what do i do if my zucchini bread is too dry

Zucchini bread is one of my absolute favorite things to bake, year round. Sure it’s great for using up that annual garden glut, but I love to make it in the middle of winter, too. It’s so cozy, inviting, and easy to whip up, once you know the ins and outs of a great loaf, that is

what do i do if my zucchini bread is too dry

My favorite no fail zucchini bread recipes:

Select small to medium zucchini for baking. Smaller, younger zucchini has more flavor, is less watery, and less seedy than giant specimens. When you use smaller zucchini you get more peel in your batter, too, which adds flavor, texture, and pretty green flecks to breads and cakes.

This isn’t like banana bread where you search for the gnarliest bananas you can find…look for smooth, shiny skin and avoid dented or bruised zucchini.

what do i do if my zucchini bread is too dry

what do i do if my zucchini bread is too dry

To peel or not to peel

NEVER peel your zucchini for zucchini bread, it contains nutrients, and gives the bread added texture and flavor.

what do i do if my zucchini bread is too dry

How do you know when zucchini bread is done?


Why is my zucchini bread dry?

Don’t slice zucchini bread until you’re ready to enjoy it; slicing will allow the bread to dry out quicker. Glazing your bread will also keep it moister.

Why did my zucchini bread turn out crumbly?

The most common reason for zucchini breadand other quick breads (and cakes) to collapse as they cool is the ingredients are too vigorously or quickly mixed, which incorporates lots of less stable air bubbles into the batter.

How do you fix undercooked zucchini bread?

Fixing Undercooked Bread It is pretty simple to salvage an undercooked bread and create a decent loaf. Heat the oven to 350 F, return the bread to the oven, and bake for another 10 to 20 minutes. This will work even if the loaf has cooled, which is similar to par-baking bread.

Why is my zucchini bread hard on top?

Overmixing the batter However, zucchini bread should be soft and almost cake-like in texture. This means you can’t disturb the gluten in the flour too much — which usually happens through over-mixing. When you mix the batter for an unreasonable amount of time, the baked good is tough when you remove it from the oven.

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