what is pipian made of

This Pipian verde recipe with chicken has fantastic flavors of spices, toasted nuts, and roasted vegetables for one of my favorite mole sauces. You will be blown away by this sauce’s beautiful, unique flavors.

I’m a massive fan of Mexican food. From the bold, robust flavors to the rich history of their classical recipes, check out my Birria Quesa Tacos or my Chilaquiles if you are in the same boat.

Pipian verde is a rich Mexican sauce consisting of nuts, spices, tomatillos, and pureed vegetables until smooth. Once it’s done being prepared it is commonly cooked and simmered with pre-cooked chicken or pork. It would be traditional to serve it with Mexican rice or Arroz Blanco.

Pipian verde is also known as mole Verde, making it one of the seven famous moles of Puebla and Oaxaca, Mexico. The word mole comes from the native language Nahuatl of the Aztecs, and the mole originally just meant sauce. While some moles are complex in flavor and ingredients, this pipian is simpler. This sauce is a must-make with the perfect spice, some toasted nut flavors, and roasted vegetables and herbs.

Pipián is a sauce from Mexican cuisine made with puréed greens and thickened with ground pumpkin seeds. The sauce is said to have origins in the ancient Aztec, Purepecha & Mayan cuisines. The greens used to make the sauce include tomatillos and peppers like poblano, serrano and jalapeño.
what is pipian made of

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what is pipian made of

This Pipian verde recipe with chicken has fantastic flavors of spices, toasted nuts, and roasted vegetables for one of my favorite mole sauces. You will be blown away by this sauce’s beautiful, unique flavors.

I’m a massive fan of Mexican food. From the bold, robust flavors to the rich history of their classical recipes, check out my Birria Quesa Tacos or my Chilaquiles if you are in the same boat.

what is pipian made of

Pipian verde is a rich Mexican sauce consisting of nuts, spices, tomatillos, and pureed vegetables until smooth. Once it’s done being prepared it is commonly cooked and simmered with pre-cooked chicken or pork. It would be traditional to serve it with Mexican rice or Arroz Blanco.

Pipian verde is also known as mole Verde, making it one of the seven famous moles of Puebla and Oaxaca, Mexico. The word mole comes from the native language Nahuatl of the Aztecs, and the mole originally just meant sauce. While some moles are complex in flavor and ingredients, this pipian is simpler. This sauce is a must-make with the perfect spice, some toasted nut flavors, and roasted vegetables and herbs.

what is pipian made of

  • Tomatillos – Use freshly peeled tomatillos for this sauce.
  • Onions – You can use white, red, sweet, or yellow onions. You’ll also need some garlic cloves.
  • Chiles – I use a combination of poblano and serrano peppers.
  • Herbs – Fresh cilantro and epazote help to balance out the flavors in the sauce and tame the spice from the chiles.
  • Greens – I like the combination of romaine lettuce and radish greens.
  • Spices – Cumin and peppercorns add some wonderful flavor to the pipian verde.
  • Nuts & Seeds – I use sesame seeds, pepitas, and peanuts.
  • Oil – Any suitable expeller-pressed oil like avocado or olive oil will work well.
  • Liquid – I use chicken stock, but water or vegetable stock also works.
  • Chicken – I prefer breaking down a whole chicken into parts and using the fabricated carcass for stock later. However, you can use all thighs, drums, breasts, or a combination.

How to Make Pipian with Chicken

Season the chicken with salt and pepper.

what is pipian made of

Add the oil to a rondeau pot over high heat until it smokes lightly, and then place in the chicken skin side down. Turn the heat down to medium-high.

what is pipian made of

Sear the chicken for 3 to 4 minutes per side or until well browned. Set it aside on a plate.

what is pipian made of

Add optional onion, carrots, celery, garlic, and 1 bay leaf and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes. If not, proceed straight to adding in the chicken stock.

what is pipian made of

Pour the chicken stock and season it with salt and pepper. Place the chicken back in and cover over medium heat for 1 hour.

