whats the difference between mango pickle and mango chutney

In this article we put two classic condiments head to head – its chutney vs pickle!

Ever wondered what the difference is between the two? Lets delve deep into these two divine dishes to find out how theyre made and what separates them, rounding off with some delicious recipes for a little homespun inspiration.

So, chutney or pickle? From textures to tastes, ingredients to methods, lets find out the difference between these two time-honored condiments.

Chutney is a spicy condiment with Indian origins. Its made by mixing a combination of chopped vegetables and fruits with spices, herbs, vinegar and sugar, and sometimes lemon juice. Its then cooked in a large pot for up to an hour, to form a lusciously thick condiment with a spicy, sweet and sour taste.

Examples range from the common – such as mango chutney, apple chutney and plum chutney – to the more unusual – coconut chutney and quince chutney, for example.

Pickle consists of whole fruits or vegetables that have been added to a liquid solution, usually sweetened vinegar or brine. Salt, sugar and other ingredients are then added to the vinegar or brine solution to create extra flavor.

Mixing fruits or vegetables with tangy liquids can be enhanced by adding several spices and herbs.

The pickling process is key when it comes to getting a longer shelf life. It also creates a wonderful combination of flavors.

Pickle is not to be confused with a pickle, which is what pickled cucumber is known as in the US, and referred to as a gherkin in the UK.

whats the difference between mango pickle and mango chutney

What’s the difference between chutney and pickle?

Although they are based on a similar concept, chutneys and pickles have quite a few key differences.

Size of pieces

Pickles are made using whole fruits and vegetables, while chutneys are made using small, chopped pieces of fruits or vegetables. While these vary in size, they are always chopped, rather than whole fruits, as is the case with pickles.


Chutneys tend to have a smooth consistency. This is due to the fact that the vegetable pieces and fruit pieces are chopped and cooked for a long period of time.


Chutneys are a mix of sweet, savory, sour and spicy. While pickles have a similar taste, chutneys tend to be a lot richer, as they are slow cooked.

Cooking times

Pickles are made by mixing lightly cooked vegetables with sweet vinegar with other ingredients as a way of preserving vegetables. Unlike pickle, chutney is cooked for a long period of time (usually 45 minutes to an hour).


Chutneys came from the Indian subcontinent around 500 BC, whereas pickle goes back even further – to around 2000 BC in the Tigris Valley.


Pickles are great when served on top of sandwiches or pizzas, or even added to a salad or on the side of your favorite meat dishes.

Chutneys make a classic pairing with a cheeseboard. They always pair perfectly with cold meats and are great when spread on cracker, rye or standard crusty bread.

Oh, and dont forget curries!

whats the difference between mango pickle and mango chutney

What are the similarities between the two?

Both chutney and pickle are ways of preserving perishable food. They also both contain fruits or vegetables, along with vinegar and flavor enhancers such as herbs, spices and flavored oil.

As they share similar ingredients, chutney and pickle have a similar sweet, spicy and sour taste.

mango chutney recipe | green mango chutney | mango chutney sauce

Is mango pickle the same as mango chutney?

Yes! Mango chutney is made from ripe or overripe mangoes, while mango pickle is made from underripe hard green mango. Want to try your hand at making your own pickle? Try these recipes: Did I mention that I’m a homemade chutney fanatic?

Is mango peel healthy?

Mango skin is edible and packed with nutrients like vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. It helps prevents cancers including lung, colon, breast, brain, and spinal cord. Mango peels also contain triterpenes and triterpenoids, which are plant compounds that reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

What is the difference between pickle and chutney?

Pickle is not to be confused with ‘a pickle’, which is what pickled cucumber is known as in the US, and referred to as a ‘gherkin’ in the UK. What’s the difference between chutney and pickle? Although they are based on a similar concept, chutneys and pickles have quite a few key differences. Size of pieces

What is mango pickle?

Mango Pickle is a traditional Indian condiment made with raw unripe green mangoes, spices and oil. In India, pickles are relished as a side in every meal. It is eaten with dal-rice, dal-roti, parathas & even with many breakfast dishes. Indian cuisine is diverse so a Mango Pickle is made in many different ways.

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