what part of the pig is spam made from

3. Pink tender morsel, Glistening with salty gel. What the hell is it? –Christopher James Hume

4. Cube of cold pinkness Yellow specks of porcine fat Give me a spork, please –Christopher James Hume

7. The SPAM looks forlorn. At least it isnt head cheese! I eat it with verve. –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

13. Each day at my job, I work with pig eyes thinking: Are these things in SPAM? –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

17. What are the clear parts? My mind reels, thoughts turn to hooves. Id best just eat it. –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

23. I think of SPAM bits Sitting in a park at noon What are they made of? –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

93. Use eyes, ears, nose, toes to fill the SPAM can, but please omit the assholes. –Greg Fielding, [email protected]

102. SPAM, oh SPAM, come near For there is a gap in me! Pig guts. Nevermind. –Paul Johnson

138. Someone please tell me Do they have to starve the pigs When making SPAM LITE? –Tom Elliott, [email protected]

171. Much uncertainty Enshrouds the contents of SPAM. But who really cares? –Dr. Mellow (Greg Cohoon), [email protected]

203. Snouts, ears, hooves, and such Maybe floor sweepings as well SPAM! Food of the gods! –[email protected]

208. Snouts and hooves and eyes, Oh my! Come here, my pretty pretty meat-like food. –Lonnie Grantham, [email protected]

209. SPAM? Chipped pork and ham? Much better than Treet, is SPAM. Can I have your SPAM? –Lonnie Grantham, [email protected]

211. Quest-ce que cest, ce “SPAM”? Une viande formidable? Non, je ne crois pas. –Lonnie Grantham, [email protected]

257. Frolicking fat frog, Living near the factory. Now he is SPAM too! –Bill T. Cat

289. Only that which aint Used for hot dogs and sausage Is made into SPAM. –Rex Jones, [email protected]

363. Glom together parts Of pigs not used for others. Low-buck luncheon loaf. –Rex Jones, [email protected]

429. SPAM is born of pig– All the parts chopped and stirred in Procrustean stew. –Anonymous

549. Pork loin and shoulder– Hormel swears it to be this… Too good to ask twice! –Mark Paulin, [email protected]

614. Zen Buddha SPAM quest: “What are the ingredients?” What do you desire? –Alex Dunne, [email protected]

638. Spare lips and assholes Various alien parts My dog sniffs, and runs –Marie Britton, [email protected]

643. why do I eat it, why do I consume pig parts that do not recur? –Brian Minton, [email protected]

707. disgrace to all swine a body part potpourri packed in brown jelly –Dawn M. Martin

808. Cool, pink chunk of meat, remains of Grade “E” hot dogs, in a square blue can. –Anonymous

809. Its lips and assholes Forever no more, no less Snails, Possum, And Mice –Superfly EditorAGoGo Adam Woodyard, [email protected]

1166. Sometimes I wonder What meat is SPAM: pork, beef, goat? World will never know –Anonymous

1218. Cured pork shoulder, ground. Cubed, skewered, hickory smoked. Fools cower in fear. –Don Thompson, [email protected]

1323. Geld pig snouts and tongues? Why does it really matter? “Parts is parts,” they say. –Anonymous

1334. Cloaca slush swirls in vat of rotting beef snot. Formula for SPAM. –Jonathan Black, [email protected]

1418. Do they make pork rinds with pig parts left over from SPAM? Or vice-versa? –Chris Fishel, [email protected]

1554. Raw flesh in a can Pigs, dogs, and a human hand Can of Hormel SPAM –Anonymous

1780. Hawaiian lunch meat? Someone elses old shoe heels? We may never know. –Reber Clark, [email protected]

1805. Jealously guarded, The secret of SPAM is kept Enclosed in a vault. –kevin kepley (the mathineer/poet), [email protected]

1991. Theres many a pig Twixt SPAM and can. Or at least Pig juice and pink gel. –Mike OConnor (K.M.OConnor), [email protected]

