why dont my soy candles smell strong

Learn how to make candles smell stronger and get the best scent throw possible from your homemade candles with these tips!

Keep the size of the wick normal: The size of the wick can also affect the scent throw of the candle. So be sure to keep the wick size medium; neither too long nor too short. We hope that these tips will help in making the soy candles smell stronger.
why dont my soy candles smell strong

At first I was a little stumped because a couple of the fragrances she mentioned were ones that I have had great scent throw with, but I did not buy mine from the same fragrance suppliers that she had listed above. In fact the only one of those suppliers I’ve bought fragrance oils from is Natures Garden and I think I only have 2 fragrances from them. So after much thought and then finding that I did have one fragrance oil on hand that she had listed, I made my own test batch of soy wax melts using votive wax and also another using container wax. I tested the Muscadine Grape and after letting them sit for 24 hours, I test melted one in two different burners. Sure enough, no scent throw!

So this is the email I got back from her after she received her sample and made some tarts with it:

I was so happy to be able to help her out with this! It made my day! This is why I started this website, because I love helping people. If you have a question or problem with your soy candles, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am here to help, or at least try. I’ve made successful soy candles for several years and I remember what it was like when I first started out and had to dig and dig for answers.

So anyway, I decided to send her a 2oz sample of my Crushed Strawberry and Rhubarb from Candle Cocoon since that one has a very strong throw and you just can’t go wrong with it!

So we emailed back and forth, me asking what fragrances she was using in order to determine if the fragrances might be the problem since some fragrances just don’t give off much hot scent throw, and some don’t do well in soy wax. Although, with melts this is not usually as much as a problem as with wick candles because the melts or tarts melt down all the way releasing the fragrance more freely. So from what she told me, she was heating the wax and cooling it just fine, pouring at the right temp, stirring completely and all that.

Mistake 2: Low-Quality Fragrance Oils

why dont my soy candles smell strong

When I first started making candles I ordered the cheapest fragrance oils I could find on Etsy. They sounded natural with a name like “Plant Guru”. They even claimed they were “premium grade”.

But when they arrived I was disappointed to find that most of them reminded me of the stinky perfumed potpourri they used to put in ladies’ restrooms when I was a kid. Ick!

And when I tried burning the candles I’d made with them, there was barely any scent at all (which I suppose was a blessing because they reeked anyway!). It turns out this is a common problem, and you can’t fix it by simply adding more fragrance oil (more on this below).

Why don’t my soy candles smell strong?


Why do my soy wax candles not smell?

When the wax is not at a hot enough temperature, the fragrance may not go into solution and some of it may settle to the bottom of your pouring pitcher or candle. This can cause a poor or inconsistent scent throw.

Why is the scent of my candle not strong?

It hasn’t been burning long enough Confession time: I used to think that burning candles for a short while was enough. Turns out, you need to burn them for at least two hours! A full melt pool ensures that the scent is strong enough to create a cozy atmosphere.

How do you add scent to soy candles?

To scent our wax, we’re going to weigh out 1 oz (28 g) of fragrance oil to give us a 6% fragrance load. We recommend starting out with 6%, but you may find you want to adjust that as you continue. Once the wax hits 185°F, we add the fragrance then remove the pitcher from the heat. We’ll stir gently for about 2 minutes.

Are soy candles less fragrant?

Soy candles smell really good and last a long time. They’re different from regular candles because they’re made from soybean oil, which burns slowly and cleanly, so the scent lasts a while. What makes them even better is that they use high-quality plant oils like lavender or vanilla for a natural and calming smell.

Why do my candles smell so bad?

Using too much or too little fragrant oil with a particular wax can cause premature scent dissipation, a top reason why your candles don’t smell strongly enough. Fragrance load is the percentage of fragrant oil in your total mixture. You can calculate a fragrance load by dividing ounces of fragrant oil by ounces of wax.

What are the bad effects of soy?

There are no negative effects of consuming soy, unless it is genetically modified. On the other hand, children under five years of age should avoid soy and its derivatives. There products contain isoflavores which are phytochemicals with hormonal-like effects.

Do candles smell strong?

A thicker candle wax requires more heat and time for the melted wax to release the fragrance oils into the air. When burning small candles with wax that does not blend well with oils, you may never smell the candle’s fragrance, depending on the size of the room. Why Don’t Candles Smell Strong?

Is soy wax good for candle making?

As you may know, soy wax is now the most popular wax for candle making, especially among DIY candle makers. If you’re choosing candles from a handmade candle store, I bet you must have been advertised with the clean-burning, natural and healthy soy wax candles.

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