are hot dogs and burgers the same

The type of person who lays awake at night agonizing over whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable might also have strong opinions about whether or not hot dogs and hamburgers should be classified as sandwiches. Concerning the former, many of us have come to accept that tomatoes are technically a fruit. But how do technical classifications square against more practical ones? Britannica puts it in fittingly paradoxical terms: “Tomatoes are fruits that are considered vegetables by nutritionists.”

The sandwich debate presents a similarly vexing duality. As Merriam-Webster has it, sandwiches are defined as “two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between” and “one slice of bread covered with food,” also known as an open-faced sandwich. By those standards, listing hot dogs and hamburgers as sandwiches on a menu wouldnt be wrong. Of course, age-old debates are never that simple.

Both are popular types of American fast food sandwiches made of particularly shaped ground meat into specific buns, garnished with condiments. A hamburger is a round patty put into round hamburger buns along with condiments; a hot dog is an oblong sausage inside oblong hot dog buns, also with condiments.
are hot dogs and burgers the same

What is a sandwich?

You wouldnt think there would be much harm in opening up the metaphorical sandwich gates to include all manner of foods wrapped in other foods. But the broad definition of the word has caused a lot of paperwork. In a 2006 lawsuit involving New York States tax on sandwiches, one judge did Qdoba a solid by ruling that a burrito is not a sandwich, despite arguments to the contrary. “I know of no chef or culinary historian who would call a burrito a sandwich,” a former USDA official said in an affidavit.

In response to this and other sandwich quandaries, The Atlantic came up with its own definition. “A sandwich must, first structurally, consist of two exterior pieces that are separate or mostly separate. Those pieces must be primarily carbohydrate-based, so made of bread or bread-like products.”

The filling can be anything you want, so long as its not just a condiment. Finally, “the whole concoction must have a primarily horizontal orientation,” and it must be portable, just as the Earl of Sandwich intended. Based on this updated definition, which we think aligns well with the picture that comes into our mind when we hear the word “sandwich,” lets reevaluate hot dogs and hamburgers.

Is a burger a sandwich?

Based on both official and unofficial definitions, one could make a convincing argument that a burger is a sandwich. Its arranged horizontally and includes a substantial filling — one or more patties, usually accompanied by condiments and other fixings — between two slices of buns, a bread-like product.

One tenet of sandwichery that doesnt quite count, at least as far as The Atlantic is concerned, is that not all burgers are easily portable. Sure, you can carry a single-patty burger across a room, but if you try to pack a triple-decker in your lunchbox or hold it in one hand, things might get messy. However, considering both the portability of the average burger and the non-portability of, say, a towering Reuben spilling over with corned beef and sauerkraut, we dont think every sandwich needs to fit in the same camp as your coffee tumbler.

We believe all burgers can be considered sandwiches. The same goes for burgers, whose buns have been replaced by ramen noodles or donuts, as both contain carbohydrates. We may not enter sandwich-tax law anytime soon, but we stand by our views.

Which is healthier? Hot dogs or hamburgers?


Is a hot dog considered a burger?

No a hotdog or “Frankfurter” is a sausage that is serve in a long thin bun to accomodate the sausage shape. Hamburger is referring to a beef patty on a round bun.

Which is healthier a hot dog or a burger?

From a calorie standpoint, the hot dog is the winner. From an overall perspective, the hamburger is a better option. A 4-ounce hamburger has about six times the amount of protein as a hot dog, with about a quarter of the sodium. Nutritionally, that’s a better balance.

Are hot dog and hamburger buns the same?

Homemade hamburger buns Shape each piece into a ball. For hamburger buns, flatten the balls into 3 1/2″ disks. For hot-dog buns, roll the balls into cylinders, 4 1/2″ in length. Flatten the cylinders slightly; dough rises more in the center so this will give a gently rounded top versus a high top.

Are hamburgers and hotdogs substitutes?

Answer and Explanation: By definition, two goods are substitutes if the demand for one good falls (increases) when the price of the other good falls (increases). In this example, if the price of a hot dog decreases, people will switch from burgers to hot dogs.

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