how far is 2km in minutes

The time it takes to walk two kilometers can vary depending on several factors, such as walking speed, terrain, individual fitness level, and personal preferences. On average, a person can walk at a pace of around 5 kilometers per hour (km/h) or approximately 3.1 miles per hour (mph). Based on this average walking speed, it would take roughly 24 minutes to walk two kilometers. However, please keep in mind that this is just an estimate, and actual walking times can vary.

On average, it takes the average person roughly between 20 and 24 minutes to walk 2 km [1].
how far is 2km in minutes

Is a 2 km walk enough exercise?

While a two-kilometer walk is a positive step towards incorporating physical activity into your routine, it may not provide the same intensity or calorie burn as more vigorous exercises. The amount of exercise needed varies depending on individual goals, fitness level, and overall health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. This can be achieved through various activities, including walking.

To enhance the benefits of a two-kilometer walk, you can consider increasing the intensity by walking at a brisk pace or incorporating inclines. Additionally, you can gradually increase your walking distance or combine it with other exercises to achieve a well-rounded fitness routine.

It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer who can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and goals.

What is a fast time to walk 2 kilometres?

A fast time for walking 2 kilometers would depend on various factors, including the individual’s fitness level and walking ability. However, for most individuals, completing a 2-kilometer walk in under 15 minutes can be considered a fast time. This would require walking at a pace of around 8 km/h or approximately 5 mph. It’s worth noting that competitive racewalkers can achieve even faster times, often completing 2 kilometers in less than 10 minutes. Nevertheless, what is considered a fast time may vary depending on personal goals, fitness levels, and the context of the walk.

How Running 2 Miles Every Day Will Transform Your Body


How many minutes is 2km walk?

As a rough estimate, an average walking speed is around 5 kilometers per hour (kph), which translates to 12 minutes per kilometer. Therefore, it would take approximately 24 minutes to walk 2 kilometers at an average pace.

How many minutes is 2 km by run?

The Average Person finishes a mile in about 9 minutes. so about 11–12 minutes to do a 2K for an average person.

How many minutes is 2 km by car?

There are 60 minutes in an hour. At 50km/hr it takes you 1.2 minutes to go 1 km. Therefore, it would take you 2.4 minutes to go 2km.

How long is 1 km in minutes?

Here is some basic information for common race distances: Kilometer: A kilometer is 0.62 miles, which is also 3281.5 feet, or 1000 meters. It takes 10 to 12 minutes to walk at a moderate pace.

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