what is the difference between bouillabaisse and cioppino

Cioppino, Bouillabaisse, and seafood chowders are three “seafood stews” that are often confused, as they are quite similar in ingredients and cooking methods. There are some nuanced differences, however, mostly around the type of fish used and several regionally-based distinctions. If you don’t have access to fresh seafood, flash-frozen seafood can stand in without a loss of flavor or texture.

Q: What is the difference between bouillabaisse and cioppino? A: Actually there isn’t much difference other than Cioppino is Italian with a tomato-based broth and bouillabaisse is French with a bit of saffron and chopped tomatoes added to a fish broth.
what is the difference between bouillabaisse and cioppino

The Key to “Authentic” Cioppino, Bouillabaisse, or Seafood Chowder

There is no “right way” to make these fish stews, but there are two keys to making all of these seafood stews taste “great”:

  • A good fish stock
  • Not overcooking the seafood

Spices are negotiable and are all over the board, so the seasoning is going to vary according to regional or household preferences.

Here in the Midwest, we have a lot of great food to be thankful for, but fresh seafood is something I truly miss from my early days growing up in Oregon. I used frozen seafood in each of these stews and they turned out fantastic. Seafood these days is often flash-frozen right on the ship and can be a perfect alternative to fresh if you do not live in a coastal area where fresh seafood is readily available. The husband at Ferry Bldg. market in San Francisco after the Good Food Awards

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Distinctions between Cioppino, Bouillabaisse, and Seafood Chowder

Cioppino is a homey seafood stew thought to have been created by West Coast (specifically San Francisco) Italian immigrants, with a rich tomato base as its primary broth.

The seafood that goes into cioppino generally has a regional focus, integrating ingredients like Dungeness Crab in San Francisco or lobster in Maine.

Particular seafood ingredients tend to be the “catch of the day”, but one thing is certain…cioppino includes a massive amount of fish.

And, while the type of fish on any given day might include mussels, clams, crab legs, scallops, halibut, or shrimp, the addition of some form of firm-fleshed white fish is a constant.

Other ingredients often seen in cioppino include red wine, onions, garlic, parsley, and basil.

Seafood and fish are an integral part of the Pesco Mediterranean Diet. This article will fill you in on the details of the Pesco Mediterranean Diet to see if it might be something you want to try.

Bouillabaisse is a hearty French fish stew, similar to cioppino but further characterized by the addition of saffron.

The broth is also a distinguishing factor between cioppino and bouillabaisse. While cioppino has a true tomato base, bouillabaisse has a white (fish stock) base with some tomatoes thrown in.

To get technical, an “authentic” bouillabaisse cannot be made outside of Provence because it must include Provence’s indigenous scorpion fish. In the States, a snapper or sea bass is frequently used as a substitute for scorpion fish.

Other ingredients often seen in a bouillabaisse include white wine, potatoes, fennel, and orange peel.

This recipe for a French Bouillabaisse stew is excellent, low-carb, and not difficult to make.

Seafood and fish are an integral part of the Pesco Mediterranean Diet. This article will fill you in on the details of the Pesco Mediterranean Diet to see if it might be something you want to try.

Much of the seafood in cioppino and bouillabaisse is served in the shell, requiring special utensils (i.e., crab cracker, bibs).

The beauty of a seafood chowder is that it is often made with whitefish instead of shellfish, requiring only a large spoon and a chunk of good crusty bread to sop up the broth.

Often a seafood chowder will include heavy cream in the broth along with the fish stock, and almost always, a chowder will include potatoes.

Seafood corn chowder without shellfish

The type of seafood included in a chowder is the cook’s choice, but you see smoked salmon more frequently in a chowder than in a cioppino or bouillabaisse.

Bouillabaisse vs Cioppino


What is another name for cioppino?

Cioppino, bourride, brodetto, cacciucco, zarzuela, gumbo. Fish soup. Shellfish stew.

What does cioppino mean in Italian?

The word “cioppino” comes from the Ligurian dialect “ciuppin” and means “chopped, torn to pieces”. This unfussy soup was consumed by mariners and port workers in taverns and inns around the Ligurian harbors.

What’s the difference between cioppino and cacciucco?

Cacciucco is made with a variety of fish and shellfish, typically including cod, and is simmered in a tomato-based broth with garlic, olive oil, and red pepper flakes. Both dishes have a similar origin and ingredients, but Cioppino is considered more of a California-Italian fusion dish.

What is bouillabaisse sauce made of?

How to make bouillabaisse: Make a broth, fortified with lots of seafood shells and trimmings (available for a few dollars a pound at your fish counter). Add aromatics seasonings, including the typical ingredients of Provencal France: Garlic cloves, saffron threads, fennel bulb, olive oil and tomatoes.

What is the difference between cioppino and bouillabaisse?

Another difference between the two dishes is the type of broth that is used. Cioppino is typically made with a tomato-based broth, while bouillabaisse is typically made with a saffron-infused broth. Both cioppino and bouillabaisse are hearty and flavorful dishes that are perfect for serving as a main course.

What is the difference between cioppino and bouillabaisse chowder?

Cioppino, Bouillabaisse and seafood chowders are three “seafood stews” that are often confused, as they are quite similar in ingredients and cooking methods. There are some nuanced differences however, mostly around type of fish used and several regionally-based distinctions.

How do you cook bouillabaisse & cioppino?

Cioppino is often served with sourdough bread; bouillabaisse is served with bread spread with rouille, a garlicky mayonnaise. Sauté the aromatics. Cook fennel, onion or shallot, and garlic until tender and aromatic. Cook with a little tomato paste to add a deeper flavor to the broth. Deglaze with white wine.

What is cioppino made of?

Cioppino is a traditional Italian stew that’s made with a variety of seafood, such as clams, mussels, shrimp, and fish. It’s a hearty and flavorful dish that’s perfect for serving on a cold night. The seafood is cooked in a tomato-based broth that’s flavored with wine and herbs.

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