can hair developer go down the drain

Research and other operations at Cornell University generate chemical waste requiring disposal. Some of these chemicals can be recycled in the chemical surplus program to be reused by other members of the Cornell community, while other chemicals are classified as hazardous waste and specific rules must be followed, prior to disposal, to be in compliance with federal, state and local regulations.

This appendix provides information for compliance with the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility (IAWWTF) established requirements and limitations regarding disposal of chemicals into campus laboratory drain systems. Drainage from disposal systems on the core Ithaca campus terminate at the IAWWTF. Limitations may differ for locations that are not connected to the Ithaca area sanitary sewer system (such as laboratories in Geneva, New York City, or other locations) and additional prohibitions will apply to any drain that terminates at a local on-site system (leach field or similar). Do not dispose of any chemicals into a storm sewer or similar untreated disposal options. Contact your local EHS representative for guidance in areas outside of the core Ithaca campus.

Any questions regarding the disposal of chemicals generated in university operations (labs, shops, maintenance, campus life, building care, etc) should be directed to Environmental Health & Safety at “askEHS”. Any questions regarding the disposal of chemicals or wastewater from construction activities or utilities should be directed to Environmental Health & Safety at “askEHS”. The following information should be included in the “askEHS” question to expedite this process:

Within individual work areas and laboratories, authorization for specific operations, delineation of appropriate safety procedures and instruction about these procedures is the responsibility of the Principal Investigators and/or supervisors. This includes appropriate chemical waste disposal practices and accidental discharges.

It is the responsibility of each Cornell employee to ensure that chemical waste generated from their activities is disposed of properly. Some materials may be safely disposed of into the sanitary sewer while most cannot due to potential damage to human health, the environment or the functioning of the IAWWTF.

Because most hair dye contains harmful chemicals like p-Phenylenediamine (PPD), it should not be dumped down the drain.
can hair developer go down the drain

Prohibited From Drain Disposal

Certain classes of chemicals cannot be poured down the drain – they must be collected, managed and disposed of as hazardous waste using the Cornell University Department of Environmental Health and Safety’s waste procedures. If you have questions regarding the proper collection and disposal of aqueous solutions, low concentrations or small volumes of chemicals within the categories below, contact EHS at “askEHS”.

The following classes of chemicals are prohibited from drain disposal:

  • Any flammable liquids with a flashpoint less than 140 degrees F – including but not limited to any quantity of gasoline, kerosene, naptha, benzene, toluene, xylene, fuel oil, ethers, ketones, aldehydes, chlorates, perchlorates, bromates, carbides, hydrides and sulfides. This does not include aqueous solutions of these compounds that have a flashpoint greater than 140 degrees F.
  • Explosive chemicals.
  • Any Liquids, Solids or Gases that pose a fire hazard alone or can potentially interact with other chemicals in the sewer and become a fire or explosion hazard.
  • Solutions outside the pH range of 5.5 to 9.5. Labs may neutralize acids and bases to a pH within this range and then drain dispose, provided there are no prohibited items in the solution.
  • Halogenated hydrocarbons and aqueous mixtures containing halogenated hydrocarbons (including but not limited to: bromodichloromethane, chloroform, chloromethane, dibromochloromethane, methylene chloride, tetrachloroethene).
  • Insoluble materials.
  • Mercury Metal and mercury compounds such as Thimerosal, Mercuric Chloride, etc. (any discharge down the drain must be reported per the Accidental Discharge procedure).
  • Water reactive materials (including but not limited to aluminum alkyls, barium, lithium, potassium, sodium, sodium borohydride, zinc powder or zinc dust).
  • Radioactive materials.
  • Infectious substances.
  • Photographic Chemicals
    • Developer solutions containing Hydroquinone or heavy metals such as Barium or Selenium
    • Used fixer solutions. (These contain silver that is recycled through Cornell Universitys Silver Reclamation program via EHS).
  • Any solids or viscous substances capable of causing obstruction to the flow of sewers, including but not limited to:<
    • Grease
    • Particulates greater than ½ inch in any direction
    • Animal products (gut or tissue, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or fleshing, entrails, whole blood, feathers)
    • Ashes, cinders, sand, spent lime, stone or marble dust, metal, glass or residues from glass grinding or polishing, straw, shavings, grass clippings, spent grains
    • Rags, waste paper, wood, plastics, rubber, tar, asphalt residues, mud
    • Residues from refining or processing of fuel or lubricating oil, petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin
    • Water soluble polymers that could form gels in the sewer system
  • Any solution alone or by interaction with waste that can cause a noxious or malodorous gas (such as: Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide) that can be hazardous individually or by reaction with other components in the sewer.
  • Any chemical that either alone or if mixed with other wastes results in the presence of toxic gases, vapors and/or fumes that could be harmful to utilities workers, workers of the Ithaca Waste Water Treatment Facility or create a public nuisance.
  • Malodorous chemicals such as Mercaptans.
  • Rinsate from the acutely toxic P listed wastes – first rinse of the triple rinse protocol.
  • Carcinogens as grouped by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
  • Mutagens or Teratogens, such as Ethidium bromide.

Hair Color Developer: How to Pick the Right One 2021


How do you dispose of old hair developer?

Dispose of your hair developer just like your chemical hair dye – as hazardous waste.

How do you dispose of unused hair bleach?

Some allow disposal down the drain if you run water, some landfills allow it to be put in garbage. Apparently it can be labeled as hazardous waste, which limits disposal. So, research your local regulations.

Is hair dye considered hazardous waste?

Hair dye is classified as a hazardous waste item, which is why it’s important to know how to properly dispose of it. Throwing it away in the trash is the easiest option, but if the color contains hazardous chemicals, it’s important not to put it in the mixed recycling container.

How do you dispose of a hair developer?

Some hair products are flammable, other bleach, others dye. The safest way for you to dispose of a hair developer is by pouring them down the drain of the sink, bathroom, or toilet. As the main component in a hair developer is hydrogen peroxide, the mixture will eventually turn to water and oxygen which is why disposal isn’t that difficult.

Does hair developer go bad over time?

Hair developer does go bad over time. Once the bottle has been opened, the hair developer can be used for only six months. After that, it will start to lose its potency and may not work as well. A developer is a product that helps lighten the hair. It comes in different formulations, including hydrogen peroxide and ammonium persulfate.

What happens if you flush hair dye down the drain?

This toxic substance is extremely lethal to fish and other wildlife. It can also have a significantly damaging effect on water and soil. Hair dyes that are flushed down the drain can easily end up in your water system and contaminate the water. This will make it difficult for waste facility workers to filter these chemicals out of the water.

How long does hair developer last?

The developer will last for 30 minutes after mixing. This is because the chemicals in the developer start to break down and become less effective after this time. After 30 minutes, the mixture is no longer suitable for use and one of two things will happen: it won’t work or it can cause damage to the hair.

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