can gingerbread houses be eaten

Call me a scrooge, the grinch, the kid who deserves coal in her stocking, but here comes a hot take: Gingerbread houses suck.

I know they are nostalgic and a fun! party! idea! for! the! holidays! But are they really that fun? And are they really that delicious? Spicy bread cookies so dry they can be used to form walls?

Gingerbread has a super long and honestly lovely history dating back to 11th century Europe. The cookie stuff was first made of ground almonds, rosewater, sugar, stale breadcrumbs (see??), and ginger. The strong scent was used to often mask the stench of decaying meat before refrigeration was around. Ew. Gingerbread cut into the shapes of men were also given to young women to then gift to men to encourage them to fall in love. But no love will be coming your way if you give me gingerbread.

So, the world has decided to take a cookie that doesnt even taste good and then ask gravity to take a break so that they might build a house with it? Let’s just discuss.

Unless you’re a professionally trained pastry chef with a temperature- and humidity-controlled room, your gingerbread house is going to look like a pile of garbage. You can argue that there are pre-made kits out there in stores to provide you with everything you need for a gingerbread house, from the precut cookies to the frosting to the decor, but I’m sorry, when have those kits even worked? If you are somehow able to get the cookie walls to stick together, the resulting visual is some questionable white liquid oozing out of the seams of the house. And the “decor?” Gumdrops broken out only for the month of December every year, along with other hard candies guaranteed to chip your teeth? They aren’t cute, nor are they worth the dental bills.

The answer to whether gingerbread houses are edible lies in the type of recipe or kit used. Traditional gingerbread houses, made with a softer gingerbread recipe, are almost always edible, while those made for decoration are usually not. Decorations and icing are typically edible but it’s best to always double-check.
can gingerbread houses be eaten

Problem #2: They don’t taste good.

“Edible” is a loose term, apparently. A gingerbread house is about as edible as play-dough—you can eat it, but should you? These houses are usually left out for days (more on that later), drying out and crusting over. Yum!

How long after making a gingerbread house can you eat it?


How long after making a gingerbread house should you eat it?

But as long as the house is fresh, it can be eaten within a few days of being assembled. If it sits around for a week or more, it will be stale. Then you can wrap it up carefully and take it out again next year, strictly for display.

What are you supposed to do with a gingerbread house?

You admire it, but you don’t eat it because it is hard, dry, and stale. The tradition in Norway is to keep it on display through the holiday like any other Christmas decoration.

What does gingerbread house taste like?

Sure, gingerbread houses are more about arts and crafts than cuisine, but it’s only human nature to snack on cookie scraps, so they might as well taste good! Made with butter, vanilla, and plenty of spices, construction gingerbread can be both tasty and strong—think of it as a very flat sort of gingerbread biscotti.

Is Ikea gingerbread house edible?

Glued together with melted sugar and decorated with icing, it’s built to stand through the entire holiday season. Being deliciously edible, however, parts of the house are known to go missing. Theme, architecture and level of ambition is up to you.

Can you eat a gingerbread house after building it?

Remember, above all, it’s about the joy, creativity, and festive spirit the gingerbread house embodies. You can eat your gingerbread house kit after building it as long as it’s edible and fresh. You can eat a gingerbread house if it’s fresh and edible. It’s safe to consume one of these candy homes for Christmas.

Is it all right to have ginger every night?

This depends on how you sleep, as ginger is a stimulant and can cause insomnia, it is best to take it in the morning or early afternoon.

How to make a gingerbread house nice to eat?

If you plan to eat your gingerbread house, there are a few things you should think about, like careful handwashing and minimizing the amount of time that it is left out for. You should also make sure that it is displayed somewhere clean and hygienic. Let’s look at the top tricks for making a gingerbread house nice to eat!

Are gingerbread houses good?

Made well, gingerbread houses can be tasty, but there’s a fine balance between keeping the gingerbread soft enough to be enjoyable, and ensuring it is hard enough to support the house. After all, most gingerbread will not have enough structure to support other large pieces of gingerbread.

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