are yellow and spanish onions the same

Onions are members of the allium family, a genus of pungent plants that also includes garlic, leeks, chives, ramps, and hundreds of other species. Even among onions there are many, many different types, each with its own special qualities—a distinct onion personality, if you will.

But since we can’t possibly cover all alliums (all-iums?) in one article, we’ve divided just a fraction of those we reach for frequently into the three unofficial categories:

So what do we like about the different types of onions? And in what situation do we prefer one over the others? These are the great questions of our time…or at least of your most recent Google search. Heres what you need to know about the different types of onions:

Because they’re cured (i.e., laid out to dry) after they’re harvested, usually in late summer, they’ll keep in your kitchen for months if stored properly. At the grocery store they’re likely labeled by color (white, yellow, and red), but at a farmers market, you may see proper names, like Australian Browns or Red Zeppelins. In terms of pungency, white are generally the mildest, red the sharpest, and yellow somewhere in between. And while we prefer yellow for cooking, white for garnishing, and red for pickling, grilling, and everything in between, they’re generally interchangeable: Switching between them won’t ruin a dish, even if it slightly alters its flavor or appearance.

If a recipe doesn’t specify, chances are it’s calling for one of these old faithfuls (also called brown onions). In fact, nearly 90 percent of all storage onions grown in the U.S. are yellow. They’re severe when raw but mellow when sautéed, roasted, or caramelized. Because they have a relatively high starch content, they won’t dissolve to mush even after long cook-times, which makes them a great all-purpose cooking onion. Spanish onions, BTW, are a larger, milder relative that can be yellow or white—don’t stress about finding one when a recipe says so.

Sharper and spicier than yellow onions, you’ll often see them raw, whether in salads, like Greek salad or kachumber, or alongside long-cooking braises. Soak them in ice water as you prep your other ingredients to make them extra crisp and rid them of some fierceness. The obvious draw to a red onion is its color, with a deep red hue that provides a nice contrast. In some cases, though, they may discolor and turn light ingredients, like eggs, potatoes, and beans, a blueish-gray.

When it comes to grilling, red onions are our first choice. Cut into wedges, they char nicely on the grill, and their interior texture goes jammy, instead of mushy, like white and yellow onions tend to do. Theyre also our first choice for pickling, which we love to do when tacos, pizza, or fried rice are involved.

Softer and milder than yellows and reds, these have thin, papery skins and, while still sharp, less of a lingering aftertaste. We prefer them cooked quickly or served raw, like in pico de gallo or atop huevos rancheros (they’re particularly popular in Latin and Central American cuisine), or whenever you need one in the dish and as a garnish (think chili).

You can further tame their flame by slicing one thinly and giving it an hour-long soak in cold water—theyll be so sweet, you can practically eat them like a salad. (Okay, maybe thats a little dramatic, but the flavor will mellow dramatically, and you can probably eat a lot more of them.)

More delicate than storage onions, these should all be stowed in the refrigerator to extend their lifespan.

Because they contain less sulfur and more water than yellows, reds, and whites, they’re mild, crisp, and good for eating raw, frying into onion rings, and stuffing like you would a mushroom or tomato. Defined by the particular region where they’re grown—Washington’s Walla Wallas, Georgia’s Vidalias, and Hawaii’s Mauis, for example—they’re often only available seasonally.

Also called scallions (on BA, we call these scallions exclusively!), bunching onions, and, confusingly, spring onions (wrong!), they’re milder, softer, and more herbaceous than any of the storage bulbs. They’re as good raw, like scattered over braised tofu or fried eggs, as they are slowly cooked, like infused into oil for Cantonese-style scallion sauce.

Juicy, sweet newbies! These are just storage onions that are harvested prematurely to give the other bulbs room to grow. As the name implies, they’re super seasonal. When you get your hands on them, make them the star: Grill, roast, or braise them whole or halved, tops and all, then cover with lemony breadcrumbs, punchy mustard dressing, or—as an homage to Catalonian calçots (a scallion-esque onion relative)—romesco.

Good things come in small packages! Pro tip: If you need to peel a whole bunch at once (ugh), try blanching them first.

Use these wherever you’d use a storage onion. They have an onion-y flavor without being too aggressive and are beloved for their versatility. They’re at home finely chopped and stirred into a lemon vinaigrette, halved and roasted alongside a chicken, pickled whole, as in the Vietnamese dish dua hanh, or fried in thin slices for a crunchy topper for laksa, korma, and gado gado. FWIW, we consider one bulb to equal one shallot, even if it contains two lobes.

Yellow Onions Use them to add a tangy sweetness to soups, sauces, pastas and just about anything. Interesting fact: Spanish onions are actually a type of yellow onion, with a slightly more delicate flavor.
are yellow and spanish onions the same

Cipolline (a.k.a. Cipollini) Onions

These Italian cuties are naturally, rather than forcibly, petite and squat like saucers. They’re more sugary than big onions, which makes them ideal for roasting whole until caramelized. For an easier time peeling their thin skins, try boiling them for about 30 seconds first.

A co-star of coq au vin and boeuf bourguignon, they’re sweet and small (they’re grown in close quarters and harvested early) and come in red, white, and yellow. Halved or left whole, they can be roasted, braised, pickled, creamed, glazed, confited, or used to crown a stunning tarte tatin. Look for pre-peeled bags in the freezer aisle.

Onions – What’s the Difference?


What is the difference between Spanish onions and yellow onions?

Owing to the fact that Spanish onions are grown in low-sulfur soil, they tend to be milder and sweeter than other varieties of yellow onion. This means they’re ideally suited for any recipe where you want an onion flavor, but not too much of an onion flavor (like in an omelette or a stir-fry).

Can you substitute Spanish onion for yellow onion?

Take yellow onions and Spanish onions. They both function pretty well as all-purpose onions — and they can often be substituted for each other — but that doesn’t mean they’re exactly the same.

Do Spanish onions taste different?

Spanish onion: has a similarly coloured skin to a yellow/brown onion, but is usually bigger, as well as tasting sweeter and milder. These are good for omelettes, salsas and stir-fries.

What is Spanish onion good for?

The Spanish onion is very nutritious and it has many benefits for the body including a bacteriostatic effect (hence its use in marinades) and a beneficial effect on the cardio-vascular system. We can describe it as a diuretic, antibiotic, antiscorbutic and stimulant.

Are Spanish onions the same as yellow onions?

You have now learned that Spanish onions are simply a type of Yellow Onion. However, the two have some big differences since most yellow onions aren’t quite the same as a Spanish onion. Read on to find out a few more differences between the two. Size: Both the Spanish and yellow onion are typically medium-large in size.

What is the difference between red onion and regular onion?

Onions are good for your health, low in carbs and no fat. They also have sulfur compounds with antioxidant action. Both red onion and regular onion are healthy. The main difference is that red onions are rich in anthocyanins, a plant pigment with more antioxidants effects.

Are red onions the same as yellow onions?

Red onions come from the same onion family as yellow onions but have anthocyanins in each layer of the onion flesh. Red onions tend to have a more intense flavor and an especially pungent odor. Fresh red onions look great on a relish tray, but when cooked they will appear duller.

Are Spanish onions crunchier than yellow onions?

Spanish onions are crunchier than the majority of yellow onions because they are grown in shallow soil, affecting the water content. Culinary uses: Spanish onions are not best used for cooking. Instead, you should use them in more raw dish recipes, while yellow onions, in general, are fine to use for all types of cooking.

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