sure! Just put a lid on the jar and store it in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Shake or stir it right before serving since some of the cocoa powder will sink to the bottom of the milk.

You can add the ingredients to a blender with a ripe banana to make a really yummy chocolate banana milk.

This chocolate milk recipe has calcium, protein, and vitamin D and has less sugar than store-bought. It’s a great option for a drink or snack.

can you add honey to chocolate milk

You can store in an airtight container for up to 24 hours in the fridge. Shake or stir before serving if the mixture has separated at all.

Milk chocolate with honey| #milkchocolate recipe at home| How to make Milk chocolate |Milk chocolate


Does chocolate and honey go together?

Further, honey is an all-natural sweetener, lending itself as an ingredient that pairs well with chocolate. Overall, honey is a delicious, complex ingredient that provides chocolate confections with balance and an intense depth of flavor, as evidenced by these made-with-honey chocolate products.

Can you mix milk and honey together?

Milk and honey together make for a healthy combination. Milk is a good source of calcium, protein, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients. On the other hand, honey contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This is a go to combination for people who love the sweet taste of honey.

What can I add to chocolate milk to make it taste better?

To enhance the flavor of your chocolate milk, you can add a dash of cinnamon, a sprinkle of nutmeg, or a touch of instant coffee for a hint of mocha flavor.

Is honey chocolate a thing?

Vosges Chocolate’s Raw Honey Cacao Chocolate Bar is made with honey wildflower nectar and cacao. This company was interested in sourcing the Savanah Bee Wildflower Honey due to its flavor. While decadent in flavor, the brand also emphasizes the health benefits of the two ingredient bar.

Is chocolate milk made with cocoa powder & honey healthy?

Chocolate milk made with cocoa powder and honey is so much more less heavy but has an even more rich chocolate flavor because it’s made with real chocolate. healthy – the amount of sugar in store-bought chocolate milk is just nuts! This healthier recipe is made with real cocoa powder and naturally sweetened with honey instead.

Can you put honey in tea?

Yes, honey can be put in tea. Honey is a natural sweetener and can add a delicious flavor to tea. Additionally, honey has some health benefits, such as being an anti-inflammatory and helping to boost the immune system. If you want to add honey to your tea, make sure to get 100% pure, raw honey. Honey mixed with sugar or other sweeteners is not as healthy. If you have diabetes or are watching your sugar intake, speak with your doctor first to see if honey is a good option for you.

Can honey sweetened chocolate be made with honey?

Chocolate made with honey is not only possible, it’s downright easy! Honey sweetened chocolate still has the same sheen and snap of chocolate made with sugar, but you get the benefits of honey instead! With just 4 simple ingredients you will be making your own chocolate at home in just a few minutes!

Does honey make good chocolate?

Oh, and it makes some pretty good chocolate. Recipe note: This makes for a very dark, very rich chocolate. You can always adjust the honey to suit your tastes. Half of this recipe will fix the most stubborn of chocolate cravings (not that I would know anything about that.) Gently melt the butter. Add the raw honey and whisk with a fork.

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