can i substitute regular tomato paste for double concentrated tomato paste

Oh no! You say you dont have tomato paste and need a substitute – quick!? If your pantry looks more like Old Mother Hubbard’s bare cupboard than you’d like, these tomato paste substitutes will save your stews, soups, sauces, and sanity.

We’ve all been there…stirring up a delicious dinner when we reach into the cupboard and find were missing an important ingredient. What to do? Well, some people might run to the store to buy it. But not us (cue superhero music)! We are SHELF COOKERS and we find a way! #ShelfCooking means we come up with a handy substitute to save the day AND supper.

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If you’ve ever made a stew, tomato-based soup, pasta sauce, or pizza sauce you’ve probably worked with tomato paste before. If you find yourself short an adorable little can of tomato paste, read on to find out some helpful and creative tomato paste substitutes.

Cento Double Concentrated Tomato Paste in a Tube has a more robust flavorful taste than our other canned tomato pastes. When substituting for a recipe that calls for traditional canned paste, follow a 1:1 or equal parts substitution.
can i substitute regular tomato paste for double concentrated tomato paste


Diced or stewed tomatoes work well in recipes that need thickening, like stew. Remove the liquid from the can and add 2-3 Tablespoons of diced or stewed tomatoes for every 1 Tablespoon of tomato paste in the recipe.

Since ketchup contains sugar, this tomato paste substitute will sweeten up whatever you are cooking. However, in a pinch, equal parts of ketchup work as a tomato paste substitute. Use ketchup in dishes with an already-sweet element like brown sugar so it won’t be noticed. Recipes like sloppy joes or chili can handle the extra sweetness of ketchup. If youre concerned about too much sweetness, cut back on the other sweetener in the recipe.


Now that we know a little more about canned tomato products, were ready to #ShelfCook and use creative substitutions for tomato paste. Here are several options:

Can tomato paste be substituted for tomato purée?


Is tomato paste and concentrate the same?

Tomato Paste, or tomato concentrate, consists of tomatoes that have been cooked for several hours, strained and reduced to a thick, rich concentrate.

How do you dilute double concentrated tomato paste?

Tomato purée (double concentrated) diluted with THREE times its volume of water. For example, if a recipe calls for 4 TBSP tomato paste, mix 1 TBSP tomato purée with 3 TBSP water.

What is double concentrate tomato puree?

Mutti double concentrate tomato puree is obtained by evaporating the juice of red, ripe tomatoes, according to an ancient, natural recipe. It gives to each dish that authentic flavour and colour. This tube contains about 0.7 kg of fresh tomatoes.

What is the difference between double and triple tomato paste?

Tomato paste is technically classified according to its dry matter content:(1) Single concentrate: 12-14% dry matter (2) Double concentrate: 28-30% dry matter (3) Triple concentrate: 36-38% dry matter Double concentrate is the most common form of tomato paste.

Does double concentrated tomato paste taste better?

As you would expect, double-concentrated tomato paste has an even stronger flavor. While both cans and tubes can be double-concentrated, it is far more common to see tubes made this way on your grocery store shelf. So the already stronger fresh tomato taste of tubes is made even more intense.

What is the healthier substitute of tomato sauce?

Tomato Sauce is the most commonly used side dish with any kind of fast food like burgers, flat breads, pizzas, fries etc. Consuming too much of ketchup will lead to weight gain and even acne problems. Ketchups have artificial colour and flavour and preservatives which are not good for digestion and cardiovascular health. Other healthy alternatives for tomato sauce are: 1) Home made tomato sauce using fresh and ripen tomatoes, garlic along with salt and sugar. 2) Tomato Chutney which is freshly homemade. 3) Tomato Gravy added and spiced with garam masala to give tangy tase. 4) Thick tomato jam which is homemade.

Can you use fresh tomatoes instead of tomato paste?

Add it in place of the paste and cook, stirring constantly until the juice has reduced and thickened. Fresh tomatoes can also stand in for tomato paste: puree until liquified and then follow the same formula: for every 1 tablespoons of tomato paste, use 3 tablespoons of the fresh juice.

What is a good substitute for store-bought tomato paste?

Tomato paste is used to thicken and enrich the flavor of sauces, soups, stews, casseroles, and more. It’s also commonly used to braise meat . The best substitute for store-bought tomato paste is homemade tomato paste. In fact, homemade tomato paste is generally richer and more flavorful than its canned counterpart.

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