how do you know when tuna steaks are done

grilled tuna steakTuna is one of the most prized fish in the sea. It has intense flavors that are just right for seafood enthusiasts, making it one of the most delectable treats you can get in a restaurant. If you don’t want to wait for a special occasion to eat tuna, you can learn to make grilled tuna steak at home instead.

Grilling fish like tuna isn’t for the novice griller, however. Fish can be very delicate, no matter how you cook it. If you’ve grilled before, you know that it’s not difficult for a grilling session to go wrong.

Still, learning to cook tuna on the grill isn’t impossible – and we’re here to walk you through it.

If they’re not marinated, brush the tuna steaks with melted butter or olive oil, and season as desired. Bake for 4 to 6 minutes per ½-inch thickness of fish or until fish begins to flake when tested with a fork but is still pink in the center.
how do you know when tuna steaks are done

Spicy Garlic Grilled Tuna Steak

Do you enjoy a spicier taste for your tuna? Try a spicy garlic grilled tuna steak recipe that adds a bit of zing to the mild fish. Spices like cumin, cayenne pepper, and red chili pepper flakes can kick your tuna up a notch and excite your palate. Add some fresh garlic for an extra kick.

Want to go even spicer? Mince jalapeno peppers and sprinkle them over the finished product.

Prepare the Tuna Steak

Preparing tuna steak is easy, especially if you’ve already gotten them cut properly by a butcher. The key to getting your tuna ready for the grill is to dry it off thoroughly first. Use paper towels to dab along the fish, soaking up any liquid on all sides. This process keeps the liquid from causing flare-ups on the grill and allows you to get a good sear on the outside.

You can then add a little olive oil or vegetable oil, salt, and pepper to your tuna steaks. Now is the time to also add any other spices you prefer on your tuna, like a sprinkle of fresh thyme, fresh ginger, or a splash of lemon. Mix the spices together in a small bowl before adding them to the tuna to ensure that you get an even covering.

Adding olive oil or vegetable to the fish allows the spices and herbs to stick to the surface better. It’s also a good idea to add some oil to your grill grates before heating it up to prevent your tuna steaks from sticking. Alternatively, you can cook the tuna on a grill pan if you’re worried that your worn-out grates might pull apart your fish.

Now, heat the grill to medium-high. Make sure it’s hot enough before putting grilling the tuna. You can check the temperature by hovering your hand over the grates (safely away from flames!) for a couple of seconds. You should feel intense heat right above the grates.

How to Cook Tuna Steak | Jamie Oliver


How long does tuna steak take to cook?

Brush the tuna steaks lightly with oil, and season. Put the tuna steaks into a heated frying pan over a high heat and allow to cook for 1-2 mins, depending on how thick the tuna steaks are. Turn the tuna over and cook for 1-2 mins on the other side.

What Colour should tuna steak be when cooked?

The fish should be opaque on the outside but slightly pink in the middle.

Can tuna steak be pink in the middle?

Just like a beef steak, tuna steak can be served from extremely rare to well done. Consider cooking times depending on how you prefer your tuna to be served. The centre of the steak should still be pink – be careful not to overcook it or the fish will be dry.

Can you undercook tuna steak?

NON SUSHI GRADE Tuna is OK to eat tune blue-rare, but salmon is best rare-medium rare and white fish should be cooked medium-well done. All fish is safe to eat COMPLETLY raw if it is sushi grade.

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