is it good to have dessert after lunch

After every great dinner with friends or family, a difficult moment arises. The pie or cake arrives on the table, resplendent. But having just gorged on the meal, I can’t enjoy dessert. What’s a sweets lover to do?

We put this highly scientific question to a panel of registered dietitians to figure out when’s the best time to eat and enjoy dessert and whether there’s an ideal time to wait to check in on your hunger cues. Advertisement

The experts say that after lunch is the best time to eat dessert. If you indulge in the afternoon, you have a bit of time to burn off the calories during the rest of the day. You should try and eat dessert an hour after you eat your lunch.
is it good to have dessert after lunch

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After every great dinner with friends or family, a difficult moment arises. The pie or cake arrives on the table, resplendent. But having just gorged on the meal, I can’t enjoy dessert. What’s a sweets lover to do?

We put this highly scientific question to a panel of registered dietitians to figure out when’s the best time to eat and enjoy dessert and whether there’s an ideal time to wait to check in on your hunger cues. Advertisement

The ideal time for a sweet treat is…

In my unqualified opinion, it’s always the ideal time for dessert, but our experts said otherwise.

Earlier in the day may be best for digestion, according to Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes, a registered dietitian and founder of 360 Girls & Women. In fact, an after-dinner treat could contribute to acid reflux, heartburn, upset stomach or just poor sleep when enjoyed too close to bedtime. “It takes about one to two hours to digest carbohydrates (bread, pasta, crackers),” Anderson-Haynes told HuffPost. “If you add more components such as protein and fat, you increase digestion time. Most desserts contain high amounts of fat and carbs (added sugar, flour, etc.).”

Dessert is part of celebrations, enjoyment and pure pleasure, so if you feel like eating it later in the day or evening, that’s fine too, according to registered dietitian Alissa Rumsey. “You can eat dessert any time of day that you want,” Rumsey said. “If you’re tuning in to your body to help determine what you want to eat and it’s hungry for dessert ― have the dessert! Oftentimes people restrict dessert or sweets during the day, even if they’re craving them, which can lead to them feeling out of control around sweets later in the day.”Advertisement

Meaning: Enjoy dessert if you feel like it! Kimberley Rose-Francis, a registered dietitian nutritionist, explained that it’s better to have the sweet than obsess over it for both your mental and physical well-being. “Depriving yourself may lead to overindulgence and then psychological guilt later on,” Rose-Francis said. “A recent 2020 research article concluded that ‘anticipating indulgent food, such as dessert, can change healthy food preferences for immediate consumption.’”

If you’ve ever been told to wait before you take another portion or have dessert, there is a research-backed reason: It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register fullness. Advertisement

“It can take time for your stomach to communicate with our brains that you are physically full, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t eat dessert right after a meal,” Rumsey said. “However, if you frequently find that you’re finishing dessert and then feeling uncomfortably full afterward, you could try experimenting with waiting 10 or 15 minutes and see how that feels.”

Try eating slowly and mindfully, skip electronic distractions and enjoy your meal at the table. Rose-Francis suggested: “As a best practice, employ mindful eating tactics: one, chew your food slowly; two, chew your food thoroughly; and three, check in with your body to see what information it is giving you. Taking these steps will let you know if you have the desire and/or room for dessert.”

“I Crave Sugar After Lunch” (HERE’S WHY!)


Is it good to eat dessert after meal?

Desserts provide a good feeling after dinner and give satisfaction after consumption as there is a release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for pleasure and creates a sense of happiness feeling satisfaction. There is also a release of endomorphins which are responsible as a mood booster.”

Can I eat sweet after lunch?

Is it good or bad to have sweets after meals? Usually, having a small portion of sweets does not harm. The nutritionist says that if you feel energetic and satiated after having a small amount of sweets, it should not concern you much.

How late should you eat dessert?

Dessert is part of celebrations, enjoyment and pure pleasure, so if you feel like eating it later in the day or evening, that’s fine too, according to registered dietitian Alissa Rumsey. “You can eat dessert any time of day that you want,” Rumsey said.

Does dessert help with digestion?

Research also suggests that Indulging in dessert may help ease digestion and raise serotonin levels in the brain, making us feel calmer and happier.

Should you eat dessert after lunch?

She suggests eating dessert about an hour after lunch. “If eaten directly after your last meal, you could become bloated and uncomfortable,” she says. “But you also don’t want to eat sweets on an empty stomach, since your body will absorb it faster and lead to a bigger blood sugar spike-and a bigger crash a few hours later,” she adds.

Can one exercise after breakfast?

Yes, exercising after breakfast is generally fine and can offer energy for the workout. A light meal or snack before exercise can provide the necessary nutrients and fuel. However, intense workouts might be more comfortable if done a bit later to allow digestion. Listen to your body’s cues, and choose exercises that suit your energy levels and comfort. Staying hydrated and consuming a balanced breakfast is essential before exercising to ensure optimal performance and recovery.

Should you eat dessert before or after a heavy meal?

For some people, it may not feel so good having dessert after a heavy meal or right before bed. If you experience digestive issues or find that your sleep quality is negatively impacted eating dessert after a certain hour, consider giving your body a couple of hours to digest before going to sleep.

Is it okay to eat dessert at different times?

When eating intuitively, you may find you’re having dessert at different times or sometimes not at all, which is totally okay. For some people, it may not feel so good having dessert after a heavy meal or right before bed.

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