what month are cherries ready to pick

Do you love fresh cherries? If so, youre in luck! Learn about the different types, when they are in season, tips on how to pit and store your cherries, and some great recipes that you can try! Whether youre looking for information on cherry harvest season or recipes with this delicious fruit, youve come to the right place!

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Cherry season is typically during the months of May to July. However, sweet cherries and sour cherries are harvested at different times. Read on to find out more about when specific types of cherries are in season, and great recipes to use those cherries in. Sweet cherries are typically harvested earlier in the season, while sour cherries are harvested a bit later.

These are the most popular type of cherries. They are large and have a sweet, sometimes slightly tart flavor. Sweet cherries are usually eaten fresh, but can also be used in pies, jams, and other desserts. Sweet cherry production is from different parts of the world, including Europe, North America, and Asia. The season for sweet cherries usually runs from late May to July.

Here are some varieties of sweet cherries that you may find at store shelves in your local grocery store or farmer’s markets.

These deep red cherries are a cultivar of sweet cherry from the Pacific Northwest (specifically, Milwaukie, Oregon). Bing cherries are the most popular type of sweet cherries, and have a high sugar content and are often used in pies and other desserts.

They are grown all along the West Coast of North America – from Oregon, Washington, and California to Wisconsin and British Columbia (in Canada). They are available in the stores from May to late August.

Cherry Season by US State

U.S. State
Cherry Season
New York
June, July
North Carolina
May, June, July
North Dakota
July, August
June, July

what month are cherries ready to pick

How to Pit Cherries

You cant really talk this much about cherries without talking about how to pit them. As much as I love cherries, I dont love pitting them manually. I love using this cherry pitter than can pit multiple cherries at once (and also own this single cherry pitter).

However, if you dont have one of those handy, heres a quick and easy guide on how to pit cherries by hand.

Youll need:

  • A sharp knife
  • A cutting board
  • A bowl or plate

First, wash your cherries. You dont want any extra dirt or bacteria on them. Next, take your knife and cut the cherries in half. You can do this by cutting around the stem.

Once theyre cut in half, twist the two halves in opposite directions to separate them. If the pit doesnt come out easily, you can use the tip of your knife to help pry it out. Finally, put the pitted cherries in your bowl or plate and enjoy!

When Is Cherry Season by State?

If youre wondering when cherries are in season in your state, here is a table showing the state and peak cherry season. Just Ctrl + F to find yours!

Cherry Season Cherry Season
Alabama June, July
Alaska June, July
Arizona June
Arkansas June, July
Northern California April, May, June, July
Southern California April, May, June, July
Colorado June, July, August, September, October
Connecticut June, July
Delaware June, July
North Florida June, July
South Florida June, July
Georgia June
Hawaii June, July
Idaho July, August
Illinois May, June, July
Indiana June, July
Iowa June, July
Kansas May, June, July
Kentucky June, July
Louisiana June, July
Maine June, July
Maryland June, July
Massachusetts June
Michigan June, July, August
Minnesota June, July
Mississippi June, July
Missouri May, June, July
Montana July, August
Nebraska June, July
Nevada June
New Hampshire June, July
New Jersey June
New Mexico July
New York June, July
North Carolina May, June, July
North Dakota July, August
Ohio June, July
Oklahoma June, July
Oregon June, July
Pennsylvania June, July
Rhode Island June, July
South Carolina June, July
South Dakota June, July
Tennessee June, July
Texas June, July
Utah June, July, August
Vermont June, July
Virginia May, June, July, August
Washington June, July, August
Washington DC June, July
West Virginia June, July
Wisconsin June, July
Wyoming June, July

Picking cherries is a seasonal activity that generally only lasts a few weeks. Cherries often dont last long after being picked – typically, 5-7 days if kept in the fridge, but this can be extended to around two weeks if they are stored in a cool place like a cellar.

Cherry picking season typically starts in the mid of April and lasts until July. However, the specific dates can vary depending on various factors such as weather conditions, location, and the types of cherries that you are growing.

When you start seeing cherry blossoms, its time to start thinking about cherry picking! The best cherry-picking season depends on the type of cherry that you have, but typically, it is best picked from the beginning of June until July.

More than 300 million pounds of cherries are grown in the United States each year. Cherries are widely cultivated in the Northwest and in Michigan. Other states with large commercial cherry production include California, Pennsylvania, New York, and Oregon.

How to pick cherries properly


What month are cherries the sweetest?

Sweet cherries, including the popular Bing and Rainier varieties, are available from May to August. Sour, or tart cherries have a much shorter growing season, and can be found for a week or two, usually during the middle of June in warmer areas and as late as July and August in colder regions.

What month is the month of cherries ripening?

But when do cherries ripen? Among commercially-grown fruits, it’s common knowledge that cherries are the last trees to bloom and the first to harvest. So for most cherry crops in the area, harvest season starts from mid-April to late July.

What time of year are cherries picked?

The Sweetest Six Weeks of Summer As you can see in this timeline, California Cherry season typically extends from mid-May through June.

When are cherries ready to pick?

First, it’s important to understand the different types of cherry varieties. Sweet cherries, like Bing, Rainier, and Royal Ann, are usually ready to harvest in late June and early July. Sour cherries, such as Montmorency and Morello, are typically ready to pick in late June and early July as well.

What is the best time to take cherry extract?

Cherry extract can be used to promote healthy sleep, so it is recommended to take it after eating and before going to sleep. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

When is the best time to pick cherry blossoms?

When you start seeing cherry blossoms, it’s time to start thinking about cherry picking! The best cherry-picking season depends on the type of cherry that you have, but typically, it is best picked from the beginning of June until July.

When is the best time to buy fresh cherry?

While summer is undoubtedly the best time for fresh-cherry lovers due to seasonal availability and great pricing opportunities – there may still be chances available later in the year too! If you’re craving some juicy reds or deep purples outside cherry harvest seasons (May-August), don’t fret!

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