2001. Oer black bubbling vat, Snout, ears, feet, and fat. This, that. Witches cackle, “SPAM!” –William Routhier, [email protected]

2066. Princess looks for frog; Is it too late? It cant be! Already in SPAM… –Anonymous

2123. Why pigs naughty bits Now rare pink delicacy? Mystery of SPAM! –Mike OConnor (K.M.OConnor), [email protected]

2154. SPAM is not from pork! It comes from something bigger! Try an elephant! –Savidger, [email protected]

2255. Is SPAM really pork? Maybe its elephant trunk! This is a tough one! –Savidger, [email protected]

2256. SPAM is SPecial hAM. I dont know whats so special! Sometimes I wonder. –Savidger, [email protected]

2324. Karadzic sealed in tin. A lovely sight to see. The first pig in SPAM. –Mike McGaff

2335. SPAM, it sounds like “flop” When it wiggles from the can Recycled pig dung –Anonymous

2372. SPAM is made by elves in trees. Honest. And when an elf dies…Hey, more SPAM! –Bob Roberds, [email protected]

2426. “Crumph.” Pink elephant Farts. “Thud.” Earth receives its gift, A fetid mass; SPAM. –Mike OConnor (K.M.OConnor), [email protected]

2631. Why so much sugar? Since when is pork supposed to be so frigging sweet? –Bob Roberds, [email protected]

3392. What is it in SPAM Thats incredibly funny? Its the condensed pork. –Jacques Bouchard, [email protected]

3458. When I called for SPAM, It answered, “Call me Legion, For I am many.” –John Mitchell

3499. What is SPAM made of? Sinps, snails, or puppy dog tails? No, bits of pig butt. –Anonymous

3573. I know a secret SPAM is not of ham and pork It is of reindeer –Friend of Parnell

3678. What is this liquid Pooling along the SPAMs base? Do pigs bleed ichor? –Francis Heaney, [email protected]

3784. spam or luncheon meat? whats in a name, or, for that matter, in the can? –Giles Metcalfe, [email protected]

3839. The odd, clear jelly In which this snout meat quivers I pray is not snot –[email protected]

3920. Porcine snouts and hooves Ground into a giggling cube God! I love SPAM –E. Frank Mendelson, [email protected]

4078. Whats in the blue can? Well, who the hell really knows The SPAM enigma –Eric Mendelson, [email protected]

4082. Somewhere in this can Pig penises are lurking Dont think about it –John Mitchell, [email protected]

4108. Why do we like SPAM? I heard its made from pig lips. Ill take a raincheck! –Kathy Moore, [email protected]

4109. Is it deviled ham? Mystry meat speaks not to me, Instead, it congeals. –Tom Urquhart, http://www.tcu.edu/~turquhart

4236. Wouldnt feed it to A dog. What on earth is in There, aside from hog? –Maria Demetris

4486. Twelve pigs live on farm Farmer makes a batch of SPAM Still twelve pigs on farm –scott stanford, [email protected]

4513. Blue can, pink contents: snouts & ears & tails & feet. Im glad Im not pork. –john p. nordbo

4764. What hath Hormel wrought? A tin of twisted tendons A cube of carnage –John Mitchell, [email protected]

4853. Im a connoisseur. This slice tastes of Kansas pork And, maybe, dachshund. –John Mitchell, [email protected]

4857. Clinton tours Hormel His bodyguards have failed him They cannot find Socks –John Mitchell, [email protected]

4883. If you know what its made of, then, mister, youre a better man than I. –Anonymous

4899. Curly little tails, pointy little ears, and blunt snouts. Theyre all in there. –Bob Roberds,

4981. Man pulls toad from can. “Gosh,” says Hormel. “Eggbeater mustve missed that one!” –Bob Roberds,

5027. SPAM, taunt me no more! For I must know what you are. What part of the pig? —

5028. They say it is pork. Or is it just parts of pig wed rather not know? —

5098. In reality SPAM is made fom baboon bums, Smoked, salted, and tinned. –Mike OConnor (K.M.OConnor), [email protected]

