can i use lemon instead of tamarind

Looking for an alternative to Tamarind Paste or Tamarind Puree? You’re in the right place! Keep reading for my favourite simple Tamarind Paste substitutes.

Though not an exact match, lemon and lime juice can approximate the sourness of tamarind when used carefully in recipes. We love this substitute as we always have lemons on hand. Fresh lemon juice is cheap and normally very easy to find, which makes this substitute a winner!
can i use lemon instead of tamarind

The Best Tamarind Paste Substitutes

While I have used tamarind in the past, these days I prefer to keep my pantry more simple so if I’m cooking something that calls for tamarind my first go-to is a squeeze of lime juice. If I want a touch of sweetness as well I add a little honey or maple syrup.

This isn’t an obvious choice, but there are a lot of similarities between the sweet acidity or balsamic and tamarind puree.

Tamarind is one of the ingredients of Worcestershire sauce so this idea isn’t as ‘out there’ as it seems.

With more sweetness than sourness ketchup isn’t an exact match but it will give a lot of the complexity you get from tamarind.

Coconut Aminos are a coconut based version of soy sauce. They are more swwet and salty than tamarind but will be better than nothing.

If you are making a complex curry with lots of other ingredients, you probably aren’t going to miss the tamarind.

What is Tamarind Paste?

Tamarind Paste is a unique sour, slightly sweet pulp made from the seed pods of the tamarind tree. It’s used in Indian, Malaysian, Phillipino, INdonesian and Thai cusisine to provide sourness and freshenss to curries. It’s also used in Mexico and the Middle East.

The ingredients in commercial tamarind paste can include tamarind, water, acidity regulator (330), preservative (211).

Are there any reasonable substitutions for lemon juice?


Can I use lemon juice instead of tamarind?

Dried fruit and lemon juice: Creating a paste with dried fruits (like apricots or prunes) and lemon juice is a good substitute for tamarind paste.

What is a substitute for tamarind?

A popular alternative is to use lime juice (or sometimes white wine or rice vinegar) mixed with an equal quantity of light brown sugar as a substitute for tamarind.

What flavor is tamarind similar to?

What does it taste like? Tamarind has a unique, sweet-sour flavour that makes it popular in sweet and savoury dishes alike. Its flavour has been compared to tangy lemon or lime balanced by sweet caramel notes, or a cross between lemon, apricot and dates.

Can you use lemon juice instead of tamarind?

Yes, you can use lemon juice in place of tamarind, but to add the sweetness, you may want to also use some sugar. Mix lemon or lime juice with a bit of brown sugar to get a closer taste to tamarind. What does tamarind taste like?

Is tamarind a fruit?

Although they say that tamarind is a type of vegetable, given its shape similar to a pod, it is still considered one of the most popular fruits in Brazil. The scientific name of tamarind is Tamarindus indica L. Its botanical genus belongs to the family Fabaceae legumes.

Can I use rice vinegar instead of tamarind?

Use rice vinegar in a simple 1:1 substitution for tamarind paste. If you want to use rice vinegar in larger quantities, use the next substitute. 11. Rice Vinegar + Brown Sugar To replicate the thicker consistency of tamarind, go one extra step with the rice vinegar and add brown sugar.

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