is tikka masala supposed to be spicy

When it comes to national dishes, the UK—an island nation comprising several countries—officially has a few. There’s haggis for Scotland and cawl for Wales, maybe the Ulster fry for Northern Ireland. You might expect either fish and chips or roast beef and Yorkshire puddings for England. While each is a staple in its respective country, there’s a singular dish that has unified all of those countries for decades: chicken tikka masala.

When I got word that I’d be doing a deep dive into chicken tikka masala, my husband was conveniently on a business trip in Glasgow—so I dispatched him to the restaurant where it all began. Being British, hes had his fair share of chicken tikka masala, and while he admits they are indeed different from dishes eaten throughout India, hes in favor of the British Indian take. (Having grown up in Germany, I didnt really try Indian cuisine until I moved to the UK, and while I prefer spicier dishes on the whole, sometimes a good bowl of chicken tikka masala really hits the spot.) Despite having tasted many chicken tikka masalas across the UK, my husband reported that this one—at Shish Mahal—was the best hed ever had.

He set the scene for me: Owner Asif Ali walked through his restaurant, very obviously part of the West End community. He greeted his regulars personally, asking after their children, and a recent biking trip they’d taken. Among the locals, my husband said there were a few Americans. When I later spoke to Ali on the phone, he confirmed they’d come all the way from Edinburgh by train for dinner, drawn in by the history of the place. After all, this is where chicken tikka masala was invented in the 1970s by none other than Ali’s late father, Ali Ahmed Aslam, known simply by most as Mr. Ali. Or so legend has it. As with all good legends, the true origin is somewhat steeped in mystery, but Mr. Ali’s claim is widely acknowledged.

Tikka Masala is a mildly spicy, earthy, curry dish with a creamy tomato sauce. Traditionally, it contains Kashmiri chili, which is a type of chili pepper grown in the Kashmir region of India. It’s bright red in color and has a very mild spice level. Many restaurant versions, however, offer mild, medium or spicy curry.
is tikka masala supposed to be spicy

The award goes to…

While CTM may be slipping from the top spot as the UK’s favorite dish—with the traditional roast dinner, fish and chips, and good old pizza re-emerging as family-favorite meals—it’s far from on its way out. Take a spin through the UK, and you’ll see just how prevalent CTM (and Indian food, more broadly) is. There are reportedly some 12,000 curry houses across the UK, ranging from simple diners and takeaway shops to Michelin-star restaurants, such as Gymkhana in London. The UK has held a National Curry Week across the country every October since 1998; they even hand out a hotly contested British Curry Award. There are claims that by 2009, some 25 million portions of CTM were consumed each year across the UK, with the dish making up 7 percent of all curries served in the nation.

It became the title of the 2005, UK-based “Chicken Tikka Masala” film, and it also had the titular role in the 2018 short film “Forbidden Tikka Masala.” Meanwhile, a Scottish member of Parliament tried to have the dish validated as a Scottish national dish in 2009; unfortunately, the motion failed. Michelin-star Indian chef Rohit Ghai is even offering Masterclasses about creating the perfect CTM at home.

“Going for a curry” is practically a weekly tradition, but the Brits don’t only go out to their local Indian restaurant to enjoy a CTM. They may well stay in, not necessarily cooking the dish from scratch but still eating it. National supermarket chain Sainsbury’s supposedly sells 1.6 million chicken tikka masala meals annually and stocks more than a dozen related products, including vegetarian variations and chicken tikka masala pasta sauce, making CTM the highest-selling ready-to-eat meal at Sainsburys.

Regardless of whether it’s your first time in the UK or your fiftieth, you pick up a serving at your local Indian restaurant or you pick up a ready-made meal at the supermarket, you take it with a healthy drizzle of red food coloring or you opt for the more natural tomato-and-cream coloring, one thing is certain: This Indian-influenced, UK-finessed curry dish is one to try.

Pleasing the British palate

Tikka in Hindi translates to “pieces,” and masala means a mixture of ground spices. While it certainly sounds like typical Indian food, you’ll find few Indians ordering the dish, and you’d be hard pushed to find it—at least as it’s made throughout the UK—on any menu on the Indian subcontinent.

The Brits love a good curry, an appetite that originated when the British ruled India from 1858 to 1947. After India gained independence in 1947, an influx of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, and Indian migrant chefs brought recipes to the UK. In the 1960s, these chefs opened restaurants that served traditional dishes, as well as new creations, including chicken tikka masala.

Chicken tikka masala—often abbreviated to a snappy CTM, for ease—is a creamy dish of soft, marinated, boneless chicken pieces in a spiced (but not spicy) tomato sauce flavored with garam masala, red chili powder, turmeric, coriander, and other spices. The chicken—usually marinated twice, grilled in a tandoor oven, finished in a pan with tomato sauce and cream, and served with rice—is a succulent and warming meal. But it didn’t exactly start that way.

