why is my caramel chewy

​​​​​​​Your time is valuable and ingredients can be spendy. You want your time in the kitchen to matter. So when you make candies such as caramels, a quick primer can help ensure success.

‘Tis the season to make all things sweet–cookies, cakes and candies. Yes, even candies–those “sometimes tricky” treats that make the holiday so special. Aunt Emily’s Caramels is one of our most searched, saved and pinned recipes. It has a 5-star rating for a good reason; it makes, classic, buttery caramels you will want year after year. Caramel recipes are relatively straightforward. They typically have a short set of ingredients and directions. That said, attention to detail makes the difference between soft, chewy caramels that almost melt in your mouth and something that will require an emergency trip to the dentist.

Temperature is the key in candy making. The most reliable way to know the temperature of the sugar syrup in the pan is with a candy thermometer. A candy thermometer can be purchased at most big box stores, groceries stores or kitchen supply shops. It is important to check your thermometer occasionally to make sure it is accurate. The easiest way to do this is to place the thermometer in boiling water. If it registers 212°F or 100°C, you are good to go. If not, it is time to replace it.

If caramels are too hard, you can try placing them back in a saucepan, adding a couple tablespoons of water and stirring until the thermometer reads 242°F. Pour back into a prepared buttered pan.

If caramels are too soft, that means the temperature didn’t get high enough. Again place the caramel back into a sauce pan with a couple of tablespoons of water and heat to 244°F.

If you don’t have a candy thermometer, you can test with a cold water test. Details on how to use this method can be found here.

Occasionally, caramels might end up with a grainy texture. This is usually caused by sugar crystals stuck to the side of the pan that didn’t get fully dissolved. It only takes one to set off a chain reaction, and before you know it you have crunchy caramel. The easiest way to prevent this from happening is to brush down the inside of the pan with a little water once the mixture comes to a boil. This will wash any stray sugar crystals back down into the hot mixture and prevent them from interfering with cooling later.

If you have additional candy making questions, you can check out this link for more information. Armed with a little extra know-how, you can confidently make homemade caramels a new family holiday tradition.

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why is my caramel chewy

If you have additional candy making questions, you can check out this link for more information. Armed with a little extra know-how, you can confidently make homemade caramels a new family holiday tradition.

If you don’t have a candy thermometer, you can test with a cold water test. Details on how to use this method can be found here.

​​​​​​​Your time is valuable and ingredients can be spendy. You want your time in the kitchen to matter. So when you make candies such as caramels, a quick primer can help ensure success.

Did you find this article helpful? Has it inspired you? What else would you like to know?

‘Tis the season to make all things sweet–cookies, cakes and candies. Yes, even candies–those “sometimes tricky” treats that make the holiday so special. Aunt Emily’s Caramels is one of our most searched, saved and pinned recipes. It has a 5-star rating for a good reason; it makes, classic, buttery caramels you will want year after year. Caramel recipes are relatively straightforward. They typically have a short set of ingredients and directions. That said, attention to detail makes the difference between soft, chewy caramels that almost melt in your mouth and something that will require an emergency trip to the dentist.

Basically I follow this recipe, but I always get a pasty caramel as a result! https://www.inspiredtaste.net/8947/salted-caramels-recipe/ Any insight would be appreciated. Am I pouring too thick of a layer?

How to Make Caramel (Troubleshooting Guide)


How do you soften chewy caramel?

If caramels are too hard, you can try placing them back in a saucepan, adding a couple tablespoons of water and stirring until the thermometer reads 242°F.

How do you know if you overcooked caramel?

It tastes burnt because you’re burning it. Pull your caramel from the heat when it is light amber in color. It will continue to cook and darken as it cools. If you leave it on the heat until it reaches the final desired color, it will overcook.

Why is my caramel gooey?

Certain ingredients like corn syrup can make it sticky. Not cooking the candy all the way to hard crack stage can make it more sticky. High humidity in the air can make it sticky.

Why is some caramel hard and some soft?

Temperature is key when making candy. The difference between a soft caramel and one that’s hard and overcooked is all in the temperature. Candy thermometers—like this instant-read thermometer—let you know exactly what stage the caramel is in (thread, soft-ball, firm-ball, hard-ball, soft crack or hard crack).

Why is my caramel clumping?

It also won’t clump together like other sugars. If your caramel becomes gritty or grainy, the sugar probably crystallized. If the melting sugar splashes up onto the sides of the pan, it quickly loses its moisture content and forms back into crystals. That can set off a chain reaction that can cause caramel to seize up, ruining the entire batch.

Why is my caramel too soft?

The reason why caramels become too soft is because of the temperature regulation. Without an adequately high temperature., the caramel will not get firm. So, what do you need to do to solve this problem? If your caramel turns out to be too soft, place it back into a saucepan. Pour 2 tablespoons of water and heat the solution to 244 F.

What happens if a caramel is too hot?

If the temperature gets too hot and the caramel becomes too hard as it cools, you can put it back in the pan with a couple of tablespoons of cold water to try and save it. Many recipes finish by adding water, cream or butter to add rich flavor to the caramel, which can cause the melted sugar to spit and jump out of the pot.

Why is my caramel not getting firm?

Without an adequately high temperature., the caramel will not get firm. So, what do you need to do to solve this problem? If your caramel turns out to be too soft, place it back into a saucepan. Pour 2 tablespoons of water and heat the solution to 244 F. Keep note to not add excess water.

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