can you get drunk from a whiskey cake

Maybe youre at a party, and you see that someones serving “upside-down pineapple and rum cake.” You could be at a restaurant and notice that the dessert menu offers a “bourbon brownie covered in pecans and vanilla ice cream.” In what some may see as a surprising move, Betty Crocker even tells us that you could add vodka to pastry dough to prevent the development of gluten and provide a flaky crust.

The idea of combining desserts and liquor isnt exactly an unconventional idea. Indeed, Wine Magazine tells us that its not uncommon for specific kinds of chocolate to be paired with certain kinds of wine, such as dark somewhat bitter chocolate with rich red wine. The Pioneer Woman reports that bourbon is seen paired with brownies because bourbon not only has a “warm, vanilla-like flavor,” but is used in the creation of some vanilla extracts. Besides, there are plenty of other examples of liquor being added to food, such as beer-can chicken or beef roast braised in stout beer. Adding a splash of whiskey or rum to a dessert seems like the only obvious course to follow.

But have you ever wondered just why you havent gotten drunk off these desserts? After all, if theres bourbon in that caramel sauce or a noticeable taste of rum in that pineapple cake, you would have to feel a light buzz, right? Can you get drunk off dessert, or is there something that prevents inebriation when you eat boozy sweets?

In case you’re wondering, no, this cake will not get you drunk. Each serving contains a mere quarter ounce of whiskey (that’s 1 1/2 teaspoons). While part of the alcohol does cook off during baking, the cake will still contain some alcohol, so keep that in mind when serving.
can you get drunk from a whiskey cake

It’s technically possible to get drunk off boozy desserts

The idea of getting drunk off your dinner or your dessert may sound like something only the lightest of lightweights would have to worry about. But its possible that it could happen — although this is based on a few select factors.

According to Insider, eating meals with alcohol in them can indeed raise your blood alcohol level the same way drinking a straight glass of liquor would. While it is true, Food Network tells us that alcohol can be burned off when cooked, the dish in question would have to be cooked for nearly three or more hours until the last drops of alcohol are burned up. Your piece of pineapple rum cake or bourbon brownie isnt the same as chugging a bottle of booze without stopping, sure, but youre still getting alcohol in you either way.

Of course, this doesnt mean you should be paranoid about eating foods infused with alcohol. Insider explains that there are factors to keep in mind, such as how much food youve already eaten and how different people process alcohol. If youre eating on a full stomach, youll absorb alcohol much more slowly than someone on an empty stomach. If you are still concerned about having a dish with alcohol in it, youre free to skip it entirely.

But boozy desserts, even if they do raise your blood alcohol level, are still nothing to be concerned about, considering how much alcohol is in them to begin with.

Another cake favored by the common people was the fruitcake, which the Smithsonian claims was invented sometime during the Middle Ages in Europe and stuck around because dried fruit had become more available. Another thing that became more available during that time was booze. As you can probably guess, refrigerators werent exactly running before the 20th century, so people had to get a little creative when storing their food. Booze was and still is, the way people killed the bacteria spoiling their fruitcakes (via The Spruce Eats).

Cake has seemed like a symbol of luxury throughout the course of history. Just take a look at how expensive sugar and dairy used to be before the modern food market made them more accessible. The ingredients, time, and energy needed to buy, make, and decorate cakes were once only had by the uber-wealthy classes of society. But some cakes do have a more humble, down to earth origin such as the classic pound cake, which All Recipes says was created in 18th century Britain and widely favored by the illiterate poor of the Commonwealth.

Whiskey cake, as the name describes, is commonly baked with nuts, dried fruits, and of course some good, old-fashioned whiskey (via Rabbit Hole Distillery). This dessert is also known as tipsy cake, but according to Toriavey, this boozy treat wont actually get you drunk. After all, it is actually just a version of the English fruitcake, which, in and of itself, has quite a few recipe variations regarding the kinds of berries, nuts, and flavors used. But because this cake has no steadfast rule other than it must contain some form of cake and whiskey, you can adjust it to your tastes.

Over the centuries, and through many trials and errors, the traditional fruitcake fathered many different cake variations, one of which being the whiskey cake.

There are traditional aspects to the cake that are often followed for the sake of nostalgia. MasterClass states that some of the common factors between whiskey cakes are that Irish whiskey is either mixed into the cakes batter or soaked in it after baking and it is commonly cooked in a bundt pan or loaf pan. Otherwise, the cake can be chocolate, vanilla, caramel, yellow, etc., and topped with literally anything you set your mind to. And while thats all well and good, it means that when your friend invites you over for a slice or you order some from a bakery, you could end up with very different textured and tasting bakes.



Is there alcohol in whiskey cake?

Although the alcohol content of a whiskey cake decreases while you bake it, the cake remains an alcoholic product even after you remove it from the oven. This is why it’s important to always ensure that you and others consume your whiskey cake responsibly, just as you would a glass of whiskey or a whiskey cocktail.

Can whiskey make you drunk?

Factors like body weight, gender, metabolism, and tolerance can all affect how much whiskey it takes to get drunk. As a general rule, it takes approximately 4-5 shots of whiskey for a person of average weight and metabolism to become intoxicated. However, it’s always important to drink responsibly and in moderation.

Can alcohol in cake affect you?

From boozy cupcakes to tiramisu, eating a dessert that happens to have alcohol in it probably won’t affect you. By the time the dessert has been portioned out, any alcoholic content is likely minimal. However, if you’re worried, be sure to pace yourself and don’t indulge on an empty stomach.

How much alcohol is left in a cake after baking?

Time Cooked at Boiling Point of Alcohol
Approximate Amount of Alcohol Remaining
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
2 & 1/2 hours

Can you get drunk if you eat whiskey cake?

The alcohol does not entirely bake out, so yes -technically, you can get drunk from eating whiskey cake, but you would have to eat quite a bit. Which cake mix should I use for whiskey cake?

What are the disadvantages of having whiskey?

Highest percentage of alcohol in whiskey makes people lose track while drinking it, which lead to alcohol poisoning, which can induce difficulties in breathing, acid reflux and elevated heart rate. People under the influence of alcohol often make rash, risky or illogical decisions that makes them impaired while judging things. Constant abuse of whiskey can lead to damage in metabolism. The prolonged intake of whiskey leads to cirrhosis of liver. Large intake during pregnancy cause spontaneous abortion and mental or physical disabilities for the fetus. Large and regular intake of whiskey can cause stroke, serious injuries of heart muscle, and in some cases death.

Does whiskey make a good cake batter?

As a matter of fact, whiskey is a hidden gem in terms of baking. Its deep and rich tones work really well with sweets, especially chocolates. Try sipping bourbon and then taking a bite of chocolate- it is heavenly! Adding it to the cake batter gives it a distinctive flavor that significantly elevates the cake’s overall taste.

Can you get drunk if you eat a dessert?

The amount of alcohol found in those types of desserts, while enough to raise your blood alcohol content, isn’t enough to get you completely drunk after eating it. The use of alcohol is more or less used as a flavor enhancer and is used rather sparingly when preparing desserts.

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