what soda tastes most like beer

Welcome back to FTW’s Beverage of the Week series. Here, we mostly chronicle and review beers, but happily expand that scope to any beverage that pairs well with sports. Yes, even cookie dough whiskey.

Full sugar sodas have become a special treat for me akin to fancy scotch or a nice steak. They’re awesome, but since I’ve no longer got the metabolism of a teenager and there’s already a steady slice of my diet reserved for beer-related calories I typically just default to whatever artificially sweetened diet or “zero” options are at hand.

The one exception is root beer. I’m fortunate enough to live in Wisconsin, which has not only great beers but incredible sodas. Standing atop that landscape is Sprecher, whose founder needed to brew something for kids touring his facilities with their parents to sip on and stumbled into a soft drink empire. Sprecher makes some S-tier beverages — their Puma Kola and Orange Dream are rich and satisfying — but the company’s bread and butter is its fire brewed, honey sweetened root beer.

This put Parlor, a new craft soda brand backed by a handful of music business veterans, on my radar for this column. It also gave the startup a high bar to clear. Would their full sugar lineup of soft drinks be worth the 170 calorie toll per bottle? Could they bring birch beer back?

what soda tastes most like beer

Root beer: B+

what soda tastes most like beer

The first sip belies the smoothness of cane sugar and light carbonation inside. There’s a little bubbling when it hits your tongue, but mostly you get a creamy concoction that lets the flavor inside shine through. It’s sweet but not overpowering, with vanilla and almost minty root tastes working in concert to create a full-bodied drink. It maintains that profile whether poured into a glass or straight out of the bottle.

I’m picky with my root beers, because I live in a state with a bunch of good ones. I’m even pickier with full sugar sodas, because I drink beer for a living and need to cut calories where I can lest I begin to look like I’m in my second trimester. But Parlor’s root beer lives up to the craft soda hype, striking a proper balance between tastes without going overboard on the sweetness or natural earthy flavors.

But I need backup on this taste test. And since I’ve finally got a beverage I can share, let’s see what my daughter thinks.

A five-year-old’s review: “Mmmmh. Have I had root beer before? It’s really good. My taste buds like it. I just love the flavor, that’s it.”

Butterscotch root beer: A

what soda tastes most like beer

It tastes … oh man, it tastes awesome. The extra carbonation is a welcome addition and the butterscotch, as overpowering as it might have seemed from the smell, plays into the creaminess of the original root beer to make a rich drink that, again, takes advantage of that full sugar base. It still smells a little funky when you bring it up to your lips, but that funk works in its favor once it’s on your tongue.

Drinking from the bottle mutes some of that strong scotch-y smell but doesn’t mess with the equilibrium of “grandpa’s candy” and the original beer covered above. I’ve never had a soda like this — I’d never *heard* of a soda like this — and I’m happy to announce it rules.

A five-year-old’s review: “I don’t like it. It doesn’t taste like the regular one.” (when asked if she’d like to try again, she simply replies “mmm mmm,” runs away and tells no one in particular how good the first one was).

Which Snack Tastes Most Like The Real Soda?


What tastes similar to beer?

Ginger beer has the closest taste for sure. Back when I’d just been in hospital and had to avoid alcohol for 6 weeks, diet ginger ale was my favorite drink.

What non alcoholic drink tastes most like beer?

Beck’s 0.0 Beck’s non-alcoholic beer has a similar flavor profile to Beck’s beer. So if you like Beck’s beer, then you’ll probably enjoy this one. I found it to have a very distinct Beck’s flavor. Mouth-feel is also very much like a regular beer (not overly watery or weak tasting).

What soda looks most like beer?

Order a ginger ale to look like beer. Ask for a ginger ale, without ice, in a pint glass to make it appear like a draft beer.

What does soda taste like?

People tend to either love them or hate them, but either way, their soda often easily tastes the closest to the fruit emblazoned on the bottle. Sampling this soda is like drinking a high-quality, minimally carbonated, very fragrant apple cider.

What is the healthiest carbonated beverage one can drink?

The healthiest type of carbonated beverage is unflavored and unsweetened sparkling water. For example, Perrier and Pellegrino, are carbonated natural spring waters.

What does apple taste like in soda?

Apples range from pucker-tart to honey-sweet, so we expected a similar range with the sodas. Overall apple flavor: Apples differ significantly from one variety to the next, so as with the sweetness factor, we didn’t have one particular “apple” flavor in mind when we set out on this tasting.

Does Coca-cola taste like Pepsi?

Coca-Cola blew past Pepsi and squeaked past a darn good generic to take the top spot in this test. Coke got high marks for its just-perfect carbonation, nice sweet flavor, and overall refreshing quality. This is how cola is supposed to taste. (By the way—did you know Mexican Coke tastes different than American Coke?)

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