what does lavender and bergamot do

When it comes to essential oils that can help you sleep, theres more to life than lavender. But dont dismiss it quite yet. With the right essential oils surrounding it, lavender can come to life in a whole new way

Introducing Lavender alongside its perfect bedfellow – fresh and bright Bergamot. This gently relaxing match made in heaven are the heroes of our DREAM signature blend. Heres their story and why they work together so well…

Lavender and Bergamot essential oils offer numerous benefits for sleep and relaxation. Lavender’s calming aroma helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting better sleep quality. Bergamot provides a mood-lifting effect, easing tension and creating a peaceful atmosphere.
what does lavender and bergamot do

Dont dismiss lavender quite yet. Even if its not on your smells I love list, its sleep-inducing credentials are second to none. Famed for its ability to help us relax, studies have proven that lavender oil can help improve sleep quality and help us relax deeply. Its benefits have been so well documented that some private hospitals are even starting to use it in their wards to help patients get the restorative sleep their body needs (not easy in most hospital settings to say the least). The lavender we use in our DREAM signature blend is naturally farmed by a growers in France who pride themselves on producing highly therapeutic quality crops. That’s vital to us because high quality lavender oil has been clinically proven to help aid sleep. One of the most versatile oils of all, lavender really is a perfect night-time treat as it soothes both mind and body. As well as being an effective sedative, lavender oil can be very skin-friendly – helping balance skin’s sebum production and encourage healthy new cells to form. It is also used to help healing and prevent scarring. The good news is that while lavender on its own can be overpowering, mix it with the right partner and everything changes. (Try our DREAM blend and youll see what we mean).

When you think about which essential oil can help you sleep, the first one that usually comes to mind is lavender. Its proven to improve sleep quality and is gorgeously gentle. Trouble is, its a very polarising smell. In fact, well confess – on its own we dont really like it. It can be a bit stuffy – reminiscent of old ladies handkerchiefs and dusty lavender bags hanging too long in dark wardrobes to keep the moths (and everyone else) at bay. Kiss the Moons story started in a bid to find a sleep-inducing essential oil alternative to the sometimes overused lavender option. The journey was a fruitful one. The truth is, nature has given us a whole host of soothing essential oils that are perfect for bedtime, each one helping us get more out of our beauty sleep in a slightly different way. Thats why we have four signature blends – so you can find the essential oil match that offer the beauty sleep benefits that work hardest for you.

Introducing Lavender alongside its perfect bedfellow – fresh and bright Bergamot. This gently relaxing match made in heaven are the heroes of our DREAM signature blend. Heres their story and why they work together so well…

Bringing a soft, subtle citrus note that lifts that mood and brightens the spirit. A gentle mix of sweet, lemony notes with a warm balsamic undertone. Bergamot is known as the king of essential oils and has been used in perfumes and skincare products for generations. A citrus fruit, its the zing that makes Earl Grey tea that little bit special as it cuts through the black tea and lifts the whole taste. We use it in a similar way. We’ve added it to our DREAM blend to add a twist of freshness and for its ability to lift the spirit and help bring a touch of positivity to the mind.

When it comes to essential oils that can help you sleep, theres more to life than lavender. But dont dismiss it quite yet. With the right essential oils surrounding it, lavender can come to life in a whole new way

A calming diffusion blend featuring lavender and bergamot essential oils. Check the directions included with your diffuser for specific use and dilution recommendations. Adjust the amount of essential oils accordingly.

Does bergamot smell like lavender?


What are the benefits of lavender and bergamot?

Hair: I add a few drops of bergamot to my shampoo to help promote hair growth and quality. Stress: This oil is calming and relaxing, like lavender, and helps to lift your mood. You can inhale it directly from the bottle or from your cupped hands whenever you feel the need to raise your spirits.

Does lavender and bergamot smell good together?

Top aroma note options that go well with lavender include Orange, Tangerine, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, and Peppermint. Ideas: Lavender & Bergamot will create a light, bright blend. Lavender & Peppermint will have a stronger scent and is a great option for headaches.

What does bergamot do spiritually?

Spiritual Benefits of Bergamot Oil It can help to soothe feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression. The calming and uplifting properties of this oil make it an excellent choice for those who are going through a difficult time and need a little extra emotional support.

What are the healing benefits of bergamot?

Research points to bergamot essential oil’s ability to reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and increase positive mood. However, when using the oil, please make sure to dilute it with carrier oil or water. It can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some people.

What are the benefits of lavender & bergamot oil?

Lavender oil for its calming and relaxation properties, making it an ideal natural remedy for anxiety and stress. Bergamot oil for its citrus aroma that can help to uplift your mood and promote feelings of well-being. In addition to their individual benefits, Lavender and Bergamot used together create a synergistic effect.

Can lavender and bergamot be used together?

In addition to their individual benefits, Lavender and Bergamot used together create a synergistic effect. When used together, these oils can help to improve concentration and focus, while also reducing stress and tension. Lavender and Bergamot oils are safe for most people to use and can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.

What is the difference between bergamot oil and lavender oil?

Bergamot oil is great for uplifting the mood and promoting relaxation, while lavender oil is well known for its calming and soothing properties. When these lavender and bergamot oils are blended together, they can help to ease tension and stress, promote restful sleep, and provide a sense of overall well-being.

What are the benefits of bergamot essential oil?

Bergamot essential oil has a wide range of benefits, including: Boosts the immune system and protect the body against disease Improving skin health, can be used for acne, eczema, and other skin conditions Aids digestion, can help to relieve indigestion, heartburn, and nausea

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