what can i use instead of bread for bruschetta

Im not a fan of raw tomatoes, but if I were, this would be one of the things Id be munching on all day. Bruschetta is an Italian appetizer or “antipasto” as it is called in Italian. Its incredibly easy to make and requires very few ingredients. Typically it consists of bread, tomatoes, basil, garlic, salt, and pepper. Its also topped with cheese sometimes and traditionally topped with balsamic vinegar. I believe the bread and tomatoes are supposed to be a vehicle for the balsamic. As much as Ive tried to like it, I detest balsamic vinegar. Its just too strong for my palate. If you enjoy it, feel free to replace the vinegar I have in the recipe or you can even use both as an option. I use red wine vinegar because I dont find it as harsh as balsamic. It provides great flavor but doesnt take away from the stars which are the bread, tomatoes, and basil. This is how you make non-balsamic bruschetta.

The zucchini takes the role of bread in this recipe. A traditional tomato bruschetta mixture sits atop roasted (or grilled) zucchini. It’s topped with mozzarella cheese…or vegan shreds…or nothing at all. Any which way you make it, it comes out tasty!
what can i use instead of bread for bruschetta


  • for my balsamic haters out there, this one is for you
  • such an easy recipe that makes a tasty appetizer or snack
  • fresh ingredients make it the best

what can i use instead of bread for bruschetta


  • French or Italian bread – gets nice and crispy
  • olive oil – provides great flavor
  • red wine vinegar – provides the zing we may miss without the balsamic
  • garlic – adds a kick
  • tomatoes – the base of our topping
  • salt and black pepper to taste – brings out our flavors

How to Make Italian BRUSCHETTA – Easy Appetizer


What’s the difference between crostini and bruschetta?

The main difference between these two toasts is that crostini is often thinly sliced, while bruschetta is usually served in thicker slices and drizzled with olive oil before it’s toasted. The standard topping is diced tomato mixed with olive oil, garlic and Italian herbs—delicious, but a little boring.

What is the best bread to eat with Italian food?

The type of bread served with antipasti can vary depending on the region, but some popular options include crusty white bread, focaccia, or ciabatta. Additionally, bread can be used to mop up any remaining sauce from the pasta dish.

What bread is similar to crostini?

Crostini appetizers are smaller toast rounds that are usually baked in the oven with various toppings. Toppings could include ricotta, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc. Bruschetta on the other hand uses larger pieces of toasted bread, that is topped with a tomato/olive oil/ garlic/salt mix.

What can I use instead of Pagnotta bread for bruschetta?

Bruschetta is one of the most delicious and loved appetizers of all time and bread is a significant ingredient in this meal. However, if you don’t have the Pagnotta bread at hand, you can use the ciabatta bread or even the slices of egg. The egg taste will mix up with the recipe making it even tastier.

What can be used as a substitute for egg when baking cornbread?

Aquafaba might be used as a substitute for the egg when baking cornbread. Aquafaba is chickpea water that has a similar function to eggs.

What is the best bread for bruschetta?

The Pagnotta bread is considered to be the best bread for the making of a Bruschetta. It is made of an Italian sourdough starter and durum wheat flour. The Pagnotta bread is baked in a wooden oven. Note that this bread is rarely found outside Italy, hence people keep looking for other alternatives. 2. Ciabatta Bread

Where can I buy bread for bruschetta?

A long skinny French baguette is a classic choice. Our favorite place to get bread for bruschetta is always local European-style bakeries. Not only do they make authentic bread, but it is also a great way to support local businesses. Perfectly ripe tomatoes will make this recipe even better!

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