can i blend sausage

I make a 2 pound batch of breakfast sausage and freeze into patties every few weeks. They pull out of the freezer so easy to fry up with the rest of your breakfast!

But this blend can be used for so much more than just breakfast! We went through a period of time where we had a very tight meat budget. A couple times a week we would eat meatless for the day to save, and I started using this seasoning blend to give my soups and stir fries a bit more of a “meaty” flavor. My husband especially is quite the meat eater, so to make a bean soup taste like there is some sausage in there, or give a veggie stir fry a bit more zing, this blend is so good!

I hope your family loves it as much as mine! Make it as is at first and then tailor the blend to your family’s taste!

(Product links in this section are from affiliate partners. There is no extra cost to you, and it helps maintain the site and provide free content to you! Know that I would never recommend a product that I wouldn’t use or feed my family!)

can i blend sausage

One of the things that takes some getting use to about living in the country is the concept that “I’m just gonna run out and grab this thing I need” is insanely impractical. We’re a good 40 minutes to the closest supermarket, and while we have a small mom and pop grocery store about 10 minutes away, it certainly isn’t open all the time and has a very small selection.

Because of this, I’ve gotten really good at making substitutions. It’s not ever ideal, but it does the job and saves us the gas money (and time) of a trip “into the city”.

For some reason, our CSA keeps us in near-constant supply of delicious, flavorful, local pork breakfast sausage. Our freezer is stocked. So when I went digging in our deep freeze the other day for some Italian sausage, and all I was met with was pounds and pounds of breakfast sausage, I knew it was time for some substitution magic.

Use your hands and get it really well-mixed and get all the spices distributed. Go on, get dirty. Once all the spices are mixed it, it’s ready to be used just like you would a store-bought pound of Italian sausage. I used mine in a tomato sauce over fresh pasta. Yum!

In an ideal world, we’d use the highest quality Italian sausage from the most incredible little Italian shop you could find. But this isn’t ideal. This is the country, where we do insane things like chase off coyotes and turn breakfast sausage into Italian sausage.

I make a 2 pound batch of breakfast sausage and freeze into patties every few weeks. They pull out of the freezer so easy to fry up with the rest of your breakfast!

I hope your family loves it as much as mine! Make it as is at first and then tailor the blend to your family’s taste!

(Product links in this section are from affiliate partners. There is no extra cost to you, and it helps maintain the site and provide free content to you! Know that I would never recommend a product that I wouldn’t use or feed my family!)

But this blend can be used for so much more than just breakfast! We went through a period of time where we had a very tight meat budget. A couple times a week we would eat meatless for the day to save, and I started using this seasoning blend to give my soups and stir fries a bit more of a “meaty” flavor. My husband especially is quite the meat eater, so to make a bean soup taste like there is some sausage in there, or give a veggie stir fry a bit more zing, this blend is so good!

Homemade Sausage – MUST Know Beginner Tips BEFORE You Mix & Stuff


Can you blend a sausage?

You don’t necessarily need to blend it. You can split the skin and take the sausage meat out, then just fry it, if you keep stirring it will break up and go sort of grainy.

Can you puree sausages?

Skin the sausages before boiling in water. Boil until cooked (~10 minutes). Place the sausages into the blender and blend into a puree, adding ~30mls of the water they were boiled in.

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