can you can pickles without a canner

With this simple method for canning dill pickles, anybody can do it – even if youve never canned before. No canner needed; you just pop em in the oven to seal the jars. Easy step-by-step instructions below.

Every time I look under the prickly leaves, a few more have ripened from little green dashes to overgrown submarines. I dont know how it happens – I can pick them all off in the morning, and by evening a few more of the sneaky little beggars have ballooned to pickle size, supplying me with a steady trickle of Cucumis sativus fruits to eat fresh with a sprinkle of seasoned salt, to make cucumbler salads, or to preserve in big jars as crunchy dill pickles.

In our northern Alberta climate, we dont always have good pickle years. Cucumbers need a lot of heat and good moisture. Since we have such a big garden and well-water that has too much sodium to be good for the soil, our plants have to tough it out and rely on Mother Nature for whatever she decides to dole out. This year she was very generous – we had lots of sweltering hot days with +30°C temperatures, and well-timed soaking rains.

Our garden is glorious – corn is several feet taller than I am, kale is a sprawling hedge, potatoes like baseballs and kohlrabi like basketballs, peas and beans loaded, and cucumbers rolling out a steady harvest. And its a good pickle year.

The variety of pickling cucumbers we plant is called Cool Breeze, meant for short season growing. They perform well for me in years when the conditions are right. Ill plant them again next year, hoping it will be another pickle year.

This recipe for pickles is so easy peasy. I make up a batch of the brine and keep the leftovers in a jar in the fridge. Then whenever I have enough cucumbers collected to make a few more quarts, I reheat the brine and pickle em up.

The recipe comes from my friend Ronaye, and since Ive adopted her super-easy method of pickle-making, I dont dread the job anymore. The magic to her method is that you dont need to mess with a canner and boiling water bath, you seal them in the oven. Its fun and very satisfying to turn a big bowl of pickling cukes into jars of puckery dill pickles well enjoy all winter long. I can get a few jars canned while Im baking a batch of cookies or cleaning up my kitchen. These dills never fail. The pickles are crunchy and sour like we love them, and the jars always seal. It doesnt even feel like canning – its just filling jars and sticking em in the oven!

Is it possible to can pickles without a canner? If you don’t have a canner or a steam canner, you can still can pickles! You’ll need a deep stock pot, big enough for the jars and an extra 4 inches of space above them for boiling water. The cans have to be completely submerged.
can you can pickles without a canner

Tips and Tricks for No-Fail Easy Oven Pickles

The trick to making these easy dill pickles is to use distilled water, so theres no chlorine or minerals in the water to affect the crunch and flavour of the pickles. We have a reverse osmosis water filtration system, so I use that water, but before we had the system installed, I purchased gallon jugs of distilled water from the store to make these pickles.

Also, make sure to use pickling salt (which is pure sodium chloride), as the iodine or stabilizing agents in other salts can make pickles lose their crunch.

Ive given no amounts for cucumbers, since it really depends on how many you have. I find that it takes about 1¼ lbs (550gms), or a little less, of cucumbers to fill 1 quart jar and 1½ to 1¾ cups (360-420mls) of brine to cover 1 quart of cucumbers, depending on how big the cukes are and how tightly you pack them in. One batch of brine will fill 8 to 9 quarts of pickles. I make 4 or 5 jars of pickles at a time, then save the brine in the fridge until I have enough to make a few more jars. With this method you can even make 1 or 2 jars at a time, if you only have a few cucumbers ready. (Make a half-batch of the brine, too, if thats all you need.)

The cucumbers can be stuffed in the jars whole, if they are small, or cut into spears or slices if they are large. If youre not into garlic or dill, you could even be totally minimalist and use only cucumbers and brine, though then they wouldnt be dill pickles anymore, just plain ol pickles.

For this last batch I added some heads of green coriander seeds (cilantro that went to seed in the garden). I think theyll add a great flavour to the pickles.

You can also pickle whole green beans this way, just blanch the beans first – add a couple small dried red chili peppers if you want spicy dilled beans.

DONT THROW OUT THE PICKLE JUICE WHEN YOUVE EATEN THE PICKLES! Save it for these fun, party-charging PICKLEBACK SHOTS at your next gathering.

*I only use this oven-canning method for these pickles because of the high acid content and have never tried it with any other foods. I use a water bath method to seal the jars for any other kinds of canning.

