can eating kiwi skin harm you

How do you eat your kiwi? Maybe you slice it, admiring the neon green fruit and bright white core inside. Or maybe you scoop it out with a spoon, using the thin, brown skin as nature’s little cup for the tangy fruit inside.

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But did you know that every part of the kiwifruit is edible? Like … all of it?

That’s right: If you’re so inclined, you can, in fact, bite right into a kiwi the same way you chomp on an apple — skin and all. It’s actually really good for you!

According to WebMD, the fuzzy brown skin of a kiwi is completely edible and it contains high antioxidants like vitamin C to boost heart health and combat inflammation, plus dietary fiber which is good for digestion.
can eating kiwi skin harm you

Eating the skin of a kiwi can increase its fiber content by 50%, boost folate by 32% and raise vitamin E concentration by 34%, compared to eating the flesh alone (6).

Ripe kiwis tend to produce less mouth irritation than underripe fruits, since the soft flesh traps some of the raphides and decreases their effects (16).

There have been many documented cases of kiwi allergy, with symptoms ranging from a slightly itchy mouth to full-blown anaphylaxis. Anyone with a severe allergy should avoid these fruits (17, 18).

While the skin is perfectly edible and provides lots of fiber, folate and antioxidants, some people dislike its texture.

The ripening process slows under cold temperatures, so kiwis should be ripened at room temperature and then moved to the refrigerator once they’re ready to eat (46).

Why you should eat kiwi skins

Kiwifruit itself has all kinds of health benefits, and the skin only adds to those benefits. But first, a word about the differences in types of kiwis.

“There are about 60 species of kiwifruit, and all of them have edible skins that vary in texture and consistency,” explains registered dietitian Gillian Culbertson, RD. “The most commonly eaten versions are green and gold.”

  • Green kiwifruit: The kiwi you’re probably used to eating is Actinidia deliciosa, or “fuzzy kiwifruit.” That’s the one with the bright green insides and a skin that is, as its name indicates, fuzzy. The skins are edible, but they may not necessarily appeal to you because, well … fuzz.
  • Gold (or yellow) kiwifruit: The green kiwi’s lesser-known cousin is the gold kiwi, which boasts a tropical-tasting, bronze-colored fruit and skin that’s fuzz-free and smooth — which may make it more palatable for eating with the skin on. It’s up to you!

There are also different varieties of kiwis, depending on where they’re grown, which can result in slightly different tastes and nutrient makeup. Whichever kind of kiwi you choose, here are some of the benefits you can expect.

Fiber is the part of plant foods that your body can’t digest — which, perhaps counterintuitively, actually helps keep your digestive system running smoothly. Fiber reduces bloating and helps you poop.

“Kiwis are already a good source of fiber, but if you leave the skin on, you’ll get even more of it,” Culbertson says.

Eating a whole kiwi with the skin on increases its fiber content by a whopping 50% more than if you eat it without its skin. One skin-on green kiwi has 3.5 grams of fiber, while a skin-on gold kiwi has about 3 grams of fiber.

Kiwi skin packs an antioxidant-filled punch: It has three times more antioxidants than the fruit itself! Antioxidants help your body fight free radicals, unstable molecules in your body that, if left unchecked, can lead to cellular damage and cause signs of aging and disease.

Antioxidants in kiwi skin include:

  • Vitamin E: Leaving the skin on a gold kiwifruit increases its vitamin E content by 32%. “Vitamin E also boosts your immune system and helps your body fight off infection,” Culbertson explains.
  • Vitamin C: This one is another immune booster, and the amount you’ll get from your kiwi skin depends on which kind of kiwi you’re eating. One study shows that there’s more vitamin C in gold kiwis (161 milligrams) than in green kiwis, which range from 85 mg to 150 mg of vitamin C. “Either way, eating the skin of a kiwi increases your vitamin C intake.”
  • Polyphenols: These powerful antioxidants help fight inflammation in your body. Kiwis are a good source of polyphenols in general, but 30% comes from the skin.

Here’s what happens if you eat KIWI SKIN [5 INTERESTING facts and 1 extra tip]


What happens if you eat kiwi skin?

Kiwi Skin Adds Vitamins and Minerals Eating SunGold kiwi skin provides 34% folate and 32% more vitamin E to your diet than eating the flesh alone. Folate is an important micronutrient for all ages but particularly for pregnant women and growing infants.

What are the side effects of kiwi fruit on the skin?

Side-Effects & Allergies of Kiwi Kiwis can also lead to swelling. Too much of kiwi consumption can cause Anaphylaxis in human. Rash, asthma, hives and local mouth irritation have also been reported. Skin disorder such as dermatitis can also develop.

Is kiwi skin hard to digest?

The soluble fiber in kiwi skin can help retain water and form gels, providing digestive comfort. The enzyme actinidin present in kiwi skin helps break down proteins in the food and is good for digestion.

Why does my tongue hurt after eating kiwi?

Kiwifruit is a common cause of oral allergy syndrome, which is a reaction that involves local allergic reactions around the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat. The first signs of a kiwi allergy are usually mild and may include a prickly, itchy, or tingling feeling in and around the mouth.

Are Kiwis bad for You?

Kiwis can also irritate the insides of some people’s mouths. This is due to the presence of naturally occurring calcium oxalate crystals, called raphides, that can scratch the tender skin inside your mouth. These microscopic scratches, combined with the acid in the fruit, can cause an unpleasant stinging sensation.

Is Kiwi skin good to eat?

The skin of kiwi fruit has psoralens, chemicals that blocks the process of folic acid absorption by your body. If you eat the skin of kiwi fruit, you may suffer from diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Kiwi fruit is safe to eat if you remove its skin, but should be eaten in moderation. The skin and the flesh contain different levels of actinidain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins. This chemical is great for tenderizing meat, but not so great for your digestive system. If you eat too much kiwi, the actinidain can cause severe diarrhea and stomach pain.

Can you eat Kiwis if you have a skin allergy?

People with kiwi allergies, oral allergy syndrome, latex food allergies or a history of kidney stones may want to avoid eating kiwis and the skin. Whether or not you choose to eat the skin, consuming the fruit of a kiwi is associated with a variety of health benefits, including: ). ). ). ). ). ).

Can you eat a Kiwi with hairy skin?

But even though the hairy brown skin doesn’t exactly seem like the tastiest treat, you can bite into a kiwi just as you might an apple — and if you’re looking for some extra fiber, you probably should. Eating an entire kiwi, skin and all, increases the fiber content by 50%, coming in at about 3.5 grams of fiber.

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