are hutterites allowed to drink alcohol

Hutterian rules permit moderate drinking of alcoholic beverages, but smoking is forbidden.
are hutterites allowed to drink alcohol

How do the Hutterites follow the command of Jesus to “be fishers of men”?

The Lord commanded his people to “go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost” (Mat. 28:19).

Every year hundreds of young Hutterites join the church. Once baptismal candidates have made their baptismal commitment to the trinity and the Church, they are considered full members.

However, very few outsiders have joined Hutterite colonies. It does happens occasionally though.

The Schmiedleut branch of the Hutterites have had mission fields in Africa for the past 20 or so years. Currently, they are involved in a mission field in Nigeria, Africa. Many of our ministers and other members and others have been in Nigeria, living with the natives and teaching them about Christ and the community. One such community is called Palm Grove and about 300 members live there. Their has been lots of spiritual and economic struggles, but the outlook seems promising as these Nigerians are slowly learning. In addition, they need support to sustain themselves and the Brethren have been involved in helping them to become self-sufficient.

The Dariusleut established the Owa community in Japan populated with ethnic Japanese. There is limited contact with this group, and the group does seem to be dying out.

Who owns what in a Hutterite Community?

Goods are owned communally in the community, i.e., all moneys earned from different businesses belong to everyone on the colony. If members need different items, they ask for it and if it is a necessary item, it is bought for them. In addition, all colony members are given an set allowance every month which can be used for purchasing personal effects. The amount varies greatly from colony to colony.

Most items are given out according to the need (Acts 2:44-47; Acts 4:32-35). Things like farm equipment, vehicles, etc, are bought and paid for by the colony and used by whoever needs or is responsible for them.

Among some Hutterite colonies, personal spending money is sometimes earned on the side. Some colonies oppose this staunchly, while others are very lenient to the point of looking the other way when members work off the colony to earn extra spending money. Of course, this is not right and goes against the very principals of community of goods. Any kind of Aagnutz (Eigennutz, any method of earning personal spending money) is frowned upon and greatly discouraged, especially by some colonies the Schmiedeleut branch. The example of Ananias and Sapphira is often sited as proof that aagnutz is a vice that ought to be avoided (Acts 5:1-11).

Can Christians Drink Alcohol?


Do Hutterites drink alcohol?

Fact: Hutterites are no different from most Protestants in that they do allow alcohol.

What can Hutterites not do?

The Hutterites practice traditional gender roles, and women cannot vote or hold colony office. It might sound shocking to some of us – especially if you are a feminist – but if this what you were raised with, it’s simply cultural.

Do Hutterites use birth control?

Using interview data from a Dariusleut colony, this is the first paper to document the presence and prevalence of birth control among the North American Hutterites. All interviewed women recognized the use of birth control and reported that female sterilization was the most commonly used method.

Do Hutterites ever divorce?

Q: Can Hutterites divorce? A: No. “We say given time and some counselling and being forgiving and tolerant and learning to forgive, it can work. We’ve found in situations like this people forgive each other and life goes on and we can make it work.” Hutterites can remarry if their spouse dies.

Who are the Hutterites?

Hutterites (German: Hutterer ), also called Hutterian Brethren (German: Hutterische Brüder ), are a communal ethnoreligious branch of Anabaptists, who, like the Amish and Mennonites, trace their roots to the Radical Reformation of the early 16th century and have formed intentional communities.

Do Hutterites join the church?

Every year hundreds of young Hutterites join the church. Once baptismal candidates have made their baptismal commitment to the trinity and the Church, they are considered full members. However, very few outsiders have joined Hutterite colonies. It does happens occasionally though.

Are Hutterites Amish?

I’m happy to let you know that Linda will be sharing a look into Hutterite faith and life here on Amish America as we approach the release of Hutterite Diaries in May. Unlike the Amish, Hutterites live communally–on large colonies, mainly on the prairie lands of Canada and the upper Midwest.

Can a person become a Hutterite?

Yes. If a person is really sincere about becoming a Hutterite, he or she could potentially join if he or she is willing to overcome the obstacles above. Of course, one would first have to live on a Hutterite Colony for a time to ensure that they really do want to join.

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