how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

If you like the sous vide egg bites from Starbucks, you’ll love this copycat version — no sous vide equipment required!

This copycat recipe is a spot-on homemade version of the popular bacon and Gruyère sous vide egg bites from Starbucks. As an avid fan of the Starbucks version, I can confidently say that this recipe is nearly identical in taste and texture to the original—no fancy sous vide equipment required. The recipe is easy to make using just a blender, a muffin tin, and a few simple ingredients like cottage cheese, eggs, shredded cheese, cornstarch, bacon and hot sauce.

The secret to achieving the desired silky texture is baking the egg bites at a low temperature and also placing a pan of water in the oven to create a steamy environment. Egg bites can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 2 months. Plus, they reheat beautifully in the microwave, making them a convenient, high-protein option for busy mornings or on-the-go snacks.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

What You’ll Need To Make Egg Bites with Bacon & Gruyère

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

Add the bacon to a small nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

Cook, stirring frequently, until crisp, 5 to 6 minutes.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

Using a slotted spoon, transfer the bacon to a paper towel-lined plate to drain.bacon draining on paper towel-lined plate

In a blender, combine the eggs, cottage cheese, Gruyère, cornstarch, salt, pepper, and hot sauce.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

Blend until completely smooth, 20 to 40 seconds.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

Pour the egg mixture evenly into the prepared muffin pan, filling each well about three-quarters full. Divide the bacon evenly over the egg bites. Using a spoon or your finger, press some of the bacon into the batter so it is not all floating on top.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the eggs are just set. You’ll know they are done when the egg bites start pulling slightly away from the edges.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

Some of the egg bites may puff up and look a bit lopsided, but they will settle and deflate as they cool.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

Let rest in the pan for about 5 minutes. Use a small spoon to loosen the egg bites from the edges of the pan and carefully lift them out onto a plate. Serve warm.

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

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how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge

how long can you keep egg bites in the fridge


How long do egg bites last in the fridge?

Egg bites will be safe in the fridge for up to four days if stored in an airtight container. After four days, the egg bites will start to dry out and develop a rubbery texture. If your egg bites are beginning to dry, you can try reheating them in the microwave for a few seconds to restore moisture.

How long is it safe to keep egg whites?

You can store egg whites in the refrigerator up to two days before it becomes unsafe to use them. If you need to store them for longer you can freeze them for up to three months. An interesting way to store them in the freezer that would make them easy to use is by storing them in an ice cube tray. That way you could pop one egg white out (or however many you want) whenever you wanted to use them. I would recommend keeping the ice cube tray of egg whites in a Ziploc freezer bag to prevent freezer burn.

Should egg bites be refrigerated before storing?

First, allow the egg bites to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container. Otherwise, condensation will form on the surface of the egg bites and make them soggy. Second, if you want to add extra flavor or texture to your egg bites, consider adding some shredded cheese or chopped herbs before storing them.

Is it safe to leave egg bites out on the counter?

Egg bites [ 1] are a convenient and healthy breakfast option, but there is debate about whether it is safe to leave them out on the counter. One study found that egg dishes left at room temperature for two hours had significantly higher levels of bacteria than those refrigerated.

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