5141. Lips, tits, and assholes Compressed tightly in a can Twist key, set it free –Erik P. Kaeding, Attorney at Law

5406. Package looks nice, but Chopped, diced, pressed pig components Lie within the can –Tom Elliott, [email protected]

5630. What is this substance? Studied for years in secret No, not of this earth –John Frendreiss, [email protected]

5696. If pigs have no arms, How is SPAM made from shoulders? I want an answer. –John Mitchell, [email protected]

5772. Ground pig lips and tails. SPAM in a can like a ham– Snorts and wags in bits. –Carolyne Rohrig, [email protected]

6114. Oh tin of pink meat I ponder what you may be: Snout or ear or feet? –Christopher James Hume

6252. My hands are like SPAM Both contain flesh and some bone, Some nail and knuckle –Jason Feltham

6253. If SPAM were made with Poultry, beef, fish, or reptile; Whaddya mean, “IF”? –Jason Feltham

6268. Slaughter some large pigs Take the unusable parts Grind them, call it SPAM –Uncle Jay,

6327. Just what is in SPAM? If I find a fingernail Im suing Hormel. –Mary Holt, [email protected]

6393. When its fried with egg, piece of pork it seems like but?… Is it chop or leg?… –[email protected]

6394. Hunks of meat combine with ear, hoof, and tail entwine ground in product fine. –[email protected]

6395. Protein is the hype chewed already seems to be– “shoescrape” more its type. –[email protected] SPAM Haiku: Ingredients

3. Pink tender morsel, Glistening with salty gel. What the hell is it? –Christopher James Hume

4. Cube of cold pinkness Yellow specks of porcine fat Give me a spork, please –Christopher James Hume

7. The SPAM looks forlorn. At least it isnt head cheese! I eat it with verve. –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

13. Each day at my job, I work with pig eyes thinking: Are these things in SPAM? –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

17. What are the clear parts? My mind reels, thoughts turn to hooves. Id best just eat it. –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

23. I think of SPAM bits Sitting in a park at noon What are they made of? –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

93. Use eyes, ears, nose, toes to fill the SPAM can, but please omit the assholes. –Greg Fielding, [email protected]

102. SPAM, oh SPAM, come near For there is a gap in me! Pig guts. Nevermind. –Paul Johnson

138. Someone please tell me Do they have to starve the pigs When making SPAM LITE? –Tom Elliott, [email protected]

171. Much uncertainty Enshrouds the contents of SPAM. But who really cares? –Dr. Mellow (Greg Cohoon), [email protected]

203. Snouts, ears, hooves, and such Maybe floor sweepings as well SPAM! Food of the gods! –[email protected]

208. Snouts and hooves and eyes, Oh my! Come here, my pretty pretty meat-like food. –Lonnie Grantham, [email protected]

209. SPAM? Chipped pork and ham? Much better than Treet, is SPAM. Can I have your SPAM? –Lonnie Grantham, [email protected]

211. Quest-ce que cest, ce “SPAM”? Une viande formidable? Non, je ne crois pas. –Lonnie Grantham, [email protected]

257. Frolicking fat frog, Living near the factory. Now he is SPAM too! –Bill T. Cat

289. Only that which aint Used for hot dogs and sausage Is made into SPAM. –Rex Jones, [email protected]

363. Glom together parts Of pigs not used for others. Low-buck luncheon loaf. –Rex Jones, [email protected]

429. SPAM is born of pig– All the parts chopped and stirred in Procrustean stew. –Anonymous

549. Pork loin and shoulder– Hormel swears it to be this… Too good to ask twice! –Mark Paulin, [email protected]

614. Zen Buddha SPAM quest: “What are the ingredients?” What do you desire? –Alex Dunne, [email protected]

638. Spare lips and assholes Various alien parts My dog sniffs, and runs –Marie Britton, [email protected]

643. why do I eat it, why do I consume pig parts that do not recur? –Brian Minton, [email protected]

