what do you call a wine drinker

Oenophile. Simply put, an oenophile (pronounced “ee-nuh-file”) is someone who loves wine. This person likely considers themselves a wine enthusiast, passionate about a good bottle of wine but without any formal training. An oenophile can probably tell the difference between a cheaply made wine and one of higher quality …
what do you call a wine drinker

Other words from oenophile

  • oe·no·phil·i·a [ee-nuhfil-ee-uh], /ˌi nəˈfɪl i ə/, noun
  • oe·no·phil·ic, adjective

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

Origin of oenophile11925–30;
  • Also oe·noph·i·list [ee-nofuh-list]. /iˈnɒf ə lɪst/.

3-Point Test – How to Taste Wine | Wine Tips For Beginners | APWASI | Dr. Clinton Lee


What is the nickname for a wine drinker?

Oenophile.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/oenophile. Accessed 8 Apr.

What do you call a person that drinks wine?

Oenophiles drink wine, discuss wine, keep wine in the cellar, and know which years produced the best wine. Don’t confuse oenophiles with winos, another name for alcoholics who like cheap wine. Oenophiles prefer to savor the good stuff. Definitions of oenophile. someone who appreciates wine.

What is a Vinophile?

°A person who has a fondness for wine. A person who has learned to appreciate wine.

What is a wine person called?

What Is a Sommelier? A sommelier is a wine steward, or a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, typically found in fine restaurants and across the hospitality industry. Sommeliers know which wines a restaurant has both on and off the wine list, and can help you find the right wine for your meal or occasion.

Who is a wine drinker?

In this world, there isn’t one single persona of a wine drinker. Plus, situations change how people interact with wine. However, we can all agree there are definitely some personalities that stand out from the crowd…and they will drive you up the wall. Commonly known to many as your parents.

What is considered moderate consumption of wine?

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers an acceptable level of consumption three standard doses of 120 ml of wine per week for men and two for women.

What does it mean to drink wine?

Drinking wine is more than just the act itself. It is about exploring the very composition of wine and appreciating every bit of flavor it offers. Even if you just want to enjoy wine and not go the extra mile to be a connoisseur, you still need to know the basics to do it properly.

What is a wine lover?

In the world of wine enthusiasts, an “ ” (derived from Latin and Greek roots meaning ‘wine lover’) is the term used to classify aficionados like you. This blog aims to delve deeper into this term, its origins, and how it applies in today’s viniculture scene. Intrigued? Keep reading as we uncork these facts, just for you!

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