can you use fresh tomatoes instead of tomato sauce

For me, making this homemade tomato sauce recipe is one of the highlights of late summer. Like bruschetta or a good Caprese salad, it’s something I only make at this time of year, when fresh tomatoes are sweet, juicy, and abundant.

This tomato sauce has a slightly looser, chunkier texture than my traditional marinara sauce, and its flavor is sweeter and fresher. If you have a garden full of tomatoes, it’s a great way to use them up, but even if you don’t, I hope you’ll try it. You can toss it with pasta or zucchini noodles, spread it on homemade pizza, or spoon it over crispy breaded eggplant. No matter how you serve it, it’s a fantastic way to savor tomatoes while they’re at their best.

All your really need to do here is skin your tomatoes and cook them down a bit longer than you would with canned. To skin them, just cut a small x in the bottom of each tomato (only needs to cut through the skin, not too deep).
can you use fresh tomatoes instead of tomato sauce

How to Make Tomato Sauce

In my method for how to make tomato sauce, I start by removing the tomato skins and seeds. This step takes a little time, but it’s not at all hard. Just slice the tomatoes in half, and use a small spoon to scoop out the seeds.

Then, grate the cut side of each tomato half on the wide holes of a box grater. The tomato flesh will fall through the grater (make sure to set it over a bowl to catch all that tomatoey goodness!), and the skins will stay behind. You’ll discard the skins…

…and end up with a big bowl of crushed tomato flesh.

Then, cook the sauce. Start by sautéing the shallot and garlic. Next, add the grated tomatoes, balsamic, tomato paste, sugar, oregano, red pepper flakes, and basil sprig and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce has thickened. Remove and discard the basil sprig, and enjoy!

Fresh Tomato Sauce Recipe Ingredients

Let’s talk tomatoes! To make this homemade tomato sauce recipe, you’ll need 3 pounds of medium tomatoes on-the-vine. Because we use so many fresh tomatoes in this recipe, I recommend making it in summer or early fall, when tomatoes are in season.

If you want to make homemade tomato sauce at another time of year, check out this marinara sauce recipe. It calls for canned crushed tomatoes instead of fresh ones.

Got your tomatoes? Here’s what else you’ll need to make this recipe:

  • Extra-virgin olive oil – It adds richness and depth of flavor.
  • Shallot and garlic – They create the sauce’s savory base.
  • Tomato paste – It helps thicken the sauce and gives it an umami kick.
  • Balsamic vinegar – It adds a nice acidity.
  • Cane sugar – It offsets the acid of the tomatoes and vinegar, creating a delicious, well-balanced sauce.
  • Dried oregano and fresh basil – For fresh, aromatic flavor.
  • Red pepper flakes – They add a little heat.
  • And salt and pepper – To make all the flavors pop!

Find the complete recipe with measurements below.

How to Make Tomato Sauce From Fresh Tomatoes : Italian Cuisine


Do you have to peel fresh tomatoes for sauce?

To ensure a uniform, smooth texture. Tomato skins are tough and hard to chew, so removing them before you make sauces – especially canned sauces – is important. Avoid bitter flavor.

What is the substitute of 1 cup tomato sauce?

A can of tomato soup can replace 1 cup of tomato sauce. However, because the soup has more liquid than tomato sauce, you should reduce another liquid ingredient by 1/4 cup if possible. For example, if you are making a stew, use 1/4 cup less water than the recipe calls for.

Is it better to use canned or fresh tomatoes for pasta sauce?

Speaking of beautiful tomato flavor, you’re going to get that consistently in canned tomatoes, since they’re preserved at the height of tomato season. A sauce is going to be better with in-season, vine-ripe tomatoes.

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