does creamed corn freeze well

It’s sweet corn season y’all! What do you make with the abundance pouring out of your garden each summer? A few years ago I shared a post on How to Freeze Sweet Corn, which is one of this blog’s most popular posts. This year I’m shaking it up and sharing how to make this delicious Cream Style Sweet Corn Recipe.

This past week on my Facebook page, I posted a photo and asked my followers, which is the correct way to eat corn on the cob? From side to side like a typewriter? Around and around? Or random bites all over? The resounded answer was typewriter! Which I would agree with because that’s the way I eat my corn on the cob too!

While I love corn on the cob, being able to freeze sweet corn is a great way to enjoy your summer bounty all year long.

All you have to do is cut 20 cups of corn off the cob. Place into a large baking dish.

In the winter, I thaw the bag and reheat to enjoy my summer sweet corn all year long!

Stack them on top of each other and place them in the freezer. They should last 6 months to a year. To thaw, lay in cool water for about an hour or until you are able to remove the corn to a skillet.
does creamed corn freeze well

It has been a long time since I have frozen corn during the summer. It’s a lot of work, but I did it this summer and it will totally be worth it January when I am yearning for a little heat and humidity. Now I know that there’s frozen corn out there to buy, but it’s just not the same. Syble and I went to Rochelle, GA. and picked up a bushel of Silver Queen corn and here is what I did with my bushel.

The afternoon that I brought it home G I Joe and I took the husk off and the silk. It took about 45 minutes. I placed all of the corn in a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Thank goodness for the extra one in the garage. The next morning I put my work clothes on and headed to the kitchen for a long morning. First on the agenda was cleaning under running water and removing the leftover silk. That was fairly easy. Now this next step is hard work! I have an old corn cutter that I have had since I left McRae. This is it. If you are going to work with more than a dozen ears of corn invest in this little apparatus! The blade is adjustable and it might take a few tries to get it right. I like a lot of cream with the corn so I cut it off short the first time and run the cob over the blade to get more cream. To cut a bushel of corn it probably took me about 2 hours. Try to enlist some help because your hand is going to be really tired.

In the winter, I thaw the bag and reheat to enjoy my summer sweet corn all year long!

This past week on my Facebook page, I posted a photo and asked my followers, which is the correct way to eat corn on the cob? From side to side like a typewriter? Around and around? Or random bites all over? The resounded answer was typewriter! Which I would agree with because that’s the way I eat my corn on the cob too!

All you have to do is cut 20 cups of corn off the cob. Place into a large baking dish.

While I love corn on the cob, being able to freeze sweet corn is a great way to enjoy your summer bounty all year long.

It’s sweet corn season y’all! What do you make with the abundance pouring out of your garden each summer? A few years ago I shared a post on How to Freeze Sweet Corn, which is one of this blog’s most popular posts. This year I’m shaking it up and sharing how to make this delicious Cream Style Sweet Corn Recipe.

Freeze Fresh Corn & Cook Creamed Corn


How do you store creamed corn?

Once cooked completely, let cool on the counter. Place cooled creamed corn into ziplock bags or freezer containers.

Can you preserve creamed corn?

To Prepare Cream-Style Corn For freezing or canning, blanch ears for 4 minutes in boiling water. Cool ears and cut kernels from cob at about one-half of their depth. Scrape the cob with a knife to remove the remainder of the kernels and combine with half-kernels.

Can you freeze cream corn without blanching?

The answer is yes, but it’s not recommended. Blanching the corn before freezing locks in flavor and nutrients, so we do recommend cooking it before freezing.

Is frozen or canned corn better for creamed corn?

Creamed Corn Recipe with Frozen or Canned Corn Outside of using fresh corn for recipes, frozen corn is my go to. That’s because it’s fresher than canned corn. Frozen corn is simply corn that is cut off the corn cob and flash frozen. And the flash freezing really does a great job of preserving the freshness of the corn.

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