The story goes that some of Mr. Ali’s customers complained that their chicken tikka—grilled, marinated chicken pieces sans sauce—was too dry. To please the guests, the inventive chef added some creamy tomato sauce to the dish. Critics say he simply added a tin of tomato soup, and his son easily admits to that. When I spoke with him on the phone, Ali revealed: “It is true that the first few times my father served the dish, it was made with condensed tomato soup,” Ali says. “But soon enough, we isolated the ingredients, enhanced the recipe, and even added our secret ingredient.” No surprise, Ali will not divulge the secret ingredient, but it certainly does the trick.

“The original chicken tikka masala was created for the Scottish palate, which is a very sophisticated one and not one that wants to have its taste buds bludgeoned to death by spiciness,” Ali says. The love for the dish spread from there.

Like many favorite dishes that have entire nations enthralled (think döner kebab in Germany), CTM is not necessarily revered by food critics; instead, it’s somewhat grudgingly acknowledged. Respected food writer Tom Parker Bowles, the son of the UK’s Queen Camilla, called CTM a “delectably inauthentic dish” in the Daily Mail.

The “delectable” claim stands without challenge, while the “inauthentic” might be true only on some levels. CTM has certainly been inspired by authentic Indian cuisine. Take murgh makhani, for instance—a Punjabi butter chicken dish where the marinated chicken pieces, spices, and cooking methods are undeniably Indian. There are parallels between the two dishes, as the tandoori grilling method used by both is very much part of Indian cuisine, and the spices are authentic. And while many people argue that Indian cuisine by and large tends to be spicier than CTM, that is simply not true (Northern Indian cuisine is proof). Sure, the addition of tomato sauce (or condensed tomato soup) is certainly not authentic, but adding cream to a dish is.

So perhaps it’s the bright orange hue that makes it somewhat inauthentic. After all, some restaurants still use food coloring to bring out that prominent orangey-red color that’s traditionally been emblematic of CTM; these days, many restaurants have stopped that practice, choosing to embrace the more natural tomato-and-cream coloration. Regardless of its inherent links to the subcontinent, it’s clear that this dish in particular is regarded as more British than Indian, and it’s more widely eaten by the Brits than Indians. Maybe it’s the color that’s driven a wedge between CTM supporters and opponents all of these years…

$2 Chicken Tikka Masala | But Cheaper


How hot should tikka masala be?

It’s lightly spicy. There is a possibility that the tikka may be in the range of light–medium spicy. But the curry will tone that down too 🙂 Chicken Tikka Masala is not really a very hot dish.

What is tikka masala supposed to taste like?

To summarise, Indian chicken tikka masala has fresh flavors due to the use of fresh tomatoes. It’s creamy, rich and delicious and won’t make you feel bloated as there is a very small amount of cream used. Cashews impart a magical creamy texture and flavour without making you feel heavy.

How to make tikka masala less spicy?

Add vegetables. Adding vegetables, particularly starchy vegetables like potatoes, can also help make a too-hot curry more mild. “I find adding a yoghurt-based salsa to the dish and more vegetables seems to cool down a curry when it is too spicy,” Rasel said.

What spice level is tikka masala?

Boneless chicken traditionally baked in a tandoor oven then coated in a creamy tomato sauce, the tikka masala combines the creaminess of milder curries with a hint of spice from hotter variants to form the perfect medium dish.

Is chicken tikka masala spicy?

If it would be asked whether it is supposed to be spicy, the mild curry dish chicken tikka masala has a rich tomato foundation. It sincerely means mild whenever it is said. Tikka masala is securely at the beginning of a scale ranging from 1 to 10, having 10 indicating scorching hot.

What does tikka masala taste like?

You might wonder what tikka masala tastes like. Even though it uses milder spices than curry, it isn’t nearly the same. Whereas the curry is more temperate, the tandoori chicken sauce is creamier and more affluent. Everyone should indeed love both dishes because they are pretty similar.

What does tikka masala mean?

It sincerely means mild whenever it is said. Tikka masala is securely at the beginning of a scale ranging from 1 to 10, having 10 indicating scorching hot. It is composed of gentle components like dairy and has zero chilies inside it. The chicken into chicken tikka masala is soaked, which gives the meal its “tikka” name.

Is there an authentic version of tikka masala?

There is no “authentic” version of Tikka Masala, it varies from region to region, cook to cook, so feel free to mix it up however you like! Here are a few ideas: Make it spicy: 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper is medium, leaning towards medium-hot spice level, which should be perfect for those who like heat, but not fiery heat.

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