what does it mean when your crush says hi to you

what does it mean when your crush says hi to you

You see her all the time. She’s the last thought before you fall asleep. She’s the first person you think about in the morning. You’ve replayed your wedding day in your mind over and over again. The lingering sound of her voice speaking your name echoes in your heart. You imagine what her lips must feel like against yours. You wonder how soft her hands might be.

Some people think that the Office isn’t funny. What horrible existences they must live drudging along and never laughing at anything of substance. What is their idea of hilarity? When Harry Met Sally? That’s right, I just called them old because their humor is outdated. Point is, you can be the funniest person in the world and the recipient might not have a refined palate for humor. If so, forget her. Not my Cariña though.

I still remember walking down the hallway at school as Cariña approached from the other direction. Our paths would inevitably cross. My only real objective was to inhale the sweet aroma of her hair in passing. Instead, I was distracted by a thing I had not expected to happen. She looked up and made eye contact with me. I wished I could smile, nod, and say something like, “Hello gorgeous,” but instead I gurgled something unintelligible. A sneaky side smile stretched across her lips and she glided past me. Her voice, like a fading whisper in the packed hallway, reached my eager ears. “Hi,” said she, just before the crowd swallowed her. Just like that, from a silky smooth voice, flowing from her glistening soft lips, came one little word with so much power. “Hi.”

I cannot tell you how excited I was to hear my name spoken by this stranger. “Yes, it is, mister…” I looked down at my caller id, “Mr. Likely.” By the end of the conversation, I was on a first-name basis with Scam and since he used my name, I renewed my vehicle’s extended warranty. But pardon my pontification, I digress. That brings me back to Cariña.

If a girl ever gets playful with you, watch out. She is probably into you. If she greets you, she knows your name, she teases you, and she laughs at your jokes, then you are 75% in the clear. If you want to layout your lifelong intentions with her now, the odds are in your favor. But I might suggest that you wait for that final clue.

Wave them over to you

If you’re feeling a bit braver or the other moves haven’t worked just yet, flag them down and wave them over. This way, you’re not going up to them but you’re still taking the initiative.

Sometimes that might be what they need. It’s a more direct invitation and they know they won’t be disturbing you if they come over to talk. Remember, your crush could be just as shy as you. [Read: How to talk to your crush and make them fall for you]

10 Signs Your Crush Likes You


What to do if your crush says hi?

Originally Answered: What does it mean when your crush says hi, and how do you respond to it? Your crush wants to get to know you more , say hi and nice to meet you if you are interested in him /her or you talk to him /her if this is your first time talking to them .

What does it mean if someone says hi to you?

If it’s someone you know then that means they are probably happy to see you. Otherwise if you don’t know them or something in between they probably just trying to be friendly. Saying “Hi” to a stranger also indicates that the person is probably not afraid of social interaction with people.

Is it good to say hi to your crush?

Give a quick hello when you pass them in the hallways. Speak loudly and clear enough so that your crush hears you. Not only does making eye contact make you look more confident, but it also helps spark a connection between the two of you.

Why did my crush friend say hi to me?

Maybe your crush also likes you back. They probably told their friend, and now their friend is trying to be friends with you, or to get your crush to talk to you more. If the friend starts saying hi to you out of nowhere, this is a big sign that your crush MIGHT like you back.

What does it mean if your crush says Hi?

If your crush makes a point to say hi to you in the halls when you’re both rushing to your next class, it’s a good sign. At the very least, it means that the two of you are close enough that they feel it would be awkward if they didn’t say something.

What does it mean if someone has a crush on You?

Mirroring is believed to be a sign of interest. A person who has a crush on you may subconsciously adopt your behaviors and mannerisms when with you because they’re genuinely engaged in the interaction and want to feel more connected. How can you determine whether you have a crush on someone?

What does it mean if a crush likes you back?

If your crush makes a point to flag you down and say hi when you wouldn’t have run into them otherwise, the odds are very good that they like you back. It means that they’re willing to go out of their way to get your attention and remind you that they’re around. Make an effort to be around them more and see if anything blossoms.

How do you know if someone is crushing on You?

Kind of. There are some signs, which, according to science, are linked to attraction, but no absolute telltale sign that someone’s crushing on you. Keep in mind it’s easy to mistake kind or respectful behavior as interest when looking for signs through the rose-colored glasses of someone in the throes of a crush.

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