707. disgrace to all swine a body part potpourri packed in brown jelly –Dawn M. Martin

808. Cool, pink chunk of meat, remains of Grade “E” hot dogs, in a square blue can. –Anonymous

809. Its lips and assholes Forever no more, no less Snails, Possum, And Mice –Superfly EditorAGoGo Adam Woodyard, [email protected]

1166. Sometimes I wonder What meat is SPAM: pork, beef, goat? World will never know –Anonymous

1218. Cured pork shoulder, ground. Cubed, skewered, hickory smoked. Fools cower in fear. –Don Thompson, [email protected]

1323. Geld pig snouts and tongues? Why does it really matter? “Parts is parts,” they say. –Anonymous

1334. Cloaca slush swirls in vat of rotting beef snot. Formula for SPAM. –Jonathan Black, [email protected]

1418. Do they make pork rinds with pig parts left over from SPAM? Or vice-versa? –Chris Fishel, [email protected]

1554. Raw flesh in a can Pigs, dogs, and a human hand Can of Hormel SPAM –Anonymous

1780. Hawaiian lunch meat? Someone elses old shoe heels? We may never know. –Reber Clark, [email protected]

1805. Jealously guarded, The secret of SPAM is kept Enclosed in a vault. –kevin kepley (the mathineer/poet), [email protected]

1991. Theres many a pig Twixt SPAM and can. Or at least Pig juice and pink gel. –Mike OConnor (K.M.OConnor), [email protected]

2001. Oer black bubbling vat, Snout, ears, feet, and fat. This, that. Witches cackle, “SPAM!” –William Routhier, [email protected]

2066. Princess looks for frog; Is it too late? It cant be! Already in SPAM… –Anonymous

2123. Why pigs naughty bits Now rare pink delicacy? Mystery of SPAM! –Mike OConnor (K.M.OConnor), [email protected]

2154. SPAM is not from pork! It comes from something bigger! Try an elephant! –Savidger, [email protected]

2255. Is SPAM really pork? Maybe its elephant trunk! This is a tough one! –Savidger, [email protected]

2256. SPAM is SPecial hAM. I dont know whats so special! Sometimes I wonder. –Savidger, [email protected]

2324. Karadzic sealed in tin. A lovely sight to see. The first pig in SPAM. –Mike McGaff

2335. SPAM, it sounds like “flop” When it wiggles from the can Recycled pig dung –Anonymous

2372. SPAM is made by elves in trees. Honest. And when an elf dies…Hey, more SPAM! –Bob Roberds, [email protected]

2426. “Crumph.” Pink elephant Farts. “Thud.” Earth receives its gift, A fetid mass; SPAM. –Mike OConnor (K.M.OConnor), [email protected]

2631. Why so much sugar? Since when is pork supposed to be so frigging sweet? –Bob Roberds, [email protected]

3392. What is it in SPAM Thats incredibly funny? Its the condensed pork. –Jacques Bouchard, [email protected]

3458. When I called for SPAM, It answered, “Call me Legion, For I am many.” –John Mitchell

3499. What is SPAM made of? Sinps, snails, or puppy dog tails? No, bits of pig butt. –Anonymous

3573. I know a secret SPAM is not of ham and pork It is of reindeer –Friend of Parnell

3678. What is this liquid Pooling along the SPAMs base? Do pigs bleed ichor? –Francis Heaney, [email protected]

3784. spam or luncheon meat? whats in a name, or, for that matter, in the can? –Giles Metcalfe, [email protected]

