how do you describe a drink that tastes good

Picture the scene: You see an interesting beer, but you aren’t sure it’s for you. You hop on Untappd to see what other people have said. You see reviews like ‘Tasty!’ , ‘This is malty’, or ‘Too hoppy for me’. But what does that really mean? Or what about this? You’re tasting a beer and it’s great! You want to share what it’s like with the world!! But you can’t quite put your finger on what it actually tastes like (other than delicious!). How to describe beer is a tricky business. Words like ‘malty’ and ‘hoppy’ only mean something if you know what malt and hops should taste and smell like. If you are new to beer tasting or still learning, these descriptors are very broad and mean something different depending on the beer ingredients used. And don’t forget, everyone tastes and smells things differently – hoppy to one person might be different to you.

In this blog post I’m going to guide you through how to describe beer, particularly good beer! We’re going to look at how to taste beer first, then talk about what you should be looking for before thinking about what descriptors you can use for a great beer review.

how do you describe a drink that tastes good

How to describe beer with flavour and aroma descriptors

Rather than using words like ‘malty’ or ‘hoppy’ when we begi work on how to describe beer, you should be using flavour and aroma descriptors that relate to food. We all eat and drink, so we all have an understanding of flavours and aromas from our food.

By learning what food descriptors apply to the different ingredients in beer, you can make a clear, interesting review of the great beer you are tasting and tell everyone else how great it is too.

Hops give off the flavours and aromas of citrus, exotic fruit, grass, hay, tea, spice and a whole host of other descriptors depending on where they are grown.

Malt also covers a wide range, but think of flavours and aromas that relate to cereal, bread, coffee, chocolate and toffee to start with.

Yeast is even more interesting giving off pear, banana or green apple aromas as something called esters and pepper and spicy notes in something called phenols.

Brewers can also add a variety of herbs, spices and fruits to the beer to add even more layers. You can build your beer vocabulary by trying lots of different foods and spices and relating these to beer ingredients. Then instead of saying ‘hoppy’ you can say ‘pineapple’, ‘orange citrus’ or ‘fresh cut hay’. This all paves the way in your learning of how to describe beer!

how do you describe a drink that tastes good

What are you looking for when learning how to describe beer?

So now you know how to taste – what are you looking for in the aromas and flavours you are picking up as you learn how to describe beer? That really depends on the style of beer and what it’s been made of. But there are a few things you can look for in all beers.

For the appearance and clarity you can describe the colour and head – is it thick and foamy or barely there with a few bubbles? Can you see carbonation bubbles and if so are they fat and slow or small, tight and streaming? Is it perfectly clear or murky like juice? On the aroma you will get a wide range of notes – is it floral, citrus, coffee, bread, biscuit? A darker beer may have more malt flavours and aromas, where a pale beer might have more hop characteristics. The same goes for the flavour, but we also want to consider the mouthfeel – is it thick or thin? Is it fizzy or smooth? Is it chewy or acidic?

But how do we even begin to find the right words to use?

how do you describe a drink that tastes good

Words To Describe Food & Drink


How do you say have a good drink?

have a nice drink‘ is a correct and usable phrase in written English. It can be used as a polite request to offer a beverage to someone or as a pleasant way to say goodbye. For example, you may say, “It was nice to meet you. Have a nice drink on me before you go!”.

Can you use delicious to describe a drink?

So, “delicious” is a word we use when we think something tastes good. We can use this for food or drinks.

How do you describe the taste of a cocktail?

So, when describing the taste of a cocktail, you might want to use all four of these taste descriptors. For example, you might say that a Margarita has a sweet and sour flavor, with a slightly salty aftertaste. Or that a Manhattan has a sweet and complex flavor, with a slightly bitter finish.

Why do certain diet soft drinks make my mouth taste sweet hours after drinking them?

Diet sodas are made with sweeteners instead of sugar, and most sweeteners leave this aftertaste in their mouths, and some people are more sensitive and less fond of that aftertaste.

How do you describe a delicious drink?

You can express a delicious drink by using descriptive words like flavorful, delectable, mouthwatering, or savory. Highlight the unique taste, balance of flavors, and overall satisfaction it brings. How do you describe a refreshing drink? A refreshing drink can be described as invigorating, revitalizing, cooling, or thirst-quenching.

What are drinks & how do you describe them?

Drinks are beverages that we consume to quench our thirst, indulge in flavors, or simply enjoy a refreshing moment. When it comes to describing drinks, words have the power to evoke sensory experiences and convey the essence of our favorite sips.

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