can i substitute a white cake mix for a yellow cake mix

The Story: Alright, there are a lot of haters out there. So this post is for you. A common email I get is “Why do you use so many cake mixes?” Well, it’s for a few reasons. 1: It’s so EASY. A 99 cent box is worth the extra time measuring and making sure I have the ingredients for cupcakes.

2: It’s easy to for people around the world to duplicate my results Some cakes made from scratch can be tricky to mix the right way. It’s hard to explain in a blog post the correct way to do everything. And did you know most people don’t even measure flour the correct way?! It’s true. You’re not supposed to just scoop out some flour from the bag using your measuring cup, you’re supposed to pour some flour into your measure cup and then scrape it level. Such a silly difference can account for a lot of mistakes because some people can get 1 cup and other will get 1 1/4 cup.

3: It’s not cheating! Did you know a lot of bakeries actually use cake mixes. Some really big and popular ones actually. They call it “cake base” but it’s the same thing.

So here you go! Whenever any of my recipes call for a White Cake Mix, just use these ingredients instead. The cake will be more dense than using a cake mix, so when a recipe uses buttermilk you can use just plain milk to help with that. Also, the batter is quite runny but bakes up just fine.

If using boxed cake mix, according to, you can add 3 whole eggs and 1/3 cup of vegetable oil to boxed white cake mix to make it yellow.
can i substitute a white cake mix for a yellow cake mix

Add 1 1/3 cups of water, 1/3 cup of vegetable oil and 3 eggs to the mixing bowl.

You can use a white cake mix to bake a yellow cake by making a few simple changes to the ingredients. White cake mix requires egg whites rather than whole eggs because the color of the egg yolks will turn the cake yellow. Adding the egg yolks and increasing the amount of vegetable oil is all it takes to change a white cake to yellow. So if you only have a box of white cake mix on hand, you can still enjoy a delicious yellow cake.

Stir everything together with a wooden spoon until the cake batter has a uniform color and consistency.

Kittie McCoy has been a freelance writer since 2008. She is also a part-time personal trainer and licensed entertainer in Las Vegas. She enjoys sharing her love of physical fitness and experience in the entertainment industry via her writing.

Bake the yellow cake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 to 35 minutes. The cake is done when a knife inserted near the center comes out clean.

2: It’s easy to for people around the world to duplicate my results Some cakes made from scratch can be tricky to mix the right way. It’s hard to explain in a blog post the correct way to do everything. And did you know most people don’t even measure flour the correct way?! It’s true. You’re not supposed to just scoop out some flour from the bag using your measuring cup, you’re supposed to pour some flour into your measure cup and then scrape it level. Such a silly difference can account for a lot of mistakes because some people can get 1 cup and other will get 1 1/4 cup.

So here you go! Whenever any of my recipes call for a White Cake Mix, just use these ingredients instead. The cake will be more dense than using a cake mix, so when a recipe uses buttermilk you can use just plain milk to help with that. Also, the batter is quite runny but bakes up just fine.

The Story: Alright, there are a lot of haters out there. So this post is for you. A common email I get is “Why do you use so many cake mixes?” Well, it’s for a few reasons. 1: It’s so EASY. A 99 cent box is worth the extra time measuring and making sure I have the ingredients for cupcakes.

3: It’s not cheating! Did you know a lot of bakeries actually use cake mixes. Some really big and popular ones actually. They call it “cake base” but it’s the same thing.

Here’s My Updated Yellow Doctored Cake Mix Recipe!


What’s the difference between vanilla cake mix and yellow cake mix?

When you do come across a recipe that’s specifically called vanilla cake and not white or yellow cake, look closely at the ingredients: If it contains only egg whites, it’s a white cake, and if it contains whole eggs, it’s a yellow cake.

What is the taste difference between yellow and white cake?

White cake, the variety often used for wedding cakes and the base of funfetti, is vanilla-flavored, but it’s much subtler than yellow cake. Something gives yellow cake a much stronger, deeper flavor — a kind of custardy richness that lingers on the palate in a way other vanilla-based cakes don’t.

What happens if I use whole eggs in white cake mix?

Cake mixes are highly engineered wonders, and are very tolerant of almost everything a home cook can do to go wrong within reason. Still, substituting in the yolks increases the amount of fat—and more importantly, the emulsifier lecithin, and so will change the texture of the outcome.

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