3839. The odd, clear jelly In which this snout meat quivers I pray is not snot –[email protected]

3920. Porcine snouts and hooves Ground into a giggling cube God! I love SPAM –E. Frank Mendelson, [email protected]

4078. Whats in the blue can? Well, who the hell really knows The SPAM enigma –Eric Mendelson, [email protected]

4082. Somewhere in this can Pig penises are lurking Dont think about it –John Mitchell, [email protected]

4108. Why do we like SPAM? I heard its made from pig lips. Ill take a raincheck! –Kathy Moore, [email protected]

4109. Is it deviled ham? Mystry meat speaks not to me, Instead, it congeals. –Tom Urquhart, http://www.tcu.edu/~turquhart

4236. Wouldnt feed it to A dog. What on earth is in There, aside from hog? –Maria Demetris

4486. Twelve pigs live on farm Farmer makes a batch of SPAM Still twelve pigs on farm –scott stanford, [email protected]

4513. Blue can, pink contents: snouts & ears & tails & feet. Im glad Im not pork. –john p. nordbo

4764. What hath Hormel wrought? A tin of twisted tendons A cube of carnage –John Mitchell, [email protected]

4853. Im a connoisseur. This slice tastes of Kansas pork And, maybe, dachshund. –John Mitchell, [email protected]

4857. Clinton tours Hormel His bodyguards have failed him They cannot find Socks –John Mitchell, [email protected]

4883. If you know what its made of, then, mister, youre a better man than I. –Anonymous

4899. Curly little tails, pointy little ears, and blunt snouts. Theyre all in there. –Bob Roberds,

4981. Man pulls toad from can. “Gosh,” says Hormel. “Eggbeater mustve missed that one!” –Bob Roberds,

5027. SPAM, taunt me no more! For I must know what you are. What part of the pig? —

5028. They say it is pork. Or is it just parts of pig wed rather not know? —

5098. In reality SPAM is made fom baboon bums, Smoked, salted, and tinned. –Mike OConnor (K.M.OConnor), [email protected]

5141. Lips, tits, and assholes Compressed tightly in a can Twist key, set it free –Erik P. Kaeding, Attorney at Law

5406. Package looks nice, but Chopped, diced, pressed pig components Lie within the can –Tom Elliott, [email protected]

5630. What is this substance? Studied for years in secret No, not of this earth –John Frendreiss, [email protected]

5696. If pigs have no arms, How is SPAM made from shoulders? I want an answer. –John Mitchell, [email protected]

5772. Ground pig lips and tails. SPAM in a can like a ham– Snorts and wags in bits. –Carolyne Rohrig, [email protected]

6114. Oh tin of pink meat I ponder what you may be: Snout or ear or feet? –Christopher James Hume

6252. My hands are like SPAM Both contain flesh and some bone, Some nail and knuckle –Jason Feltham

6253. If SPAM were made with Poultry, beef, fish, or reptile; Whaddya mean, “IF”? –Jason Feltham

6268. Slaughter some large pigs Take the unusable parts Grind them, call it SPAM –Uncle Jay,

6327. Just what is in SPAM? If I find a fingernail Im suing Hormel. –Mary Holt, [email protected]

6393. When its fried with egg, piece of pork it seems like but?… Is it chop or leg?… –[email protected]

6394. Hunks of meat combine with ear, hoof, and tail entwine ground in product fine. –[email protected]

6525. SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! Pseudomeat in a tin can… Just what is in there? –jobucc, [email protected]

6574. O glorious SPAM Where do you get your meat from? Duh! Chernobyl Farms! –Dan McCarthy

6625. Mammal, Reptile, Plant Insect too. All equal in the can of our spam –jake, [email protected]

6634. Tail ears snout lips jowls Create glorious pink art Satisfies no one. –Larry K, [email protected]

6681. SPAM is the greatest Its made from pig tails and brains Burns right through metal –Keith Marston, [email protected]

