are eggs sunny side up raw

Whats better than the sound of a fresh egg frying on the griddle in the morning? And for many true egg lovers, theres nothing more satisfying than breaking the delightfully runny yolk and watching that yellow goodness ooze down the side of your toast.

But before you take the first bite, consider that your undercooked egg may be hiding something pretty unappetizing.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) actually advises everyone against eating undercooked eggs, or foods containing raw eggs (that means recipes like homemade caesar dressing, aioli, some ice creams or protein-packed power shakes) due to the risk of salmonella.

And with the latest historic egg recall which has, so far, been linked to 35 illnesses across nine states, its more important than ever to not only pay attention to what kind of eggs youre buying but how you serve them.

A sunny-side up egg is cooked undisturbed until the whites are just barely set, and the yolk is still raw and translucent. Over-easy eggs are flipped “over” to lightly sear the top of the egg, containing the still-runny yolk in a package of set whites.
are eggs sunny side up raw

What is Salmonella anyway?

Salmonella enteritidis is a bacteria and its one of the most common causes of food poisoning in the U.S. While eggs and poultry are often affected, it can also contaminate unpasteurized milk or juice, cheese, alfalfa sprouts, melons, spices and nuts.

In eggs, both the yolk and whites can be infected through the porous shell. A person who contracts salmonella will suffer unpleasant flu-like symptoms. And while these usually subside within four to seven days without treatment, they can become much more severe in those with weaker immune systems, such as pregnant women, the elderly and children under 5.

Despite USDA recommendations, many people cant get enough of their runny-yolked eggs — whether theyre sunny side up, super-soft boiled or slightly scrambled.

A runny egg yolk can add decadence to a rustic pizza, such as this one with mixed mushrooms, asparagus, black pepper and bacon:

Or provide a protein-packed addition to avocado toast:

And a flavor burst to burgers:

But is it worth the risk?

“The USDA recommendation for children under 5 is valid and evidence based,” NBC news, health and nutrition editor, Madelyn Fernstorm, PhD told TODAY Food. “While a runny yolk is a delicious treat for many people, children under 5 should eat their eggs fully cooked. There’s no justification to risk your child’s health for a runny egg, because it’s tasty.”

Realistically, says Fernstorm, most healthy adults do not need to put aside all of their epicurean dreams doused in runny yolks or run the risk of food poisoning. However, while some parents may aspire to have their children develop an adventurous palate at an early age, dishes with sunny side-up or soft-boiled eggs just arent the way to do it. Maybe try these veggie-packed meatballs instead?

What about all of those eggs-cellent nutrients?

Eggs are excellent sources of nutrition and have been recommended as a dense, brain-boosting food for both pregnant women and babies for many years.

Research shows one large boiled egg contains vitamins A, B5, B12, D, E, K and B6, folate, phosphorus, selenium, calcium and zinc. It has 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat.

Lucky for little ones (and those who prefer eggs with firm yolks), Fernstorm affirmed that unlike some fruits and vegetables which lose a little nutritional value when cooked, the nutrients in eggs — raw or runny — remains the same.

“Eggs are one of nature’s perfect, nutrient-rich, easily digestible foods. But how you choose to prepare a whole egg will surely impact its food safety profile — which can be different from its nutrient profile,” Fernstorm told TODAY Food.

Sunny Side Up Eggs 2 Ways! (How To Make Perfect Sunny Side Up Eggs)


Can you eat a sunny side up egg when pregnant?

Can you eat fried eggs when you’re pregnant? Fried eggs with a runny yolk (‘sunny-side up’) are safe to eat during pregnancy, as long as the eggs you use carry the British Lion mark. Eggs which do not carry the British Lion mark need to be fried on both sides until both the yolk and the whites are cooked through.

Is it safe to eat runny egg yolks?

Information. Everyone is advised against eating raw or undercooked egg yolks, whites or products containing them. Eggs and dishes containing eggs (such as quiche and casseroles) should be cooked to 160 °F (71.1°C). Some unbroken fresh shell eggs may contain certain bacteria that can cause food borne illness.

Are the whites cooked on a sunny side up egg?

Carefully break eggs into the skillet, season with salt, and cover with glass lid. Cook until the whites are just set, about 1 minute and 30 seconds. Remove lid, continue to cook for another 1 minute and 30 seconds or until whites are completely set and the yolks are still runny.

Are sunny side up eggs safe for dogs?

How to Safely Feed Your Dog Eggs. Eggs should be cooked before being given to a dog. Cook or boil eggs plain, without oil, butter, salt, seasoning, spices, or other additives. It doesn’t matter how your dog likes their eggs — sunny side up, scrambled, or hard-boiled — as long as they are fully cooked.

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