whats a good price per pound for chicken breast

In 2023, the price for one pound of boneless chicken breast in the United States amounted to 4.08 U.S. dollars, the highest price for the period under consideration. Until 2022, the retail price had remained between three and three and a half U.S. dollars per pound in the country.
whats a good price per pound for chicken breast

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All whole or half boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Includes organic, non-organic, fresh, and frozen, as well as other descriptive claims. Average consumer prices are calculated for household fuel, motor fuel, and food items from prices collected for the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Average prices are best used to measure the price level in a particular month, not to measure price change over time. It is more appropriate to use CPI index values for the particular item categories to measure price change. Prices, except for electricity, are collected monthly by BLS representatives in the 75 urban areas priced for the CPI. Electricity prices are collected for the BLS for the same 75 areas on a monthly basis by the Department of Energy using mail questionnaires. All fuel prices include applicable Federal, State, and local taxes; prices for natural gas and electricity also include fuel and purchased gas adjustments. For more information, please visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Average Price: Chicken Breast, Boneless (Cost per Pound/453.6 Grams) in U.S. City Average [APU0000FF1101], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000FF1101, April 1, 2024.

Everything You Need To Know About Buying Chicken At The Grocery Store


What is a good price per pound for chicken breast?

On average, boneless chicken breast typically ranges from $2 to $6 per pound in the United States.

How much chicken breasts is 1 pound?

As a rule of thumb, you’ll get about 2 to 3 chicken breasts to the pound. But it really depends on how big they are. One pound roughly equals 454 g. So, if we divide 454 g by the average weight of a chicken breast — 174 g, for those at the back — that gives us around 2.6 chicken breasts in a pound.

How much is in 1 chicken breast?

An average chicken breast weighs 174 g, or about 6 ounces (oz). But sizes vary from smaller cuts at around 4 oz, to larger ones at 8 to 10 oz.

How much should a chicken breast be?

The weight of a chicken breast can vary widely based on factors such as the size of the chicken and whether the breast has been deboned and skinless. On average, a boneless, skinless chicken breast typically weighs around 170 to 200 grams (6 to 7 ounces).

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