6682. SPAM SPAM I like SPAM They say its made from old ham More like rotting lamb –Keith Marston, [email protected]

6691. Eyes, snout, lips, and bung Fruits of world domination To the victor, spoils! –Benito Juarez

6786. Probing through my SPAM With a salad fork, I found Seven fresh stitches. 6800. The food of the Gods is made with meat by-products rich with sodium. –James Bickford, [email protected]

6822. No one really knows of what you are truly made. But who gives a shit? –Scott Wolfe, [email protected]

6862. Meat conglomerate in a can is what SPAM is; out of many, one. –hypatia, [email protected]

6970. Purity of SPAM? They say pork shoulders and ham, What else lurks therein? –Andrew Plourde, [email protected]

6972. The truth is revealed. The mystery of the gel, Mystery no more! –Andrew Plourde, [email protected]

7011. Spiced Pork and some ham Yes, this is what makes up SPAM Wonderful ol SPAM –JW, [email protected]

7015. Pieces of Piglet crammed into a tiny can… Pooh is rather pissed! –Scott Mathison, [email protected]

7248. Will Hormel one day Change the way that SPAM is made And start using meat? –Bob City


7334. Hail SPAM! Pork nectar King of the pork by-products Tail, snout, hoof, and guts. –beppo

7250. Are you wondering? What SPAM is really made of? Its lips and assholes. –The Analog Kid

7835. SPAM, infamous SPAM How I wonder what you are Hey, now WHAT are you? –Chris, [email protected]

7840. Chop slice cook grind mix, Skin ears tongue, clear jelly, lips, SPAM for breakfast, pass. –Anonymous

7924. SPAM, made from dead cats, Leave the eyeballs and tail in, To give it that tang! –Matthew Barker, [email protected]

7940. What do you get when You cross SPAM with rodent guts Oops–nothing has changed –Wild T.

7992. Look in the blue tin See a couple pairs of eyes Oh, how could you, SPAM? –Lauren Thompson, [email protected]

8023. Chunks yellow, pink, clear: A sum greater than the parts. Why ask, what is SPAM? –Robert W Reed

8421. Lips and chitterlings All blended into pink chunks One more can of SPAM –Luke the Aussie, not telling

What sets SPAM® apart from other products that are made from chopped meats that are cooked and pressed together (we’re thinking about scrapple): Spam is made from pork shoulder and pork ham, with no other scraps from the hog. Pork shoulder is considered a high-quality cut of pork today, although in 1937, it was not.
what part of the pig is spam made from

Portions of each batch are examined to make sure the batch has the right amount of pork shoulder to ham. The U.S. Department of Agriculture does not permit any Spam cans to leave the processing plant for 10 days. One out of every 1,000 cans be subjected to a 100°F (38°C) test to see if the can bulges or shows any other signs of improper cooking. The bacteria content is also tested. Finally, taste tests are routine at Hormel Foods Corporation. Every Friday all executives involved in Spam production meet to visually inspect (and sometimes taste) several different batches of Spam produced during the week.

The standard Spam can is brick-shaped and holds 7 oz (198 g) of meat. A 2-oz (57-g) serving contains 170 calories, provides 7 g of protein, 140 calories of fat, and has 0.75 g of sodium. It contains small amounts of cholesterol and iron. Americans eat approximately 3.8 cans per second. Two American plants produce 44,000 cans of Spam every hour. Hawaii consumes the most Spam in the world—about four million cans yearly (it is particularly popular in sushi).

Spam was first released onto the American market in 1937. Jay Hormel, the son of a successful Minnesota meat-packing house owner, was an energetic young man with big plans for his fathers company. Hormel brought out canned ham in 1926. When his product was imitated, Hormel added spices to make it distinct. In the early 1930s, many companies were producing canned pork in large containers. Hormels competition included lips, snouts, even ears in their meats but Hormel refused to use these refuse parts. Instead, he used the shoulder of the pig (a cut of meat rarely used because of its time-consuming removal from the bone). Hormels meat was superior and more expensive than the competitions, but once opened it was indistinguishable. Hormel sought a way to seperate his product from the rest, and he decided to try two things: reduce the size of the can so it was family-sized and design a distinctive label.

