are salty peanuts healthy

Surprisingly, peanuts are not actually in the nut family. They are classified as legumes along with foods like green peas, soybeans, and lentils. The peanut plant likely originated in South America in Brazil or Peru. Scientists have found 3,500-year-old pottery in the shape of peanuts, as well as decorated with peanuts, in South America.

Peanuts grow below ground as the fruit of the peanut plant. In the early 1800s, Americans started growing peanuts as a commercial crop. On average, Americans eat more than 6 pounds of peanuts per year. Today, 50% of the peanuts eaten in the United States are consumed in the form of peanut butter.

Many people believe the peanut is not as nutritionally valuable as true nuts like almonds, walnuts, or cashews. But actually, peanuts have many of the same health benefits as the more expensive nuts and should not be overlooked as a nutritious food.

Much attention has been paid to walnuts and almonds as “heart-healthy” foods, given their high content of unsaturated fats. But research suggests that peanuts are every bit as good for heart health as more expensive nuts.

Peanuts help prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. They can also stop small blood clots from forming and reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Foods with a lot of protein can help you feel full with fewer calories. And among nuts, peanuts are second only to almonds when it comes to protein count. Studies have shown that people who include a moderate amount of peanuts in their diet will not gain weight from peanuts. In fact, peanuts could help them lose weight.

Eating peanuts might help you live longer too. A large-scale study found that people who regularly ate any kind of nuts (including peanuts) were less likely to die of any cause than were people who rarely ate nuts.

Because the study was observational, it cannot prove that peanuts were exactly what caused the lower death rates, but they are definitely associated with them.

Peanuts are a low-glycemic food, which means that eating them won’t cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that eating peanuts can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes in women.

Peanuts are a good source of fiber, which helps reduce inflammation throughout your body as well as aids your digestive system.

Research has demonstrated that for older people, eating peanut butter may help lower the risk of developing a certain type of stomach cancer called gastric non cardia adenocarcinoma.

Peanuts are rich in protein, fat, and fiber. While peanuts may have a large amount of fat, most of the fats they contain are known as “good fats.” These kinds of fats actually help lower your cholesterol levels.

While peanuts are healthy foods, not everyone can enjoy them. An allergy to peanuts is the most common food allergy in the United States, causing the majority of all food-allergy-related deaths.

A mild peanut allergy shows symptoms like itchy hives, nausea, or swelling of the face. However, a severe peanut allergy can cause a life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include trouble breathing; a change in alertness; nausea; vomiting; seizure; chest pain; swelling of the tongue, face, or lips; extreme drowsiness; and feeling dizzy, confused, or light-headed.

It’s important to talk to a doctor if you experience any uncomfortable feelings while eating peanuts.

Due to their high-calorie content, it makes sense to have peanuts in a balanced diet in moderation. Because of their high sodium content, roasted, salted peanuts may be less healthy than raw peanuts. Nevertheless, you can enjoy them as a part of a nutritious, balanced diet if you consume them in moderation.
are salty peanuts healthy

How to Use Peanuts

Peanuts can be eaten raw, blanched, roasted, boiled, fried, powdered, or made into peanut butter. Eating them with their thin, papery skin is most nutritionally beneficial, as the skin contains the many antioxidants and phytochemicals. Adding more peanuts to your diet is easy enough to do, whether with peanuts or peanut butter.

Here are some ways to use peanuts in a variety of dishes:

● Bake peanuts into cookies or pies.Â

● Make a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

● Add peanut butter to hummus.

● Top your yogurt with peanuts.

● Toss peanuts in a salad.

● Add peanuts to your stir fry or noodles dish.

● Mix peanuts into a trail mix.

● Dip spring rolls into Thai peanut sauce.

More on Diet & Weight Management

are salty peanuts healthy

are salty peanuts healthy

What HAPPENS If You Eat Peanuts EVERYDAY For 30 Days? | Dr. Steven Gundry


Are salty peanuts good for you?

When it comes to sodium, Malik says that eating lightly salted peanuts is fine for most people, especially if it will make you choose them over a less healthy snack, such as potato chips. But if you have certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure, go for the lower sodium or unsalted versions.

How many salted peanuts can I eat a day?

The recommended limit for how many peanuts you should eat per day is around 42 grams. This is about 16 peanuts. Eating peanuts in moderation is important as they are high in fat and contain a lot of calories. They are healthy food but should not be eaten in excess.

Are salted peanuts junk food?

Peanuts are not considered as junk food. However care needs to be taken in moderation, approximately around 25–30 g/ day max, as they are high fats and calories too.

Is eating too many salted peanuts bad for you?

May cause high blood pressure. While peanuts are naturally low in sodium, eating salted peanuts at a bar or a peanut namkeen at home may alleviate blood pressure. Too much sodium may pull water and fluids into your bloodstream, thus, causing high blood pressure.

Are salted peanuts healthier than raw peanuts?

Roasted, salted peanuts may be less healthful than raw peanuts due to their high sodium content. That said, if people consume them in moderation, they can enjoy them as a part of a healthful, balanced diet. Peanuts are a nutrient-rich source of protein, dietary fiber, and healthful fats.

Is the oil used in salted peanuts healthy?

Most roasted peanuts are cooked in peanut oil or canola oil, which contain monounsaturated fats. Roasted, salted peanuts are high in sodium, which health professionals link to heart disease, so they are not a healthy food to consume regularly. You must prefer raw unsalted peanuts, or sugar-free peanut butter.

Are peanuts good for You?

Peanuts are rich in protein, fat, and various healthy nutrients. Studies show that peanuts may even be useful for weight loss and are linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. This article tells you everything you need to know about peanuts. Here are the nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw peanuts:

Are roasted salted peanuts bad for You?

Roasted, salted peanuts are high in sodium, which health professionals link to heart disease. That said, eating roasted, salted peanuts as part of a balanced diet is okay. As with most foods, the key to enjoying peanuts is eating them in moderation as part of a healthful, calorie-controlled diet.

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