are frozen strawberries cheaper

When it comes to the debate over the nutritional value of fresh or frozen produce, you might be surprised to know that fresh isn’t always necessarily best. While some produce contains sauces high in sodium and fat, most frozen products boast nothing added.

In truth, sometimes frozen fruits and vegetables are the cheaper and healthier choice. Need more convincing? Here are three reasons to stock the freezer with frozen fruits and veggies.

Frozen fruits and vegetables are often more nutritious than their fresh counterparts. Produce harvested to be frozen is picked at its ripest time. The nutrients are then frozen in during this process, which preserves the vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients.

In contrast, fresh produce is picked before it ripens, then held for travel and distribution. A bag of frozen fruit or vegetables will often be higher in nutrients and stay fresh until you are ready to heat and eat.

are frozen strawberries cheaper

More convenience when it counts

Frozen fruits and vegetables cook in minutes, allowing for an easier and quicker way to increase fruit and vegetable intake. Simple ways to add frozen foods to your meal planning include:

  • Microwave a steamer bag of broccoli or brown rice for a solid side dish
  • Use “recipe ready” vegetables in soups, crockpot meals and casseroles to save time and the hassle of chopping and prepping
  • Toss in frozen fruits to smoothies or allow to thaw and top off yogurt or cereal for breakfast.

No matter what you want to whip up, there is probably a frozen alternative to help boost nutrition and decrease the time you spend in the kitchen.

If something isn’t fresh or cost-effective in the produce section, look for the frozen variety and know the nutrition will be the same, if not better.

Bottom line: Eating produce in any form is better than skipping out on the essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that produce provides. Most of us don’t consume the recommended five servings of fruits and veggies we need.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower the risk of eye and digestive problems, and positively affect blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.

If you’re looking for support on your journey to better health, find a registered dietitian near you.

More cost savings and longer shelf life

In case you haven’t noticed, fresh produce is priced seasonally. When produce is in season, it’s cheap and ripe. When it’s off-season, it’s expensive and isn’t always in good condition.

The good news is that you can find frozen fruits and vegetables year-round. It’s a cost-effective choice with staying power. If you store them properly, fruit and veggies can be frozen for eight to 12 months, depending upon the source. For a breakdown by food type, check out the Almanac’s handy food chart.

Why I Eat A LOT of Frozen Food


Are frozen strawberries less expensive than fresh?

Some of these phytochemicals are especially vulnerable to damage and degradation over time, but are preserved when berries are frozen shortly after harvest. Frozen berries are also roughly half the price of the fresh varieties, which often sit in storage or on supermarket shelves for days.

Why is frozen strawberry cheap?

Keep in mind there isn’t any food waste with frozen so the price per edible portion may actually be cheaper than with fresh. The freezing process is also kinder to preserving nutrients than the canning process. The price per serving is typically less than fresh, unless there is a sale going on in the produce aisle.

Is frozen fruit more cost effective?

The good news is that you can find frozen fruits and vegetables year-round. It’s a cost-effective choice with staying power. If you store them properly, fruit and veggies can be frozen for eight to 12 months, depending upon the source. For a breakdown by food type, check out the Almanac’s handy food chart.

Should I buy frozen or fresh strawberries?

Many people erroneously believe that “fresh is best”, but when it comes to berries, the frozen varieties have a higher concentration of nutritional elements, and are often spared from the large amounts of pesticides that are used on fresh berries found in a supermarket.

How much do frozen strawberries cost?

Exotic fruits like mangos and pineapples are often harder to find and the most expensive. Frozen strawberries can cost between $7.00 and $9.00 for a 4-lb. bag. Sliced frozen strawberries tend to cost more than whole strawberries, although that may not always be the case. Frozen strawberries can be available in both regular and organic.

Are strawberries healthy?

Strawberries are a healthy addition to the diet. Strawberries and other berries(blueberries, blackberries, raspberries) are abundant in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins, which are responsible for their dark pigments as well as some of their health benefits like brain health. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that supports immune function and wound healing. Vitamin C also increases the absorption of iron from foods, which can be useful for individuals with low iron status. It is sensible to enjoy a variety of fresh berries regularly throughout the week and daily if possible. Frozen strawberries are also a good choice because the low temperatures help retain their vitamin C content.

Are all frozen strawberries the same?

As you can see, not all frozen strawberries are created equal. They may all look just about the same and contain 1 single ingredient (strawberries!), but depending on how the fruit is grown, processed, and frozen, there are a whole host of different characteristics these bags of frozen red jewels can take on.

Are frozen strawberries resealable?

These frozen strawberries are made from whole fruit, and they contain no added sugar. They come in resealable bags so you can keep them frozen until you’re ready to use them up! I enjoy these frozen strawberries because they have a great texture, and they’re not too sweet.

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