Hormels first experimental 12-oz (340-g) cans of this pork luncheon meat turned out to be 8 oz (227 g) of meat and 4 oz (113 g) of useless juice. As the heat cooked the meat in the sealed can, cells broke down and released an excessive amount of juice. Hormel tried many things to reduce the juice. Ultimately he discovering that it was not enough to put it in a can that was vacuum sealed, but the meat must also be mixed in a vacuum in order to minimize the juice released while cooking.

By 1941, 40 million cans of Spam had been sold. During World War II, Spam was sent overseas to feed American G.I.s. Hormel supplied Allied troops with 15 million cans of Spam per week throughout the war. World leaders—including Eisenhower, Margaret Thatcher, and Nikita Khrushchev—credited Spam for its effectiveness. After the war, Hormel actively advertised the product, getting big names to sing its praises. Plants overseas also began producing Spam. By 1959, Hormel had manufactured its billionth can. By 1962, the 12-oz (340-g) can was joined by a 7-oz (198-g) can for single people and small families. Other innovations included Spam with cheese chunks and smoke-flavored product (1972) and Spam-Lite (1992). A major re-design of the label occurred in 1997, and both the old and new version entered the Smithsonian.

1166. Sometimes I wonder What meat is SPAM: pork, beef, goat? World will never know –Anonymous

4108. Why do we like SPAM? I heard its made from pig lips. Ill take a raincheck! –Kathy Moore, [email protected]

23. I think of SPAM bits Sitting in a park at noon What are they made of? –Alec Proudfoot, [email protected]

4513. Blue can, pink contents: snouts & ears & tails & feet. Im glad Im not pork. –john p. nordbo

4853. Im a connoisseur. This slice tastes of Kansas pork And, maybe, dachshund. –John Mitchell, [email protected]

What part of the pig is spam?


Is Spam poor quality meat?

Though Spam is convenient, easy to use and has a long shelf-life, it’s also very high in fat, calories and sodium and low in important nutrients, such as protein, vitamins and minerals. Additionally, it’s highly processed and contains preservatives like sodium nitrite that may cause several adverse health effects.

What parts of pig are in Spam?

Spam’s main ingredients are pork shoulder and ham, with salt, water, modified potato starch (as a binder), sugar, and sodium nitrite (as a preservative). Natural gelatin is formed during cooking in its tins on the production line.

Why Do Hawaiians like Spam so much?

The true root of the island’s love for SPAM® products goes back to World War II, when the luncheon meat was served to GIs. By the end of the war, SPAM® products were adopted into local culture, with Fried SPAM® Classic and rice becoming a popular meal.

What is Spam actually made of?

In fact, SPAM only contains six ingredients! And the brand’s website lists them all. They are: pork with ham meat added (that counts as one), salt, water, potato starch, sugar, and sodium nitrite. Most of those are as simple as simple gets!

What is spam made of?

What sets Spam apart from other products that are made from chopped meats that are cooked and pressed together (we’re thinking about scrapple ): Spam is made from pork shoulder and pork ham, with no other scraps from the hog.

Does spam look like a pig?

According to How Products are Made, Spam starts looking less like pigs and more like Spam when the meat is sliced from the bone — a process done by hand — and ground into 8,000-pound batches.

What is spam & how does it work?

Spam is a brand of canned, processed pork product made of pork with ham, salt, water, potato starch, sugar, and sodium nitrate. It’s a versatile ingredient that is used in various cuisines.

What is spam ham?

SPAM, trademarked meat product consisting primarily of ground pork and ham. SPAM, usually rendered as Spam, was introduced to the market in 1937, its name a portmanteau for spiced ham. The brand name was coined by a New York actor named Ken Daigneau, whose brother was an executive at Hormel Foods,

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