why are vanilla beans so expensive right now

A trip down the baking aisle can land budget shoppers in a serious quandary. Why pay nearly $20 for 4 ounces (119 milliliters) of pure vanilla extract when you can get the same amount of imitation vanilla flavor for less than five bucks? Why does real vanilla cost an arm and a leg? There are a few good reasons.

Around 80% of the world’s supply of natural vanilla comes from the African island, but due to a number of challenges, from devastating storms, the pressures of deforestation, and intensive labor, the dwindling supply of the product makes it very difficult to meet the high demand (via Forbes).
why are vanilla beans so expensive right now

Blame the Growing Process

The other major contribution to sky-high vanilla prices is the fact that the plant is just so difficult to grow. “Vanilla comes from an orchid plant. While there are 100+ varieties of orchids, only one, the vanilla planifolia, grows vanilla beans,” says Jessica Formicola, owner at Savory Experiments in an email interview. “Orchids are finicky plants and hard to keep alive. Orchid flowers are hand-pollinated during a short flowering period,” she adds.

The hand-pollination process is difficult and requires an experienced person to perform it successfully. Typically, its done by farmers whove been in the vanilla-growing game for generations. The process doesnt end once the beans are harvested either. The crop must be cured and dried, and so from beginning to end (growth to export) the process takes a solid year.

“Vanilla is the most labor-intensive crop in the world which is why its only second in price to saffron,” explains “Vanilla Queen” Patricia Rain, culinary historian, and owner of The Vanilla Company. She notes that the orchids flower just once a year and the hand pollination must take place on that day.

Ironically, many farmers had moved away from growing the labor-intensive vanilla before the 2017 Cyclone Enawo made landfall, because of low prices for the product. At the same time, consumer interest in “real vanilla” had started to increase, further exacerbating the supply problem.

Blame the Weather

Its a classic case of supply and demand. Much of the worlds supply of vanilla beans (about 80 percent) is grown in one place, on the island of Madagascar, explains Rave Reviews nutrition coach Elliot Reimers via email. The last few years have seen the island ravaged by multiple storms (Cycle Enawo hit in 2017), wrecking thousands of plants and driving prices up to more than $600 per kilogram (around $300 per pound). “This is 10 times more than it was a few years ago,” he says.

Although 2019 prices proved to be more stable than the fluctuating rates of 2017, 2020 was forecast to see a 25 percent reduction in production, which could send costs shooting upward again, according to flavorings company FONA. But that was predicted before the COVID-19 pandemic happened, which seems to be sending prices lower.

Why Vanilla Is So Expensive | So Expensive


Why are vanilla beans so expensive now?

Why Are Vanilla Beans So Expensive? The labor-intensive aspects of growing and harvesting vanilla beans, the effects of bad weather conditions and the consumer demand for natural vanilla bean products have been driving up the price of vanilla beans.

Why is there a vanilla bean shortage?

In the hilly forests of Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean, where 80 per cent of vanilla orchids are grown, farmers battle cyclones, deforestation, exploitation, and theft – all of which cause supply shortages, and price surges, and can force worried farmers into picking the plant before it is ripe – which lowers its …

What type of vanilla beans are the most expensive?

Tahitian vanilla beans are the most expensive type of vanilla bean, but don’t let that deter you. These vanilla beans have a superb flavor and aroma.

How can you tell if vanilla beans are good quality?

The best quality vanilla beans regardless of where they are coming from, are dark skinned, soft and pliable. They should have a rich aroma. You should avoid beans with very little scent and beans which are smoky, brittle, dry or mildewed.

Are vanilla beans expensive?

Yes, vanilla beans are expensive, and it’s due to several reasons. However, while the beans are expensive, some vanilla flavoring is not because they’re primarily artificial. So while you can enjoy vanilla flavors at a low price, you can get the best experience when you get the beans, which may be pricey. Why are vanilla beans so expensive?

Mexican vanilla vs Regular vanilla: Which is healthier?

Regular and pure Vanilla is made from whole vanilla beans extracted with alcohol. Whereas Mexican vanilla is made using tonka tree which belongs to pea family, extracts of vanilla are added and is entirely different from regular vanilla. Regular vanilla is healthier compared to Mexican vanilla.

Why is vanilla so expensive?

Vanilla prices have climbed so high it’s worth more by weight than silver. This increase in price has to do with a number of factors, including vanilla bean theft, complex pollination, extreme weather, and the rise of the “all natural” food movement. All of these variables combined to create the perfect recipe for a very expensive spice.

Why are Madagascar vanilla beans so expensive?

Madagascar vanilla beans are so expensive because around 80% of vanilla beans consumed worldwide come from this island. Besides the expenses of growing these vanilla beans and the transportation and processing costs, the island also recently suffered from terrible weather. Such a problem led to many failed crop yields.

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