what is chia spread

The Power of chia in a delicious, clean, and natural fruit spread. Thickened with healthy and nutritive organic chia seeds instead of synthetic pectins, and sweetened with organic low glycemic agave nectar, instead of GMO sugars and high fructose corn syrup.
what is chia spread


We keep it natural with nutrient packed dates

Ingredients you can recognize, and read. Less is more

3-4g of net carbs per serving and no refined sugars

Made using imperfect fruits. Good for you and good for the planet.

Therefore, we have two main purposes: First, is to put chia to work. We take advantage of the mucilage that covers the seed, which reacts on contact with water, expanding 10 – 15 times its volume, which is a natural mechanical reaction that we use to thicken the fruit, therefore, removing the industrial pectins, common in jams, marmalades and fruit spread. Second, by adding chia seeds instead of pectin, we bring to the product all natural and healthy properties of chia seeds, which is not an industrialized ingredient, and it also has a high content of omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, minerals and antioxidants. So, our product development just makes sense!

Our Premium Chia & Fruit Spreads are developed with natural and healthy as the most important characteristic of the product. They do not contain pectins, acids or added sugar cane. Our chia fruit spread glycemic index is low as our products are not made with sugar cane, and instead sweetened with agave syrup. Instead of using acids, we use squeezed lemon juice as one of the only 4 ingredients in the product (Fruit, Agave Syrup, Chia Seeds, Lime Juice). Our products are all natural, vegan, gluten free, free of preservatives, colorants, additives or flavorings. With a natural and healthy flavor profile, they represent the new age of natural and tasty fruit spreads.

Check This Out: Chia Fruit Spreads


What is chia seeds made of?

Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a small seed that comes from an annual herbaceous plant, Salvia hispanica L. In recent years, usage of Chia seeds has tremendously grown due to their high nutritional and medicinal values.

What does chia flavor taste like?

Chia seeds have a subtle taste. Their mild and nutty flavor blends well with both sweet and savory dishes. Some say that chia seeds taste sort of like alfalfa sprout or poppy seed. You can add chia seeds to many different meals and snacks and enjoy their many health benefits.

What happens if I eat chia seeds everyday?

Although chia seeds offer a variety of health benefits, eating too many may lead to complications: Digestive issues. Because of their high fiber content, eating too many chia seeds may cause constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and gas.

Is chia actually healthy?

Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which can improve heart health, reduce cholesterol levels and promote intestinal health. Fiber takes longer to digest and makes you feel satisfied longer, which is how it can help with weight loss and decrease your risk of developing diabetes or heart disease.

What are chia seeds?

Chia seeds are the tiny black seeds of the chia plant ( Salvia hispanica ). Native to Mexico and Guatemala, they were a staple food for the ancient Aztecs and Mayans. In fact, “chia” is the ancient Mayan word for “strength” ( 1 ). Chia seeds are small, flat, and oval-shaped with a shiny and smooth texture.

What can be done with chia seeds?

The simplest and most versatile recipe is chia pudding, which can be added to any fruit such as apples, bananas, maracuja, etc. Chia can also be added to any juice and in other recipes such as cakes and pancakes.

Are chia seeds good for sprouting?

Chia seeds are great “gateway” seeds for sprouting because they germinate quickly and don’t require presoaking or special equipment. Here’s how to get a batch started with a terra cotta saucer or plate, a large dish, and a glass bowl—plus some best practices for making sure your sprouts are as safe to consume as possible.

What are chia seeds used for?

Chia seeds can be used straight from the package to add color and crunch to salads, cereals, and baked goods. Whole seeds add a crunchy, poppy seed-like texture to recipes while ground seeds and chia flour (pre-ground seeds) produce smoother results. Crisp-tender chia sprouts make tasty additions to salads and sandwiches.

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