can i take two different protein powders

can i take two different protein powders


It depends on your activity level, your age, your body composition now, and your goals, but…a good range to work with is between .8 and 1.2 grams of protein per day, per lb of your body weight.

One of the easiest ways to eat more protein is by supplementing with protein shakes.

We recommend sticking with Whey Protein Isolate (or a combo of isolate/concentrate) for our dairy-eating friends, or a pea or soy isolate for our veggie protein preferring friends.

We wrote THIS article about what to look for in a protein powder.

Have you ever wondered if it’s “bad” to have multiple shakes per day?

Or maybe if your body can even use a lot of protein all at once, like a double-serving protein shake? Is it even digested?

We’ll always tell you that you should try to get as much of your daily nutrients from, well ya know, FOOD.

But yeah, shakes are great to help supplement your protein, and nothing bad is going to happen if you have more than one in a day.

So proceed with confidence in having more than one shake when needed without any fear of turning into a pumpkin, or accidentally getting a body like Arnold.

One thing to note though…

One of the things about whey is that it digests quickly. So if you put 2 servings in the same shake it might feel like you swallowed a rock. Proceed with caution.

But can you even absorb all of the protein in a super high protein meal or shake?

You better believe you can. Every single gram of that protein will be used for its intended purposes. Eventually.

It’s not optimal by any means, but it’s not a “waste”.

If you want to shoot for “optimal”, try to have 3-5 high-protein meals or snacks with about 25-40g of protein every 3-5 hours.

If that’s not practical for you, always remember that the total amount of protein you get for the whole day is the most important thing.

Don’t get confused by things you see online that try and make it more complicated than it needs to be.

If you’re an average Joe or Jane like us and our clients, you can pretty much crush life just by mastering the basics.

Protein Powder is a Waste of Money (DUMB!)


Can you take 2 different protein powder?

Yes you can. It all depends on whether the shakes fit your macros or not. For example, I take Myfitfuel’s whey protein post workout for the muscle recovery and then take the mass gainer at night before bed for protein synthesis. These two shakes help me explicitly in recovery and muscle improvement.

Can you drink 2 different protein shakes a day?

While many whey proteins and other protein options have plenty of additives, high-quality collagen protein drinks are safe for diabetics. For most people, collagen is safe and effective for daily use – and you can drink two protein shakes in a day with no need to worry about adverse effects.

Can you take two different types of protein?

A protein complex is a combination of different protein types that have different digestion periods. For example, combine whey (a fast digesting protein) with casein (a slow digesting protein) allows the body to continuously process the protein over a longer period of time than with just whey alone.

Is it okay to mix different proteins?

Combine your proteins So, if your diet skews more veggie and less meat, no sweat. Even though vegetarian sources of protein are more likely to be incomplete proteins, mixing and matching those protein sources can get you all the amino acids your body needs.

Can I mix two different protein powders?

Yes, it is safe to mix two different protein powders as long as you’re using protein powders that genuinely contain the ingredients that they claim to have in the doses indicated on the label. Here are two tips to follow to ensure you’re being safe when mixing protein powders:

What is a good protein powder to use in a smoothie?

The proteins with the best nutritional value are whey protein, meat protein, and mixed vegetable proteins such as pea and rice (most brands already sell the mix). But the whey protein has the least residual taste, being more pleasant to the palate.

Can you mix whey protein powders together?

You can mix protein powders together if you want to reap the benefits of two different types of protein ( whey + casein ), improve the taste of your protein shake, or improve the amino acid profile of your shake. With that said, there are definitely a few things to avoid when mixing whey proteins together, which I’ll share below.

Are all protein powders the same?

Not all protein powders are created equal. Some are definitely better than others. But with hundreds, maybe even thousands, of options out there, it can be hard to know the right protein powder for you (or your clients). After all, each person has unique goals, physiology, and preferences.

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