how do you make a potato scrub

Apart from being simply delicious, potato is known to be a great ingredient for your skin too. From dark circles to dark spots, potato is a one-stop solution for almost all your skin-related woes. Potatoes are enriched with the goodness of vitamin C, vitamin B, and other essential nutrients. You can either mash it, grate it, or use its juice in skincare. No matter how you use it, your skin will thank you for the nutrients.

You can either add potatoes into your homemade face packs and homemade face scrubs or apply its juice directly on your skin. But before you start using it, here’s everything you need to know about the benefits of potato juice for your skin.

For Exfoliation All you have to do is add half a grated potato to oatmeal and milk — half a teaspoon of each — and scrub your face (gently) with the concoction for about ten minutes before washing it off.
how do you make a potato scrub

Potato Juice On Face Helps For Brightening Complexion

Potatoes are enriched with the goodness of iron which brightens your skin tone, leaving it healthy and radiant.

Lemon & Potato Face Pack

Both lemon and potato have astringent properties and can brighten your skin. The vitamin C present in both ingredients can help remove dead skin cells and unclog your pores. This mask can also combat acne.


  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Peel Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Potato Juice

How To Make:

  • Mix the two ingredients to form a 2-in-1 scrub mask.
  • Gently massage the paste on your face and leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash your face with cold water.

How To Make Potato FACE Cream To Clear Dark Spots & Lighten The Skin (Clear Stubborn Pigmentation)


How long does potato take to remove dark spots?

i rub Potato on my face & it removed my Dark spots and hyperpigmentation in 30 days. Potato helps to remove dark spots and hyper pigmentation. you can also use potato ice cubes to remove dark spots and close large open pores.

Does potato remove dead skin?

You can easily use potatoes to remove dead skin from your face and fight dark spots. Using potato for dark spots is super-easy. Grate half a potato and mix it with 2-3 pinches of turmeric powder. Mix the ingredients well before applying it on your face to combat dark spots.

How do you apply potatoes to your skin?

* Gently rub the potato slices on the affected areas of your skin for a few minutes. * Allow the potato juice to dry on your skin for about 10-15 minutes. * Rinse off with lukewarm water. * Repeat this process twice a day for a few weeks to achieve desired results.

How do you clean potatoes with a scrubbing tool?

Using a circular motion, scrub potatoes with a vegetable scrubber or vegetable brush. You can also use a kitchen scrub brush, exfoliating gloves, or a kitchen towel, as long as they’re clean. If your scrubbing tool becomes dirty while you’re cleaning the potatoes, rinse it in cold water

How can potato help in tan removal?

Potato is one of the best home remedies for tanned skin. The catecholates is found in them and it lightens the skin tone. Azelaic acid is a natural skin lightening agent that found in potato.

How to scrub potatoes without a potato brush?

However, suppose you’re wondering how to scrub a potato without a potato brush. Another option is to keep a clean rough-textured cloth or scouring pad on hand to scrub potatoes. In that case, you could also use a clean kitchen towel. Don’t use any soap or cleaning products to clean the potato!

Can you use a vegetable scrubber on potatoes?

While they’re less likely to have come in contact with pesticides, they’re still just as likely to hold dirt or bacteria. Ideally, you will have a vegetable brush or vegetable scrubber on hand to scrub potatoes before using them. The best potato scrubber will have firm but flexible bristles ( this one is our favorite!).

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