why is it called blueberry buckle

Credit, first and foremost, to my friend Rebecca for introducing me to this cake. Blueberry buckle is her favorite cake, and I and others have made it for her birthday. It is, in my opinion, one of the highlights of American baking. The recipe itself originated in Colonial New England as an adaptation of an English cake, and uses a native ingredient – blueberries. That said, this recipe is much like smetanakuchen, the coffee cake introduced by Ashkenazi Jews with great success to the Northern United States. And though I love Jewish coffee cake, the blueberry buckle has a moisture that the cake is sometimes missing. The name itself comes from the fact that the crumb topping causes the cake to “buckle” – as you can see in the picture.

I made the buckle a little softer than most buckles, because I find that the melty blueberry goes well with that texture. You can totally use frozen blueberries if that is easier or more affordable for you, or if you prefer the result. I added some yogurt to give the cake more weight.

Full of delicious, buttery goodness and bursting with fresh blueberries. This cake allegedly called a blueberry buckle, because while it bakes the batter rises, but the berries and crumb topping weigh it down. This causes the surface of the cake to buckle… hence the name!
why is it called blueberry buckle

I made the buckle a little softer than most buckles, because I find that the melty blueberry goes well with that texture. You can totally use frozen blueberries if that is easier or more affordable for you, or if you prefer the result. I added some yogurt to give the cake more weight.

Credit, first and foremost, to my friend Rebecca for introducing me to this cake. Blueberry buckle is her favorite cake, and I and others have made it for her birthday. It is, in my opinion, one of the highlights of American baking. The recipe itself originated in Colonial New England as an adaptation of an English cake, and uses a native ingredient – blueberries. That said, this recipe is much like smetanakuchen, the coffee cake introduced by Ashkenazi Jews with great success to the Northern United States. And though I love Jewish coffee cake, the blueberry buckle has a moisture that the cake is sometimes missing. The name itself comes from the fact that the crumb topping causes the cake to “buckle” – as you can see in the picture.

I’m not so sure I believe the Nutrition Committee’s claims about the nutritional value of their recipes, as this dessert doesn’t seem very healthy by today’s standards. About the most that can be said for it is that it does contain a lot of fruit. Whether it’s truly nutritional or not, that’s not going to stop me from making it!

I will eat anything with a streusel topping, so I already knew I would love this recipe. I wasn’t prepared for just how good the blueberry layer would be, though – the blueberries cook down into a wonderfully thick, jammy layer. The cake layer underneath is plain, but still a perfect base for the toppings. The only change I might make to this recipe would be to add a little bit of vanilla extract to the batter.

The only problem with such a thick of layer of blueberries is that it’s difficult to tell when the buckle is done baking; the blueberries are so liquid that using a cake tester doesn’t tell you much. I left mine in for an additional 5 minutes because it still seemed wet, but actually ended up overbaking it slightly. So, unless your oven is very slow, trust the recipe and take out the buckle after 1 hour and 15 minutes to avoid overbaking it. The streusel topping should just be starting to turn golden at that point.

Old Fashioned Blueberry Buckle


Why do they call dessert a buckle?

A charmingly old-fashioned dessert that deserves a comeback, a buckle is a single-layer cake with berries or cut-up fruit in the batter, giving it a “buckled,” or indented, appearance.

Why do they call it a blueberry buckle?

Blueberry Buckle is called “buckle” because while it bakes, the batter rises. The weight of the berries and crumb topping weighs it down, causing the surface of the cake to buckle!

What is a fruit buckle?

Though crumbles, crisps, and cobblers are more akin to pie, a buckle is a lot like cake. In fact, they look nearly identical to fruit-filled coffee cakes. As the batter rises in the oven, the weight of the fruit causes it to “buckle.”

What is blueberry buckle?

Blueberry Buckle is an old-fashioned sweet coffee cake with fresh blueberries and topped with a buttery sugar-cinnamon streusel topping. This classic recipe will take you back to grandmas’s kitchen table with the first bite! This thick, cakey and oh-so sweet Blueberry Buckle is the reason I’m smiling today!

What are huckleberries?

Huckleberries are in the same family as blueberries. That’s what blueberries are often called in some parts of North America. They are round, small, and with different colors.

What is a blueberry buckle cake?

If you’ve never had a slice of blueberry buckle, you’re in for such a treat. It’s a dense, sweet cake made with fresh blueberries and topped with a buttery sugar cinnamon topping. This is a tried and true blueberry cake that will be passed down for generations to come. Make this show stopping cake today!

How long does a blueberry buckle last?

In an airtight container at room temperature, this delicious blueberry cake will stay fresh for up to 3 days. To elongate that time, keep the cake in the same airtight container, but place it in the fridge! In the fridge, the buckle will stay fresh for up to 5 days. How should I serve this blueberry buckle?

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