can i substitute yogurt for cream in scones

Greek yogurt can come to the rescue to replace certain ingredients when you’re in a pinch, and it’s a great way to enhance favorite dishes. Whether you’re baking muffins or making lasagna, Greek yogurt is versatile enough for both sweet and savory dishes. Substitute Greek yogurt as a replacement when you’re out of a key ingredient, or to add tangy depth of flavor.

Greek yogurt is made when regular yogurt is strained to remove the liquid whey, resulting in a thicker, creamier, tarter yogurt. Compared to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt has twice the amount of protein (one serving typically has 15 grams) and about 14% less lactose, while still delivering 13 essential nutrients like calcium.

can i substitute yogurt for cream in scones

Use Greek Yogurt as a Marinade

Greek yogurt is so versatile it can even be used as a marinade. The lactic acid and calcium in Greek yogurt work together to break down the protein in meat, leaving it tender and moist. Check out these Yogurt Marinated Pork Kabobs or this Yogurt Marinated Chicken.

Thicken Soups and Sauces: Greek yogurt is another way to thicken soups and sauces, like in this Russian Stroganoff. Just make sure you mix Greek yogurt into your soup or sauce at the end to prevent it from separating.

Add Protein into Your Favorite Meals: Try adding Greek yogurt to your favorite meals for a boost from essential nutrients. Garnish your soup with a swirl of Greek yogurt or even add some to your hummus.

Substitute Greek Yogurt for Higher-Fat Ingredients

From traditional comfort foods to fresh baked goods, Greek yogurt can substitute oil and mayonnaise.

Oil: Replace oil with Greek yogurt when baking muffins, cakes and even waffles. Give these Greek Yogurt Banana Muffins or Double Blueberry Greek Yogurt Waffles a try.

Mayonnaise: Keep the creaminess by swapping Greek yogurt for mayonnaise at a 1:1 ratio in your favorite recipes – like in this Cajun Yogurt Remoulade.

Yogurt VS Sour Cream In Baking: Can You Substitute them?


Can I substitute Greek yogurt for heavy cream in scones?

Use Greek Yogurt When You’re Low on Your Favorite Dairy Ingredients. If you’re low on dairy ingredients, don’t fret. Greek yogurt can substitute milk, sour cream and heavy cream.

What can I use instead of heavy cream in scones?

You can make a similar heavy cream alternative using regular milk and butter. Whole milk has a fat percentage of around 3.5% and is preferable to lower-fat varieties, but you’ll still want to use more melted butter than you would with half-and-half. For best results, try mixing ⅔ cup of whole milk with ⅓ cup butter.

How much yogurt do I substitute for heavy cream?

Blend together equal parts Greek yogurt and whole milk and use it in place of the same amount of heavy cream. Note that this substitute can add thickness to dishes like soups or sauces, but it shouldn’t be used in recipes that require whipping.

Can I use plain yogurt instead of fresh cream?

Substituting Yogurt for Heavy Cream Plain yogurt will be runny and sweet. Greek yogurt, which has had the whey (liquid remains of milk) strained out, is thicker but also more sour. If subbing for sour cream use whole-milk yogurt.

Are yogurt scones a good substitute for heavy cream?

Yogurt scones can also be worthwhile. Many people think that they’re just as good as heavy cream scones, but they aren’t as rich. Even canned evaporated milk can be used as a substitute ingredient. It’s worth trying this out if you want to reduce the fat and cholesterol content of the recipe.

What can be used as a substitute for sour cream in baking?

Good substitutes for sour cream in baking are: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, buttermilk, coconut milk (the cream on top of full-fat coconut milk can be skimmed off and blended with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and sea salt to be used as a plant-based sour cream), cashews (blending soaked cashews with vinegar, lemon juice, and sea salt), commercial soy-based sour cream.

Can you use yogurt in scones?

Using yogurt in scones keeps everything in balance. By that I mean that because of it’s acidity the yogurt reacts with the baking powder in the flour and makes the leavening (rising) process work super well. You’ll have noticed there’s no sugar in these scones.

Can I use yoghurt instead of cream for Lemonade scones?

Bake in the oven for approximately 10-15. Until firm and very lightly browned. I was surprised by the outcome. I thought the yoghurt was a more logical substitute for cream in this recipe, but the lemonade scones with milk instead of cream actually turned out lighter and fluffier than lemonade scones with yoghurt.

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