can broccoli go bad in the freezer

Ever wondered how to freeze broccoli easily with the best texture and flavor? Lets test two ways, blanched and unblanched, and uncover the absolute best way to preserve your broccolis freshness. Which do you think it will be?

Broccoli isnt one of the things I freeze a lot of – I usually only have room for 4-6 plants which provides us with just enough fresh broccoli through the season (I always choose a variety with lots of side shoots so I can harvest the whole season from the broccoli I plant in the spring).

So when I wrote Freezing Produce the Easy Way, the technique I included for freezing broccoli is the standard way youll see everywhere: blanch first 1-2 minutes, dry, and freeze.

But I recently had a bunch of broccoli I got a good deal on and wanted to freeze. And because of my experience with freezing green beans without blanching (and later snap/snow peas, basil, and even corn) I decided to test the standard recommendation.

Yes, you can freeze broccoli. “Cooked broccoli can be frozen for up to 2 months,” Amidor says. Raw broccoli doesn’t freeze well, however, so she suggests blanching it before freezing.
can broccoli go bad in the freezer

Can you freeze fresh broccoli without blanching?

can broccoli go bad in the freezer

Why Blanch?

Before we talk about not blanching, I should list the reasons why were told to blanch broccoli (and many other vegetables) before freezing.

If you google it, youll find something similar to this from bloggers to university extension offices:

“Blanching slows or stops the enzyme action which can cause loss of flavor, color and texture.”

What you often dont find are the drawbacks to blanching:

  • The blanching time is very important and varies with the vegetable and size – not blanching long enough stimulates the activity of enzymes and is worse than no blanching.
  • Nutrients are released in the cooking water.
  • Higher energy costs.
  • Higher water consumption.
  • And of course the extra time and effort needed to blanch (boil water, time blanching, ice bath, drying…repeat for all your produce).

Considering these drawbacks and the fact that our family found we liked the texture better in non-blanched green beans (which last a year in the freezer just fine) I decided to test it with broccoli to see if we really have to blanch before freezing.

Heres what youll need to freeze broccoli either way:

  • Fresh broccoli – however much you need (a medium head is 3/4 to 1 pound and will fill 1-2 quart size freezer baggies)
  • Freezer baggies or vaccuum sealer and baggies, or airtight freezer container (Note: if you can remove air, your frozen produce will have more freezer burn damage and not last as long)
  • Straw – if using baggies
  • Large baking sheet
  • If blanching: large pot and colander + large bowl with ice water

I washed and cut the broccoli into florets and divided it into two piles. One half was blanched the traditional way and spread on half a cookie sheet after drying.

The other half I simply laid out on the cookie sheet in one layer without doing anything other than the initial washing.

I froze the broccoli for 2-3 hours and then packaged each half into a freezer baggie labeled with blanched and unblanched.

At two weeks I steamed the broccoli in both packages 3 minutes (from frozen) and Brian and I tasted tested to decided which we liked best and had the firmest texture.

You may – or may not – be surprised at the results!

Read on for the steps for each method, what the broccoli looked like in all the stages, and which way Ill be freezing broccoli in the future.

Standard Method to Freeze Broccoli Blanched

can broccoli go bad in the freezer

After washing and cutting the broccoli into similar sized florets, plunge into boiling water for 2 minutes.

TIP: I find it easiest to use a colander to be able to pull all the broccoli out at one time.

can broccoli go bad in the freezer

Remove the broccoli from the boiling water and immediately add to a bowl of ice water.

Leave for 2 minutes and then drain on a towel until mostly dry.

Simply wash the broccoli and cut the head into fairly even florets (they will cook more evenly after freezing when cut in similar sizes).

can broccoli go bad in the freezer

For either method, lay the florets out in a single layer on a large baking sheet. Freeze until solid, usually 2-3 hours.

This “flash freezing” allows you to pack the frozen florets in containers without them sticking to each other. This makes it easier to use later from the baggie, pulling out what you need and easily separating them to cook.

can broccoli go bad in the freezer

Remove the frozen florets from the baking sheet and then add to baggies labeled with the contents and the date, using the straw vacuum seal trick to remove as much air as possible.

Freeze for 3-6 months for best quality. It will last longer, though the quality will start to suffer (texture, freezer burn, etc) no matter which method you choose.

can broccoli go bad in the freezer

Okay, now you know how to freeze broccoli both blanched and unblanched – now onto the results after two weeks of freezing!

Freezing Vegetables: Do You Lose Nutrients?


How can you tell if frozen broccoli is bad?

How to tell if frozen broccoli is bad? If the broccoli has freezer burn, lots of ice built up inside the container, it will need to be tossed. If the color of the broccoli has lost its bright green color, it is typically a sign that it is losing its moisture due to a storage issue, and will need to be tossed too.

Does broccoli expire in freezer?

Once frozen, transfer to a plastic container or resealable freezer bag. The broccoli should stay fresh-tasting and free of freezer burn for 6 to 8 months.

How do you know if broccoli is freezer burn?

You can easily recognize freezer burn on fruits and vegetables, as they become dry and shriveled. They might also be covered in ice crystals because of their high water content, and if you cook them, they’ll likely have a woody texture (5).

Can I eat old broccoli?

If the bottom of the stalk looks dry, you may be able to cut off the dry part and still consume the broccoli provided there are no other indicators of spoilage. If the stem or florets look wilted, they have lost too much moisture and should be tossed.

What happens if you don’t freeze Broccoli?

If you don’t freeze your broccoli correctly, you’re likely doomed to squelchy, overly moist broccoli. This is because broccoli is mostly water; when it’s frozen, the water turns to ice, and the crystals expand. When the crystals melt slowly, the water seeps into the vegetable, creating a soggy mess.

Is frozen package broccoli as healthy as fresh broccoli?

No. Vegetables end up losing a certain amount of nutrients whenever they are cooked or frozen, so frozen broccoli has slightly fewer nutrients than freshly cooked broccoli. However, it still contains nutrients and remains a healthy food.

Can you freeze broccoli florets?

Shock the florets in an ice water bath to stop them from cooking, then drain. Arrange the florets on a kitchen towel to remove as much moisture as possible. Place the florets on a sheet pan in a single layer. Freeze until solid, about 1 to 2 hours. Transfer the broccoli florets into a plastic or silicone freezer-safe bag.

Can you eat frozen broccoli?

The good news is there’s no shortage of delicious broccoli recipes. Frozen broccoli is perfect for broccoli cheese soup, broccoli chicken casserole, and easy broccoli and ham quiche. While blanching helps preserve broccoli’s snappy texture, frozen broccoli will always be a bit softer than freshly cooked broccoli.

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