what is a mother in cooking

Sitting around the kitchen table, enjoying delicious foods that bring back memories of mom or grandmom. Mothers Day is about sharing stories of these special times and recognizing the women who made home cooking fun, created recipes that continue to be enjoyed, and fostered a sense of belonging and community through their food.Â

This year we want to celebrate the tradition of mothers cooking with their children and grandchildren by sharing stories from the Cookbook Project participants about preparing and eating food together.

“My mother made a stuffing for holidays that was my favorite. She was diagnosed with cancer in January. The following Easter, when it was time for her to make the dinner, I had to step in. I didnt know how to make the dressing, but she sat in the living room on the sofa and taught me how to cook it from there. And I mean this, we had a good time.

She did a lot of canning, too. We had a peach tree in the yard, and she canned the peaches. The peaches looked so pretty, like they came out of the store the way she peeled them, and she just lined them up in those jars.” – Dian R.

“My mother was an excellent cook famous for her recipes. All the aunts, uncles, and cousins loved her food, and they all had their own favorite dish they’d ask her to make. She always said that a house that smelled of baking and cooking was a warm house.Â

I watched my mother cook. She didnt exactly teach me; I just picked things up by watching her. I remember when I came to the States, I would call her and ask how to make recipes. She would stay on the phone with me while I cooked, which got very expensive because of long-distance charges. She finally said, “I’m just going to send you the recipes. We cant spend this much time on the phone!”

So, when she came to visit, she gave me an original cookbook that she had handwritten with her own original recipes. When she stayed with me, we would cook together. It was the best time ever, ever, ever! I cherish that time so much because I lost her unexpectedly. She wasnt old, so that time was so special. I make sure I make time for my kids and grandkids.” – Eva H.

“I learned baking from my grandmother. My sisters and I loved spending the weekend with her and cooking with her. She was very specific and precise, and frugal about baking as she had grown up during the Depression. People couldn’t waste money on fancy ingredients. I learned to make apple pie, blueberry coffee cake, and banana bread – don’t waste the bananas! She baked traditional, basic recipes, and I learned a lot from her.Â

My mother was more experimental with her cooking, rarely following a recipe. She used whatever she happened to have in the garden or what was on sale at the grocery store.

They both influenced my cooking as I enjoy cooking traditional recipes as well as experimenting with new techniques and foods.” – Nancy F.

“I was raised by my grandmother. One of my favorite dishes of hers is Caldo Gallego, a Galacian broth that includes navy beans, collard greens, salted pork, beef with the marrow bone attached, white potatoes, and chorizo. She also used to make arroz con pollo. She would make the rice with Schaefer beer instead of water. The alcohol evaporates, and the taste it gave to the rice, along with the seasonings, takes me back. She also made the best fried chicken. My grandmother told me to cook with my heart. We are surrounded by energy. We are energy. If youre upset, walk away from the food. I cook with my eyes, my heart, and intuition. – Helen C.

Wed like to invite you to share your pictures and special memories of your mother or grandmother. Please share on the GetSetUp Community Cooking page.

what is a mother in cooking

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Now, when you are 13, or 14, of course, you think nothing of it – you go out, do your kid things, come home hungry, and there it is waiting for you – Mom’s cooking. Looking back on it, wasn’t it the most wonderful thing? Your meal, right there, waiting for you, nice and hot. In my case, sometimes she would even bring it to me, down by the shore, to make sure I had something to eat between my long dives chasing lobsters or octopus. Whatever it was that she brought was exactly what I needed. But of course, this is the result of someone thinking of you. She remembers what you like, what you don’t like, and may even come up with something invented just for you. Even on the normal days, she had to plan meals, had to go out and buy the ingredients, and almost every day, try again to answer the same problem – “What would the kids like for dinner?” What a headache it must have been sometimes. My mother told me that once, she was so frustrated she almost opened the window and tossed all the cookware out. I never knew.

What do you think of when you hear the words “Mom’s cooking”? Wherever one comes from in this world, I think we all nod our heads the same way when we hear the phrase “Mom’s cooking”. But at the same time, its meaning is deeply personal to each individual. After all, there are as many versions of “Mom’s cooking” as there are Moms out there.

My Mother came from Europe to visit recently ( I live in New York now ) and of course, she cooked for us. It was a wonderful dish, a favorite of ours; Pollo al Limone. And of course it was delicious, but the meal was wonderful because of what it brought back to me when my Mother cooks.

In the end, it’s not really about the food. But what Mom’s cooking is really, if you think about it, is love served on a plate. Corny, but isn’t it true.

As with many things, it’s really only when all that wonderfulness is behind you and years later, looking back, that you realize what a beautiful thing you had. That’s when the words “Mom’s cooking” really take on the full meaning, and you close your eyes and feel whatever those words mean to you.

When you try to Cook for your Mom


What is the role of the mother in cooking?

The mother is usually responsible for planning and preparing meals. She must plan meals that are attractive to the family, purchase the ingredients and prepare them with the seasoning that characterizes them.

What does it mean to cook like a mother?

THE RESULTING IDEA: Cook Like A Mother. RAGÚ challenged people to Cook Like a Mother (CLAM) — with unflappable swagger and no-sweat confidence — and in doing so, turned a forgotten piece of the brand’s story into an energizing rallying cry for tired cooks everywhere. Regardless of gender.

What is the meaning of mother food?

Noun. Nourishing dishes that evoke nostalgic emotions and provide a sense of solace and satisfaction. comfort food. comforting cuisine. hearty meal.

Does the mother cook or cooks?

My mother cooks delicious food. In the sentence, the subject ‘mother’ is singular. Therefore, it should take the singular verb ‘cooks.

What is a mother sauce?

In the culinary arts, the term “mother sauce” refers to any one of five basic sauces, which are the starting points for making various secondary sauces or “small sauces.” They’re called mother sauces because each one is like the head of its own unique family.

What are’mother sauces’ in French cuisine?

In French cuisine, “mother sauces” are a set of five fundamental sauces that form the basis for many other sauces. These sauces are called “mother sauces” because they are the starting point for a wide variety of other sauces and dishes.

Why are mother sauces so popular?

The reason mother sauces have stood the test of time is that they are incredibly versatile and provide the basic foundation on which you can build dozens of other sauces. For example, if you add diced shallots, white wine or vinegar, tarragon and peppercorns to Hollandaise sauce, you have a derivative known as béarnaise sauce.

What is a mother sauce flow chart?

By mastering the art of these five mother sauces, a chef can create an endless variety of delicious dishes. A mother sauce flow chart is a visual representation of the relationship between the five mother sauces in French cuisine and the smaller sauces that can be created from them.

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