is pressure cooking chicken healthy

Last year, Saint Petersburg’s International Academy of Agricultural Education published a paper1 that studied how boiling, pressure cooking, roasting and microwaving chicken would affect the meat’s proteins.

Dr. Shehap measured both the essential and non-essential amino acid content of both chicken thigh and breast meat of raw chicken, and meat that had been boiled for 30 minutes, pressure cooked for 20 minutes, roasted in an oven at 180°C (350°F), and microwaved for 20 minutes.

Unsurprisingly, the researcher found a decrease of all amino acids once the meat was cooked -don’t worry she doesn’t recommend eating raw chicken – this was expected and was only reported as a unit of measure for the sake of comparison.

So, if you can’t get most of your protein-building nutrition from eating raw chicken, what is the best cooking method?

The researcher found that pressure cooking chicken meat retained the most protein while roasting retained the least. Dr. Shehap concluded that…

The data tables in the paper show that pressure cooking chicken breasts retains 92% of their essential amino acids and 90% those found in the thighs, while oven roasting only retains 88 and 84% respectively.

Pressure cooking heats chicken to high temperatures for a short period. This cooking method retains vitamins, reduces cholesterol oxidation, and produces minimal or no HAAs, PAHs, or AGEs.
is pressure cooking chicken healthy

also, it’s easier to digest

Meanwhile, a research group in Thailand2 looked into digestibility of protein from chicken breasts after different heat treatments. They cooked the meat two different ways for varying amounts of time: heating in a water bath (sous vide) at 70 °C for 30 minutes or 24 hours; and, autoclaving (pressure cooking) at 121°C for 15 or 60 minutes. Then, Dr. Sangsawad’s team processed the cooked meat through an “in vitro digester” which is a laboratory simulation of human digestion to measure how easily the protein can be utilized by the human body.

The researchers found that the not only was the 15 minute pressure cooked chicken more digestible but it maintained its antioxidant activity as well. They concluded..

Interestingly, the 60-minute pressure cooked breast developed certain compounds (ROS) that would actually make digestion more difficult.

plus it’s more tender and less fatty

A much earlier study3 compared the effect of various cooking methods (boiling, simmering and pressure cooking) on chicken with and without salt. They checked for cooking losses, degree of tenderness in the breast meat, and amount of fat remaining in the thigh meat.

Even though the pressure cooked chicken thighs released more of their fat in the cooking liquid (7% fat left in the thigh for pressure cooked meat compared to 11% boiling and 10% simmering) the pressure cooked chicken meat retained more moisture overall (63% compared to 61% for boiling and simmering) making it more tender. Their conclusions were that..

Pressure cooking chicken retains more protein than other cooking methods, the high heat makes the meat more digestible without compromising the food’s natural antioxidant activity during digestion, it makes the meat less fatty, extra moist and tender.

If you’re going to making a chicken stock, just be aware that any left-over shreds of meat aren’t going to be that nutritious (they make great pet food though, my neighborhood strays inhale it).

And, from over a decade of experience, I would like to add that pressure cooked chicken is more flavorful, too! Ready to try it?

Boiled Chicken || Healthy Boil Chicken in Pressure Cooker


What is the healthiest way to cook chicken?

The healthiest way to cook chicken is to bake it in the oven or stir fry it with vegetables. Put the parts in a baking pan, rub some olive oil on them, and surround them with plenty of garlic, lemon, carrots, or whatever you like. Bake at 350° until brown.

Is cooking in pressure cooker unhealthy?

Yes, cooking in a pressure cooker is healthy as it uses steam to cook food, the insulated and sealed body does not allow the water to evaporate thus preserving the nutrients in the food. Pressure cookers do not require oil to cook making them even healthier.

Does pressure cooking chicken remove nutrients?

The general consensus seems to be that pressure cooking is better because water doesn’t leach out nutrients like in other cooking methods, quick cooking times mean less time for nutrients to escape and lower temperatures mean fewer changes to the nutritional structure of foods.

What are the disadvantages of pressure cooking?

Advantages of pressure cooking include reduced cooking times and retention of nutrients, plus it’s a great way to make energy-efficient, one-pot meals. The downsides include problems with foods that have different cook times and not being able to check the progress of the food cooking.

Is pressure cooking healthy?

Pressure cooking is one of the most common cooking methods in India, but there are contradictory views on whether it is healthy or not. Healthy eating is not just about choosing the right foods but how you cook them also plays a role. Certain cooking methods can reduce the amount of nutrients in your food.

Is chicken good for health?

Yes, chicken is good for health. Chicken is filled with high quality proteins and does not contain much fat – especially if you eat lean cuts. Beyond its rich protein content, chicken also contains vitamin B12, tryptophan, choline, zinc, iron and copper. Chicken is rich in a variety of important nutrients including niacin, selenium and phosphorus. Adding chicken to your diet may help support weight loss, muscle growth and bone health. Selenium is a trace mineral that’s necessary for proper immune function, thyroid health and fertility.

Can You Pressure Cook chicken breast again?

Unless the chicken breast is severely undercooked, We will not recommend pressure cooking it again. If the chicken breast is below 160°F, quickly place the chicken breast back in the pressure cooker. Close the lid and let the residual heat cooks it for an additional 2 – 5 minutes. Do check the temperature often to avoid overcooking.

Can you cook whole chicken in a pressure cooker?

Gently pat dry the pressure cooker whole chicken with a paper towel. Amy + Jacky’s Notes: If the whole chicken’s internal temperature doesn’t reach this food-safe minimum, put the chicken back in the hot broth. Close the lid, then let it cook in the hot broth for a longer time (5 to 10 minutes).

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