how do you preserve fresh kumquats

The month of May is all about nourishing our bellies and our souls here at The Lunchbox Season! And here are four amazing ingredients which, when “preserved” together, make a delicious flavouring for your tagines, stews and roasts, your salad dressings, and your bevvies: Salt, Kumquats, Cinnamon and Cardamom

Ever since our trip to California in March, we have been crazy for Kumquats! We ate them by the handful at the farmer’s markets there. Here in Toronto, however, the little gems are hard to find, and expensive, too. Hence, the hoarding impulse….Since we love to use preserved lemons in our cooking, we decided that preserved kumquats would be a lovely, wonderful alternative seasoning for some of our favourite dishes. They were super easy to make! Just watch!1 Preserved Kumquat DIY 2 Preserved Kumquat DIY 3 Preserved Kumquat DIY 4 Preserved Kumquat DIY 5 Preserved Kumquat DIY 6 Preserved Kumquat DIY 7 Preserved Kumquat DIY

Now, wait a few weeks, and, Ta-da! Preserved Kumquats! So far, we’ve added them to a lamb roast, a lentil currry, and our beloved Resurrection Chicken [our take on Dori Greenspan’s Chicken in a Pot.] And, just yesterday, I blitzed two into a vinaigrette. You can also rinse and drop one or two of these babies into a glass of sparkling water! Or, for a tea, muddle two rinsed preserved kumquats in a cup and add hot water and honey. [Bourbon will make this a cold- and flu-buster royale!!]

how do you preserve fresh kumquats

I’d just finished making a batch of preserved lemons and shared a few photos on Facebook and came across a comment from reader David Kellet who mentioned how he’d also kept kumquats in addition to lemons. I must admit that I’ve candied kumquats in sugar syrup before but never preserved them in salt. David’s idea was brilliant, and I now had something to do with all those kumquats sitting on my little dwarf Nagami tree in the pot outside the house. It was time to make preserved kumquats happen!

Rinse the kumquats under warm running water to dislodge any dirt or debris. Take a clean sterile jar and place it on the counter. Cut the kumquats in half lengthwise and add them to the jar. Add half cup of salt. Press and crush the kumquats down to release as much juice as possible. The kumquats should be completely submerged in the salt and their juices, so press well. The heavier the spoon/ladle, the better. Cover the top with the remaining half cup of salt. If you need more salt, add a few tablespoons (it varies by the size of the jar). Seal the jar tightly with a lid, leave out in a cool and dark spot for 3 days. Shake the jar once every day to recirculate the juices inside the jar. Eventually, the salt will dissolve, and it will draw out even more juice from the fruit halves via osmosis and form a thick salty syrup. After the 3-day mark, store the jar in the refrigerator for at least 6 months. You don’t need to shake the jar anymore, though I like to occasionally for the arm exercise.

The pulp is not eaten (though I’ve seen some commercial brands that say the pulps of their lemons are perfectly edible). It’s too salty IMO, and if rinsed, most of it flows away with the water because it is so soft.

Preserved lemons are an essential staple in my kitchen and in Morocco, the Middle East, and India. In India, lemons are preserved with salt and slices of fresh ginger and left exposed to the sun to cure for at least a month or more; chillies might be added. I sometimes throw in dried herbs or spices, but either way, no matter how you make them, preserved lemons are an excellent ingredient to keep in your kitchens.

This recipe is more of an experiment than a full-fledged recipe, and I’ll share updates on the kumquats as time progresses. I’m curious about the taste and fragrance, but having tasted and cooked with preserved lemons a lot, I’m sure they will be similar but a bit sweeter. There is no real recipe here because this is so simple to put together.

Ever since our trip to California in March, we have been crazy for Kumquats! We ate them by the handful at the farmer’s markets there. Here in Toronto, however, the little gems are hard to find, and expensive, too. Hence, the hoarding impulse….Since we love to use preserved lemons in our cooking, we decided that preserved kumquats would be a lovely, wonderful alternative seasoning for some of our favourite dishes. They were super easy to make! Just watch!1 Preserved Kumquat DIY 2 Preserved Kumquat DIY 3 Preserved Kumquat DIY 4 Preserved Kumquat DIY 5 Preserved Kumquat DIY 6 Preserved Kumquat DIY 7 Preserved Kumquat DIY

The month of May is all about nourishing our bellies and our souls here at The Lunchbox Season! And here are four amazing ingredients which, when “preserved” together, make a delicious flavouring for your tagines, stews and roasts, your salad dressings, and your bevvies: Salt, Kumquats, Cinnamon and Cardamom

Now, wait a few weeks, and, Ta-da! Preserved Kumquats! So far, we’ve added them to a lamb roast, a lentil currry, and our beloved Resurrection Chicken [our take on Dori Greenspan’s Chicken in a Pot.] And, just yesterday, I blitzed two into a vinaigrette. You can also rinse and drop one or two of these babies into a glass of sparkling water! Or, for a tea, muddle two rinsed preserved kumquats in a cup and add hot water and honey. [Bourbon will make this a cold- and flu-buster royale!!]

Kumquat Preserves/How to make it Perfect!


What can I do with too many kumquats?

Using your kumquats: They can be used raw, too: Finely chopped and added to green or whole grain salads, kumquats offer the brightness of freshly grated zest. And when sliced and mixed with other winter citrus, they impart a lovely flavor to cocktails, mocktails, and punch.

What is the best way to store kumquats?

How to store fresh kumquats. Similar to oranges, they last for a few days kept in the kitchen fruit bowl. If kept in a sealed container, they can last up to two weeks in the fridge. Since 80% of their weight is from water, they’re incredibly hydrating to eat will begin shrivel within a week out of the fridge.

Can you freeze kumquats?

Yes, kumquats can be frozen for long-term storage. Wash and dry the fruit before placing it in a freezer-safe container or bag. Thawed kumquats can be used in recipes or enjoyed as a snack.

How long do kumquats stay fresh?

Once you bring your kumquats home, you can leave them at room temperature (but out of direct sunlight) for two to three days. If you’re not planning to use them immediately, place them in the crisper in your refrigerator for up to two weeks. Kumquats also freeze well for up to six months.

How do you store kumquats after harvesting?

Put them in a plastic bag or airtight container and keep them in the produce drawer of your fridge. After harvesting kumquats, if you have more kumquats than you can eat or share with neighbors you may want to preserve some of the harvest to use later.

How do you eat preserved kumquats?

In fact, the peels are the most flavorful and aromatic part of kumquats. Serve preserved kumquats alongside coffee or desserts, or in the bottom of a glass of champagne. They are also amazing dipped in melted chocolate. Gather the ingredients. Wash the kumquat fruits.

How do you cook fresh kumquats?

Scrub your kumquats under cold water to remove any leftover pesticide or dirt. Pat them dry. Combine 2 parts water and 1 part sugar in a low-heated saucepan and bring the mixture to a low boil until all of the sugar is dissolved. Allow the syrup to reach room temperature to prevent accidentally cooking your fresh kumquats.

How do you sanitize kumquats in a mason jar?

Sanitize a quart-sized mason jar with boiling water. Chop your kumquats in half, and toss them in some of the salt. Place a layer of the kumquats, cut side down, inside the jar. Sprinkle with a little salt, and add the next layer of kumquats, pressing down firmly. Repeat, until all the kumquats are in the jar.

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