Estimate how many quart canning jars you think you will need for the cucumbers you have and prepare a couple extra. Wash the jars in the dishwasher on the hottest water setting.

While the jars are washing, wash and drain the pickling cucumbers. Wash the dill blossom heads or dill sprigs, and shake dry.

Combine the ingredients for the brine in a large stockpot and bring to a boil. When it has boiled, turn off the heat and cover the pot with a lid to keep the brine hot until you need it.

Preheat the oven to 310°F (155°C) and remove all the racks except the bottom one. (Yes, that is the right temperature – not a typo.)

Set the metal canning lids into a saucepan of water and bring to a simmer. Keep hot until you need them.

When the jars have finished washing, set them onto a clean dishtowel on the counter. Into each one place 1 dill seed head, 1 clove of garlic and 6 peppercorns. Hold the jar sideways, and fill it with cucumbers, packing them in tightly to fit in as many as possible. Larger cucumbers can be cut into quarters lengthwise as pickle spears to make them easier to fit into the jars. Pack the cucumbers so there is an inch (2.5cm) of space between them and the top of the jars.

Bring the brine back up to a boil, then pour it over the cucumbers, covering them completely and leaving ½ to ¾ of an inch (1.5-2 cm) headspace at the tops of the jars. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, wet dishcloth. Place one of the hot metal lids on each jar and screw on the metal ring so it is just finger tight (how tight you can turn it with just your thumb and index finger).

Place the jars onto a cookie sheet or in a 9×13″ pan (easier to handle) and carefully slide it into the oven. This is the only tricky part since the pan full of jars is awkward and heavy. I only do 4 to 6 jars at a time.

Bake for 10 minutes (15 minutes for 1.5 quart jars).

Carefully remove the jars from the oven, keeping them level as you handle them, and place them right-side-up on a tea towel on the counter. Leave them undisturbed until they cool.

You will notice some bright green spots where the brine hasnt penetrated the pickles totally yet. Dont worry about them – they will be uniformly olive green in colour by the time they are cooled. You should hear a slight pop as each jar seals over the next half hour or so. (Dont be tempted to touch the lids and force the seal to happen.)

Once the jars are cool, check to see that they have sealed by seeing if the slight bulge in the middle of the metal lid is sucked down and the lids are smooth. If you can make the center of the lid move up and down by pressing on it with your finger, it has not sealed. Keep those jars in the refrigerator, wait a week for them to totally pickle, then use up in a couple months (should be no problem to do that). Although, I have never had any jars fail to seal by doing them this way.

Tighten the rings and store the jars in a cool dark spot. They will be ready to eat after one week, though they can take up to a month to fully cure.

How To Preserve Dill Pickles / No Water Bath Needed


What can I use instead of a Mason jar for pickling?

Empty jam jars: When making a batch of fruit preserves, wash and boil any jam jars you have in the fridge with a few drops left of the store-bought stuff. Cambro storage containers: Grab a few of these from a restaurant supply store to make quick pickles.

Is a water bath necessary for canning pickles?

Most fruit preserves and pickles are sufficiently high in acid to be canned via a method called water bath canning, where jars are submerged in boiling water for a prescribed amount of time. This destroys any pathogens in the food, and creates a seal, thereby rendering the jars shelf-stable.

Can You pickle items without a canner?

Thankfully, these three concerns were easily remedied by a little research—I discovered that I could pickle items without a canner, pickle items without concern of botulism, and have the items keep in the refrigerator for upwards of three months.

Is it safe to drink pickle juice?

Drinking pickle juice is safe, especially if prepared at home. Depending on how it is prepared, it may ccontain fiber and probiotics with beneficial health effects.

Do pickles need to be canned?

No canning, no heat processing of any sort. These pickles stay fresh and crisp tasty for months. We’ve enjoyed them at Christmastime. If you don’t have a lot of small cucumbers, you could cut the recipe in half, or make up a full batch of brine but process pickles by the quart and hold the reserve brine in the fridge for a couple of weeks.

Can you make dill pickles without Canning?

Betty makes a simple old-fashioned brined dill pickle that doesn’t require canning, and couldn’t be easier to make. My early attempts at dill pickles were not very successful. I followed the FDA guidelines from the Ball Blue Book of Preserving, and ended up with tasty pickles with absolutely no crunch.

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