can cupcakes stay fresh for 3 days

Key Takeaway: Learn how to store cupcakes both unfrosted cupcakes and frosted cupcakes overnight to keep them fresh for the next day as well as instructions on freezing the cupcakes.

Whether you are a homebaker going to be making and selling cupcakes or you are a mom looking to organize your kids birthday party, you might want to learn how to properly store the cupcakes for the stress free D-Day.

Let me share with you all a step by step instruction on how to store cupcakes.

For the ease of understand I have divided this blog post into the following sections. So it will cover:

Plain cupcakes without any icing or frosting can keep for up to a week on your kitchen counter, but iced cupcakes, or those with a sweet filling, will only last 2-4 days. Cupcakes topped with buttercream or other dairy ingredients need to be stored in the fridge and can last for 3-5 days refrigerated.
can cupcakes stay fresh for 3 days

How to store, Store-bought Cupcakes?

The best way to store them is by keeping it in the same box and try to mimic the same way in which they came. Store bought cupcakes are packaged in a way that they help keeping the cupcakes fresher for longer.

So store bought cupcakes with buttercream, ganache and royal icing can be store in the same box at room temperature for a day or in the refrigerator for 4 days.

The ones with cream cheese or whipped cream frosting should be kept in the fridge at all times.

If you happen to rip their packaging accidentally then the best way to store them would be in the air tight container. The steps remains the same as the ones explained above.

How to Store Unfrosted Cupcakes?

This method of storing the cupcakes is best if you plan to frost the cupcakes with whipped cream frosting later on.

Even though the method of storing the cupcakes remains the same one of the most important aspect here is to make sure that the cupcakes are COOLED COMPLETELY before you even think of storing them.

can cupcakes stay fresh for 3 days

  • The most important thing to ensure is to check whether the cupcakes are cooled completely which you can ensure by simply touching and feeling the cupcakes.
  • Take a deep air tight container, and place the cupcakes in a single layer. Since these are unfrosted you can even stack them one above the other by placing a parchment paper in between.
  • Leave it at your counter-top away from sunlight for 2-3 days. And they are ready to be eaten at any time of the day or ready to be frosted at any time.
  • Follow steps 1-2 as mentioned above and then simply close the lid and store in the fridge for a week.
  • If using butter based cupcakes or cupcakes with melted chocolate it might turn solid in the fridge. Just allow it to thaw for 30mins to an hour before serving.
  • You can definitely frost them when cold but just allow it to come to room temperature before serving.

can cupcakes stay fresh for 3 days

  • The steps remains the same as the ones for frosted cupcakes which is to wrap them individually first then place in a ziplock bag and store for 3 months.
  • You can certainly stack them one above the other once frozen if you have space constraints.

Simply take it out of the freezer and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator and then for 30 mins to an hour at room temperature or directly thaw at room temperature for 3-4 hours.

How to Store Cupcakes – Frosted and Unfrosted {Beyond Baking – Episode 2}


How do you store cupcakes for 3 days?

The easiest way to store decorated cupcakes is simply to put them in an airtight container. There are specialized carriers and storage containers that make it even easier to preserve cupcakes, but any ol’ Tupperware will do. Frosted cupcakes will stay fresh in an airtight container for 3 to 4 days at room temperature.

Can I make cupcakes 4 days in advance?

You can make cupcakes up to two days in advance, or much longer if you plan to freeze them. Thankfully, there are many different ways to store cupcakes so that they keep fresh and delicious, making it easier than ever to bake cupcakes well in advance of an important event.

How do you keep cupcakes moist for a few days?

Place them in a plastic storage bag or airtight container and simply keep them at room temperature. They will maintain their freshness as long as they don’t lose moisture or are subjected to swings in temperature.

How long can cupcakes last without fridge?

Buttercream frosted cupcakes are good for up to two days (they are fine at room temperature) and cream cheese frosted cupcakes need to be refrigerated if kept for the second day. How should cupcakes be stored? Always keep them in an airtight container to prevent contamination and to prevent air from drying them out.

How long do cupcakes stay fresh?

When cooled completely, place in an airtight container. The container you use doesn’t really matter, as long as your cupcakes have enough space to sit. Leave on the countertop for up to five days. Remember – the sooner, the better when it comes to freshness. The best timeframe is two or three days, but you can get by with up to five.

Can cupcakes be stored in the fridge?

Only use the refrigerator if you absolutely have to. Storing cupcakes to keep them fresh is pretty self-explanatory. They need to be placed in an airtight container or plastic freezer bag. Then, they can be placed on the counter for up to five days (three preferred) or several months in the freezer. Avoid the fridge, if possible.

How long do unfrosted cupcakes last without refrigeration?

Unfrosted cupcakes will stay fresh for two days without refrigeration. However, if you plan to cover the cupcakes with frosting that requires refrigeration, you should wait to frost them until you are ready to serve them—within two days. Allow freshly baked cupcakes to cool completely on a wire rack for at least an hour.

How long can you keep cupcakes at room temperature?

Most cupcakes (frosted and unfrosted) can be stored at room temperature for up to three days. However, not every situation is ideal for room temp cupcakes. If the cupcakes contain custard, cream cheese, dairy fillings, or fruit fillings, the cupcakes must be stored in the refrigerator immediately after cooling.

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