what is pipian made of

On a sheet tray with parchment paper, spread out the onion, poblano peppers, serrano peppers, garlic cloves, and tomatillos. Drizzle oil over the vegetables and season them with salt and pepper.

what is pipian made of

Roast in the oven at 425° for 25 to 30 minutes.

what is pipian made of

In the meantime, toast the cumin seeds and peppercorns over low to medium heat while stirring until fragrant. Add to a bowl or a mortar.

what is pipian made of

Toast the sesame seeds in that same pan over low to medium heat while stirring or until lightly browned. Add to the same bowl or mortar. Repeat the process for the pepitas and then the peanuts.

what is pipian made of

Finely grind all the spices, seeds, and nuts using a pestle.

what is pipian made of

Transfer the roasted vegetables, ground spices, nuts, and seeds to a blender, along with romaine leaves, radish greens, cilantro, epazote, and chicken stock from the pan with the chicken.

what is pipian made of

Blend on high speed until it becomes smooth and add it to the large rondeau pan and season it to taste.

what is pipian made of

Add the chicken to the pipian sauce and cook over low heat for 20 to 30 minutes.

what is pipian made of

Serve the chicken with optional garnishes of pepitas and chopped fresh cilantro.

what is pipian made of

Make-Ahead: You can make this recipe up to 1 day ahead; just reheat it before serving.

How to Store: Cover and refrigerate this pipian verde for 5 days. This will freeze very well and be covered for up to 3 months. Thaw it for 1 day in the refrigerator before reheating.

How to Reheat: Add the desired amount of pipian verde and chicken to a medium-size saucepot with a lid and cook over low heat until warm.

GREEN MOLE – How to make a Pipian Mole


What’s the difference between mole and pipian?

Now Pipián (aka Pepian) is a type of mole that is made primarily with pumpkin/squash seeds (pepitas, hence the name) instead of other nuts like peanuts, pine nuts or sesame seeds, which are common in mole. It’s pretty hard to find Pipián on most menus, so to this day it’s still a treat whenever Mom makes it.

What does pipian taste like?

Pipian Rojo, or “red pipian sauce”, is a Mexican sauce made with pumpkin seeds and dried red chilies. It is very much like a classic Mexican mole, though simplified. The flavor of pipian rojo is savory and nutty, perfect for serving with chicken breast or duck, though it is quite versatile with Mexican food.

What part of Mexico is pipian from?

Pipian verde is also known as mole Verde, making it one of the seven famous moles of Puebla and Oaxaca, Mexico. The word mole comes from the native language Nahuatl of the Aztecs, and the mole originally just meant sauce. While some moles are complex in flavor and ingredients, this pipian is simpler.

What are the different types of pipian?

There are actually two. It’s called pipian and it exists in two versions – pipian verde (green) and pipian rojo (red). I’ll describe them in more detail below but pipian basically refers to any Mexican sauce made with pepitas (pumpkin seeds) as its main ingredient.

What is pipián sauce?

Pipián is a sauce from Mexican cuisine made with puréed greens and thickened with ground pumpkin seeds. The sauce is said to have origins in the ancient Aztec, Purepecha & Mayan cuisines. The greens used to make the sauce include tomatillos and peppers like poblano, serrano and jalapeño.

What is pipian Verde made of?

Pipian verde is a flavorful and hearty Mexican prehispanic sauce made with pumpkin seeds, peanuts, sesame seeds, leafy greens, and spices. It is perfect to serve with poultry, pork, fish, or vegetables. What is pipian verde? Pipian verde is a traditional sauce from central and south Mexico.

What ingredients are used in pipian?

It’s usually made with ingredients such as cumin, coriander, garlic, dried chiles, and ground squash or pumpkin seeds which are either dried or roasted. Lemon juice can be additionally added to the combination in order for pipian to develop a more liquid consistency.

How do you make a pipian?

Pipian or pepian is commonly made using pumpkin seeds and using chicken as the protein, but there are other recipes that include a mix of several seeds and use pork, beef or nopales with shrimp (cactus paddles) for the protein. There is another pipian recipe here on the blog, the green pipian, and a very similar dish called Mole verde .

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