how are enchiladas made in mexico

If you looking to add a few more authentic Mexican recipes to your cookbook, take a look at this authentic enchilada recipe. Enchiladas rojas is one of those dishes that are cooked differently in every home. Each cook has his/her own recipe, so this is my own version based on my mom’s way of cooking enchiladas Mexicanas.

In my hometown, it is common to have enchiladas for breakfast or brunch and served with a slice of semi-dried salted meat known as “Cecina”. They are topped with crumbled fresh cheese and chopped white onion.

In my hometown of Tampico, Tamps, they are served at the restaurant El Huasteco.

how are enchiladas made in mexico

Make The Enchilada Sauce

Lets start first with the enchilada sauce.

  • Slightly roast the peppers in a hot griddle.
  • Once the peppers are roasted, place them in a saucepan with water and turn the heat to medium.

how are enchiladas made in mexico

  • Remove the saucepan from the stove and let them cool down first. Then, drain the peppers and place them into the blender along with the garlic cloves.
  • Add ½ cup of clean water and blend until you have a smooth sauce. Season with the oregano, salt, and pepper, and set aside.

how are enchiladas made in mexico

How To Make Homemade Enchiladas Rojas

To make things easier for you, I am going to breakdown the directions to this recipe into sections.


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